Babylonian Empire

Page 66

Now, it is heard that he has shot down a Tomcat, so if the merits and demerits are balanced, at least he can handle it easily.

Then came the news that Arslan had been shot down. Everyone was a little bit sorry, especially the high-ranking officials who had friendship with Arslan's father felt sorry for him being shot down.

Saddam didn't show any expression, he was always listening to the war situation, and was always thinking.

Finally, the Iranian plane left, and Baghdad regained its calm. Fire trucks were dispatched quickly to extinguish the fires caused by bombing everywhere.

It was a grand welcome ceremony, but it was disrupted by a few uninformed Iranian planes.

"Qusay, even the Persian planes are here to celebrate you." Saddam finally returned to normal.

Abid quickly said: "Your Excellency, the Air Force has failed to do its duty this time and let the other side's plane drop bombs on our capital. We..."

Saddam waved his hand, his expression was like chasing away a fly.

Abid immediately shut up.

"Father, our air force did not perform well this time. Relying on the air defense force can never guarantee the absolute safety of our own side. Only the courage to attack and wipe out the opponent outside the border is the most correct choice for us." Zhang Feng said: "Although our current equipment is not enough to deal with the Persian Panda fighter jets, Second Lieutenant Arslan may have given us a chance. We should bring Arslan back and let him introduce him. how it was done."

Saddam heard that his son admired Arslan so much, but he was unmoved: "This Arslan has resisted the order once, right?"

"Well, there have been a few times, but this time Arslan took down the tomcat..." Abid said hastily when he heard what the president said.

"No matter what great achievements he has made this time, in short, he has repeatedly disobeyed orders and must be dealt with seriously. Our military discipline regulations are not for people to see, but for all soldiers to abide by." Saddam Hussein Said coldly.

"Yes, our Air Force will definitely deal with this matter seriously," Abed said.

Saddam looked at Qusay, full of fatherly kindness.Qu Sai, although you have made great achievements several times, you are still young after all, and there are some things that you will not understand now.As a president, the most important thing is to firmly control the army and master military power. Arslan is capable and loyal, but he does not strictly follow orders. Such a person is definitely not a good sign in the army. It must be stopped.

Over the past few decades, Iraq has been in turmoil, and the army has been the vanguard of almost every insurgency.

In 1932, Iraq declared independence from British colonial rule and was ruled by the pro-Western Faisal dynasty. However, since independence, for decades, there have been civil wars, mutinies, uprisings and an average of twice a year cabinet changes.

In the spring of 1957, Brigadier General Karim Kasem, commander of the No.20 brigade, led the "Freedom Officers Organization", formed the Supreme Committee, formulated the uprising program, and at 1958 o'clock in the morning on July 7, 14, the troops were divided into three At the same time, he launched an attack on the palace, the prime minister's office and the radio station.King Faisal II, Crown Prince Abdul-Ilah and other members of the royal family, as well as Prime Minister Saeed, were all shot to death. The Faisal dynasty perished and the Republic of Iraq was finally born.

However, after the coup was successful, the "Revolutionary Steering Committee" proposed before the revolution was never established. After Kassem came to power, he continued to implement political dictatorship. . The 10 years of turmoil began.

The Baath Party launched a struggle against Qassem. At this time, Saddam joined the Baath Party and carried out the assassination of Qassem, but the operation failed and was forced to flee to Cairo.

Ahmed Hassan-Bakr, a Baathist, was the revolutionary leader of the 1958 coup, and then lurked in the political fǔ as the commander of the barracks. After planning, he launched a coup on February 1963, 2 and overthrew the Qassem regime. fǔ, execute the dictatorial Kassem.The Qassem regime collapsed.

However, in less than half a year, the Arab Ba'ath Party broke out again, and Arif, a non-Baath Party member who served as president, took the opportunity to stage a coup and take over the regime.After Arif came to power, he suppressed his political opponents.The Baath Party went underground again.

Until 1968 a.m. on July 7, 17, under the unified leadership of Hassan-Bakr, Saddam and Razak-Nayef organized a coup force to launch a tank attack on the presidential palace, ending the long-term struggle of the Arif regime. 3 years reign.Arif was ordered to retire.

After decades of hard work, the Ba'ath Party's goal of controlling both the military and the government has finally been achieved.

At this time, Hassan was already old, and his health took a turn for the worse. A few years later, the regime fell into the hands of Saddam Hussein.

Starting from the bottom, Saddam, who has experienced countless turmoil, of course knows that in this world, strong force is the most important, and the army that obeys orders is the most important. Hold your position.

Moreover, he still has lofty ideals.

Zhang Feng knew that directly contradicting Saddam Hussein was the most stupid thing. In his previous life, he knew too much about thick and black learning.

"Father, this time the Iranian Air Force dispatched during the day and directly bombed our capital, it must be in retaliation for us killing one of their armored divisions in the swamp, so we must be vigilant to prevent the Persians from counterattacking." Zhang Feng avoided After talking about the topic just now, he then mentioned the important purpose of his trip.

ps: First, correct a mistake. Due to a typo, all "pandas" should be "tomcats". I will definitely pay attention to this problem in the future.

&nyour's tip and Facis's two update tickets.

Third, I'm very sorry, Huadong Zhixiong is a "glorious" people's teacher, who has been skipping classes for the past few days, but was found out by the leader yesterday, and the whole school circulated a notice of criticism, what a shame!Therefore, I have to restrain myself recently, and I can’t skip work all the time. Therefore, sometimes, there may not be enough time to code words. However, I try to keep two updates every day.

The middle school and elementary school teachers are very carefree, but the high school teachers are the most tiring. I have a little complaint. It has been a month without a break. Classes are held normally on Saturdays and Sundays.

Chapter 74 The Persians counterattack?

Chapter 74 The Persians counterattack? ——

Persian counterattack?Saddam asked: "Qusay, how do you know that the Persians will fight back?"

Zhang Feng cleared his throat, knowing that his chance had finally come: "Father, we caught the Persians by surprise last year, and their cleaning operation made the army lose their combat effectiveness, so we started fighting smoothly, but , Since the beginning of this year, the war situation has fallen into a stalemate, because Iran has slowed down, and their army is regrouping:. "

Adnan was startled. He knew that Qusay was telling the truth, but if he said that, would he make the President unhappy?You know, the president doesn't like to hear such remarks.

Unexpectedly, Saddam was not unhappy. He looked at Qusay and said, "Go on."

"Obviously, Iran has released many political prisoners, especially the grassroots commanders of the purged army. Father, an army, the level of combat capability is directly determined by the level of grassroots commanders in their army. Iran is Under the leadership of Khomeini, they are gradually reorganizing their forces in an attempt to counterattack locally."

"Then where do you think will be the breakthrough of the Iranian army?"

"Father, the Iranians' sneak attack from the Susan Gild area this time is a very obvious signal. Their next step is to counterattack from Abadan!" Zhang Feng said.

"It seems that my own brother really knows how to guess. Now that we have surrounded Abadan like an iron barrel, the other party will attack from here? Qusay, all of this is your imagination, or do you know that Homer Ni's thoughts?" Uday said "sincerely".

"Allah is above," Zhang Feng said: "As a commander, analyzing all kinds of intelligence, obtaining useful information from it, and judging the enemy's movements are the qualities that must be possessed. My dear brother, you are only in charge of physical education now." , Of course I don’t understand these things, but fathers and uncles must be very clear about it. "Search for the fastest watch"

"You!" A cold light flashed in Uday's eyes. This kind of naked ridicule made him very unbearable. He Uday was not afraid of anyone in Iraq, and naturally he was not afraid of this younger brother who threatened him.

Not understanding military affairs is a pain that Uday will never avoid. When it comes to playing with women and torturing prisoners, he is the best at commanding wars. He really has no such skills.

Director of Intelligence Barzan said: "Indeed, in fact, in war, as long as we analyze all kinds of intelligence, we can guess the enemy's motives. If the opponent wants to open it from Abadan, he will definitely gather a large-scale army in Ahvaz in the rear. The army, all kinds of fuel, ammunition, etc. will be continuously transported, and we can detect them, and we can also get satellite images of friendly countries."

After the start of the Iran-Iraq War, the United States, for various purposes, whenever there was a large-scale operation in Iran, it would timely transfer several satellite images through the embassy to help Iraq.

"Qusay, how did you analyze that the Iranians will counterattack from Abadan?" Adnan asked.

How do I know? Of course I know. The Iranians have been driving the Iraqi army out of Iran since Abadan. I know this best. Although Zhang Feng knows the trend of the war, he absolutely cannot say that. Came from time travel?Who will believe these words?

"War is a continuation of politics." Zhang Feng said, "Father, if I say so, there is no problem, right?"

Saddam looked at his son with admiration and said such philosophical words.Resisting Khomeini's export revolution and maintaining one's own rule is an important reason, but another reason is also very important.

"Yes, fighting for no reason is the behavior of the most stupid leaders. We fight for the survival of our Iraq." Saddam said.

"Our main strategic goal is to seize control of the Shatt al-Arab and occupy its outlet. The Shatt al-Arab is the only waterway leading to the Gulf, and our economy relies almost entirely on exporting oil as its backbone. Only through the Persian Gulf oil can we It can be continuously exported to the outside world. Originally, the entire waterway is its territory, and the boundary river is bounded by the shallow water line on the Iranian side. However, the shameful Iranians have been encroaching on our land, so we can only obtain it by fighting. The outlet to the sea we want. We take Khorramshahr and Abadan, and include the southwestern corner of Khuzestan province as our own territory, so that we have enough access to the sea, and then take Khorramshahr and Abadan. Port Meni, our oil export, will no longer be restricted," Zhang Feng said.

When he first formulated the battle plan, his son had no access to any content. Now, he was able to say all of his strategic goals. Saddam felt more and more satisfied with Qusay.

"Yes," Lieutenant General Hazraj said, "Originally in March 1975, under the mediation of Algeria, we reached the "Algiers Agreement" with Iran. The water border between the two countries; Iran agreed to stop supporting the Kurdish anti-government forces in our territory, and promised to allocate 3 square kilometers of land within the land border to us, but the transfer of Iran’s territory did not materialize afterwards. We suffered shameful deception. Therefore, we Now it's just about getting back what we deserve."

"Although we have besieged Abadan for a year, we have not been able to defeat it," Zhang Feng said. "For Iran, we can only complete our established combat missions with a quick victory. Now, we have fought for a long time." Iran has already recovered from the war, and their goal is to relieve Abadan, take back Khorramshahr, and then occupy our Fao, completely turning us into a landlocked country."

"Do you think the Persians have this ability?" Saddam said, his face slightly displeased.

This effect is what Zhang Feng wants. Zhang Feng succeeded in exaggerating the serious consequences of the matter, which is naturally to pave the way for the following content: "By Allah, the shameless Persian conspiracy must not be allowed to succeed, but the Persian We have gathered enough strength to cross the Karun River in vain and wipe out our army, we must remain vigilant and crush Khomeini's plot," Zhang Feng said. "Father, I have an idea."

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