Babylonian Empire

Page 61

So, he signed the order to arrest Abel Hassan without hesitation. How did Abel command the army?How can this be possible without a single decent victory?

What surprised him even more was that Rajawi, the division commander who escaped back, dared to attack the members of the Revolutionary Guards!The corpses all over the ground, the Revolutionary Guards, symbolize his dignity and are absolutely inviolable!

He ordered a large number of members of the Revolutionary Guards to start a search for the whereabouts of Abel Hassan and Rajawi, who had been identified as traitors to the Iranian revolution.

At the same time, he also ordered the air force to retaliate against Iraq!

An armored division has been disabled, if I don't have a decent record, how can I comfort the entire Iranian people?

Iran's Eagles were dispatched again, this time taking off a squadron of F-14 Panda fighter jets, two squadrons of F-4 Phantom fighter jets, and two squadrons of F-5 Tiger fighter jets, with a total of 20 aircraft. This is already what they can dispatch At the limit, except for the necessary guarding of the airspace, they can only dispatch these planes. When the Iran-Iraq war first started, the powerful air force was already strong on the outside and capable on the inside.

Except for the four F-14 air superiority mounts, the rest of the fighters are all loaded with bombs, ready to carry out ground bombing. The target of this bombing is Baghdad!

Although there are not many fighter planes, there are four pandas, and this flying formation is fearless.

Pandas, in the sky of the Middle East, are like gods!

Before crossing the Iran-Iraq border, the formation encountered two MiG formations that came to block it. "Search to see the fastest"

When the panda turned on the powerful radar, the opponent's MiG flew away in a desperate manner.

Under this sky, any plane encountering a panda has only one result, that is, being shot down!


Variable-sweep wing technology is an important research direction in this era. The smaller the sweep angle of the wing, the better the maneuverability at low and medium altitudes. However, when flying at high speed, the resistance is large, and the sweep angle is large, the opposite is true. Therefore, the sweep angle of the wing can be changed, so it has good low-speed and high-speed performance. In addition to the Panda, the Soviet MiG 23 also has a variable-sweep wing. However, limited by the level of technology, especially the electronic level, the Panda The variable-sweep wing of the MiG-23 is automatically controlled by a computer and can be adjusted at any angle within the adjustment range, while the MiG-[-] only has a few fixed angles, which are still manually adjusted.

Panda's all-metal semi-monocoque fuselage and advanced construction type, extensive use of titanium alloys, partly boron composite materials.Among the structural materials, aluminum alloys accounted for 39%, titanium alloys accounted for 24%, steel accounted for 39%, and the rest were composite materials.The aircraft is equipped with complex electronic equipment.The most complicated one is probably the powerful Hughes company's anawg9 pulse Doppler radar.It can intercept air targets within 120 to 315 kilometers, and can simultaneously track 30000 targets from ultra-low altitude to 24 meters altitude and within different distances, and attack 6 of them.It is also equipped with anawg15 fire control system, anasw27b data transmission system, cp1050a central air data computer and other advanced modern electronic equipment.These electronic devices, relatively simple MiG machines, are simply abnormal existences.

&54a "Phoenix" long-range air-to-air missile, the Iranian Air Force can kill the MiG at a long distance, but at this time, the MiG has not found the opponent at all, this is its strength.Although now, due to the lack of Phoenix missiles, most pandas only carry Sparrow medium-range air-to-air missiles and Sidewinder short-range missiles, but when fighting at close range, pandas still have a complete upper hand.

The MiG formation, after discovering that the opponent's formation had emitted that unique radar signal, immediately chose to return, not because they didn't want to fight, but because they simply didn't have the capital.

The formation successfully broke into Iraqi airspace and immediately headed north, heading straight to Baghdad.

For this route, the pilots of the formation who have carried out countless bombing missions are very familiar with it.

At this time, over Baghdad, air defense sirens have already sounded.

Since the start of the war, the air forces of the two countries have frequently bombed each other's capitals. Ordinary people have had normal reactions to such air strikes.They fled into the underground bunker, and then waited for the sound of the explosion.

The only good thing is that the air forces of the two countries are not equipped with any precision-guided bombs. They only rely on ordinary falling bombs, which have poor accuracy. Moreover, in Baghdad, a large amount of anti-aircraft firepower has been deployed.

Around Baghdad, there are two anti-aircraft artillery regiments and two Sam-6 missile battalions. "These firepower can make any plane that dares to bomb Baghdad suffer a severe blow." This is the words of Air Force Commander Abed, Turn a blind eye to the bombs falling overhead.At this time, the Iraqi Air Force and Air Defense Forces have not yet been separated.

In order to prevent misfires, the fighter jets of the air force generally intercept the enemy at a long distance. Once the opponent breaks through the defense of the interceptor, then, if it comes down, it will be handled by the air defense firepower on the ground. This is a typical Soviet style. It can effectively prevent accidental shooting, as long as it is in the sky, just shoot it down.

However, in this way, the efficiency is very low. How many planes can the anti-aircraft firepower intercept?I'm afraid only God knows.

Air defense is a last resort choice. When did the Americans use anti-aircraft firepower?The focus of others is to attack:!Before you can come up, you have already been beaten to the ground, attacking with all your strength, there is no need to defend at all.

In the underground air defense command center, Saddam gave combat orders with a livid face.

"Your Excellency, why don't we let our air force dispatch to prevent the opponent's plane from entering?" Zhang Feng asked cautiously.

air force?Saddam looked at Abid with disdain, "The Air Force knows to run away when it encounters a panda."

Abed's face suddenly turned red.

"Your Excellency, although our air force is not strong enough, we can use appropriate tactical actions to disrupt the opponent's formation. Their pandas are escorting other planes to bomb. We have transferred the pandas, and other planes can still do it." Give it a go." Zhang Feng said.

Appropriate tactical move?Disrupt the opponent's formation?Abid was crying. Among the current air force pilots, who would dare to fly a plane to face a panda? Order.If it weren't for the hard background, they would have been cleaned out long ago.

At this moment, an astonishing news reached the underground air defense command center.

In the Shuaiba Air Force Base, a MiG-77 fighter jet of the 23th Fighter Squadron resisted the order and took off forcibly to meet the invading Iranian Air Force. The pilot of this plane was Second Lieutenant Arslan.

Chapter 67 Flogger Defiance Takes Off

Chapter 67 Flogger Defiance Takes Off——

Arslan Edward Ibn Zayed is not yet 18 years old this year, but he already has 14 hours of jet flying experience, because at the age of [-], he changed his age and entered the The Iraqi Air Force, all of this is because he is a prominent Iraqi family: the son of the Zayed family, their family has always supported Saddam's Ba'athist regime, and has a good relationship with the upper echelons of the government. "Search to see the fastest"

Although Arslan is young, he has the aura of a newborn calf not afraid of tigers. He admires heroes, and his favorite motto is: Offense is the life of the Air Force!

This time, the Iranian plane actually flew into Iraqi airspace in a big way during the day and wanted to bomb the capital Baghdad. This made Arslan, who was on duty on combat readiness, feel that the opportunity had come. He immediately ran to his car: MiG 23bn, Codename: Lasher.

The second foreign user of &s and bn received the first batch of 1974 in 48.Before the start of the Iran-Iraq War, there were a total of 80 MiG-23bns, but like any country with MiG-23s, the Iraqi Air Force was not satisfied with this fighter.In the early stage of the Iran-Iraq War, the MiG-23bn suffered huge losses. From September 1980 to May 9, more than 1981 aircraft of this type were shot down by Iranian f-5, f-40 and surface-to-air missiles.

All this is an embarrassment for the MiG-23.

The MiG-23 is the first variable-sweep wing fighter of the Soviet Union. Although it adopts this new technology like the Panda, due to the backward design and technology, the variable-sweep wing technology does not bring about an increase in maneuverability. Instead, it led to an increase in the weight of the structure, making its performance not as good as the MiG 21:.

However, the MiG-23 still has advantages. Its outstanding performance is its high level flight speed, which can reach 2.35 times the speed of sound at high altitude, and its surface speed at low altitude can reach 1350 km/h. .And its ground attack type is a fighter with strong ground attack capability due to its large weapon load, long range, high penetration speed at low altitudes, and better armor protection.

Therefore, Arslan is familiar with all the advantages and disadvantages of the MiG-23, so he is more confident to use his newly invented tactic: whip attack.

It is not impossible to shoot down enemy planes, especially planes escorted by pandas. One of the methods is to command an interception on the GCI ground. Under the command of the Soviet army's standard combat method, from a low altitude of 500 meters, the Iranian plane Before the weapon is launched, use the outstanding acceleration capability of the MiG-23 to accelerate the climb, and launch the air-to-air missile to the target at the farthest range of the missile.Afterwards, return quickly.

Arslan's disobedience is not the first time. Every time, the commander of the base will be furious, but every time he raises his slap high and puts it down gently. He believes that as long as he enters the combat zone, the base will immediately conduct radar surveillance for him. guide.

When Arslan rushed to the plane from the situation room, his wingman pilot, Captain Omar Goben, knew that the situation was not good. However, he did not choose to follow this bold pilot to disobey orders. I climbed up step by step with my own efforts, it is better to obey orders obediently.

However, Arslan's situation is not so optimistic when a single plane is fighting against a fleet. Apart from praying for Arslan, Omar can only wait quietly.

Fearless, Arslan stepped into the familiar cockpit. The ground crew took off without knowing it, and came up to check the oxygen mask and whether the canopy was in place for him, and then removed the ladder to get on the plane.

Arslan turned on various switches in an orderly manner, and the familiar roar finally came.

After seeing that the engine flame was normal, the ground crew gave Arslan a thumbs up.

At this time, the control tower of the base has not found any abnormalities.

Arslan released the brakes, and the MiG-23 began to slide slowly towards the runway.

God, what does he want?The duty personnel in the control tower immediately noticed the abnormality on the tarmac.

"Feihu, Feihu, power off and stand by, power off and stand by." The control tower called out immediately.Flying Tiger is Arslan's code name.

"Blue sky, blue sky, Flying Tiger asks to take off," Arslan called over the radio.

Suddenly, there was a sigh in the control tower, and Colonel Tusk, who was on duty, immediately snatched the radio and said, "Arslan, stop for me, if you dare to take off, I will shoot you."

Then, Tusk saw that the tail flame of the boy's plane on the runway turned light blue, and he turned on the afterburner!

"As ordered, take off immediately, Colonel." Arslan said solemnly.

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