Babylonian Empire

Page 48

After a night of preparation, the Air Force's attack fleet finally boarded the stage of the Susangilde Swamp:.

Flying at the forefront are two MiG-25 interceptors.

As an interceptor, the MiG-25 is the best. With the two turbojet engines with an afterburner thrust of 110 kN, the MiG-25 can fly at a limit speed three times the speed of sound. It can last for 3 minutes. Even so, with its excellent aerodynamic layout, the MiG-3 is faster than the MiG-25 when cruising.

When the MiG-25 arrived on the battlefield, its main task was to scout the battlefield situation and compete for air supremacy with the most troublesome f-14.

The lead plane of the MiG-25 was still piloted by "Sky Falcon" Reyel. This is already his No. 40 combat launch.

Is the f-14 scary?Whenever encountering a panda, the Iraqi Air Force will throw away its armor and flee in embarrassment. Reyer is determined to change this situation and let the Iraqi Air Force regain its confidence.Because, Reyer knew from the Soviet instructors that the pulse Doppler radar is relatively good, but it also has a major flaw. He practiced a movement so that his own aircraft signal can be unlocked on the opponent's radar .

Then, there was a formation of four MiG-21 aircraft. They also carried air-to-air missiles. Their task was to protect the slow-moving Su-20 attack aircraft behind them.

The Su-20 attack aircraft is an export model of the Su-17 assembler. The latter is a variable-sweep wing single-seat fighter-bomber developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau, which is developed from the fixed-wing fighter-bomber Su-7.

Due to the use of the nose air intake, it looks somewhat similar to the MiG-21, but the center cone is enlarged, and fire control electronic equipment such as a range finder and omnidirectional warning radar can be installed inside, and two pitot tubes are installed on the nose. above.The back of the fuselage has a tall spine tank to accommodate more fuel and equipment. "Search to see the fastest" In this era, the most popular is the variable-sweep wing. The Su-20's distinctive outer wing section variable-sweep wing is a single-wing shape, and the sweep range of the outer wing is 28-62 degrees.There are 8 weapon hangers, 2 of which are dedicated to the auxiliary fuel tank, and the remaining 6 can hang a total of 4000 kg of various types of ground attack weapons such as rocket launchers, 240mm large-diameter rockets, decelerated bombs, as-7 black bull air Ground-to-ground missiles, etc., two 2mm hp-30 cannons are installed at the root of the wing, each carrying 30 rounds of ammunition.

Due to the backwardness of the engine, the thrust-to-weight ratio was less than 1 when it was empty. The Su-20 attack aircraft crawled slowly, dragging the ammunition.

And the slower Mi-24 Hind will arrive at the battlefield in half an hour.

At this time, the MiG-25 had already scanned the entire airspace, and no fighter jets of the other side were found.

They know that the Iranian air force is not as good as it was when the war started, and many pandas were unable to take off due to the shortage of parts. Since the Iranian air force did not come, this is their own sky:!

At this moment, the Iranian armored forces on the ground are already in a panic.

Rajawi did not expect that he forgot the most important link: Although there are very few fighter jets here, after he was discovered, if the slow-moving Iraqi air force can rush here, it will definitely be another result. .

The armored force is a dead end to the air force, and there is not even a scum left.

He immediately asked for help from the rear, no matter what, he had to send fighter jets to drive these guys away, even if the f-14 Panda couldn't come over, even if the old f-5 Tiger fighter jets came.

Hurry up, time is life, and after spotting the two MiG-25s overhead, Rajawi immediately asked Ahvaz for help.

The second order, that is, the whole armored division attack!

Before one's own air power arrives, there is only one way to avoid the opponent's air attack: mix with the opponent!

As long as the two sides exchange fire, the formation of each other will be chaotic, and the tanks of both sides will be everywhere. In this case, the attack planes in the sky will not be able to effectively attack their own side. It is only a matter of distinguishing between the enemy and the enemy. Very troublesome thing.

Moreover, both sides now lack precision attack ammunition, and relying on rockets, it is somewhat difficult to avoid accidental injury.

Therefore, Rajawi let all his armored vehicles attack at full speed and get mixed up with the opponent.

Unfortunately, it was a second late.

All the opponent's tanks are retreating, and the armored vehicles are retreating happily. Although the opponent directly reverses and retreats, the speed of the vehicle cannot be too fast. However, this is a swamp, and the speed of our own tanks is not fast. Therefore, the two armies There has always been a clear-cut distance between them.

This distance is the distance between life and death.After a while, the opponent's covering rockets will come down from the sky. If it is on the ground, the rockets are not scary, but in the sky, the rockets falling from the sky will not be able to bear the weak armor on the top, not to mention , The rockets that can be installed on the attack aircraft are all large-caliber, and if they are hit by a large 240mm rocket, as long as it is not the front armor, nowhere can stand it.

The m113 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun converted from the &163 armored vehicle immediately entered the combat state.

This is a 6-tube 20mm caliber anti-aircraft firepower, which is used to accompany armored troops for field air defense. However, I am afraid only God knows how effective it can be for the fighter jets overhead.

Rajawi didn't know that at this moment, General Sharaf and Commander Abel Hassan were in big trouble.

Knowing the presence of the Iraqi Air Force, Abel immediately ordered two squadrons of F-5 fighter jets to take off from the air force base east of Ahvaz to drive away the Iraqi aircraft over the swamp.

As for the powerful panda, it needs to assume the responsibility of defending the airspace of the important place, and Abel has no ability to mobilize it.

Unexpectedly, the air force base actually refused to implement the order of the chairman of the Supreme Defense Council, Abel, on the grounds that the supreme spiritual leader Khomeini issued an order, and the air force directly carried out his order.

Abel knew that there was big trouble.

During the revolution that overthrew the Bavillian dynasty, Abel and Khomeini were close, but as time went on, the differences between the two became bigger and bigger.

Abel is the first president elected by the Iranians themselves, and Khomeini is the spiritual leader of the Iranians.

Abel has always maintained that the spiritual leader is the spiritual leader, and the president is the president, but now, the president is just a fig leaf, and the spiritual leader is the supreme ruler of the country.

He immediately called Khomeini, but he still couldn't find the president. He didn't know that Khomeini was presiding over the parliament at the moment, and the specific content was that he was impeached under his circumstances.

This attack was the last time Abel commanded the army. He failed because he was defeated by a man's desire for power.

At this time, Abel was still trying to get in touch, making the last effort, hoping to save this raid that was originally hopeful.

When the MiG-25 passed over the armored division for the third time, Rajawi did not wait for his own fighter jets, but only saw attack planes flying from a distance full of weapons.

This attack is over.

Chapter 52 Air strikes

Chapter 52 Air Strike——

Su-20 has a total of two flight groups, each group has three flight squadrons, and each flight squadron has four aircraft. This is already the limit that Basra Air Force Base can dispatch.

This flight is based on the route of high-altitude entry, low-altitude attack, and high-altitude return. In this way, the combat radius is extended to here, and it can stay in the air for 10 to 10 minutes, which is enough to attack the Iranian armored division. Mi-24 Hind to serve.

After the MiG 21 flew over the sky, it also began to hover over the swamp, watching the sky vigilantly. However, their confidence was not so full. As long as they found the signal of the panda's powerful ANAWG-9 pulse Doppler radar, they would eventually The best choice is to discard the slow-moving Su-20 and run for your life.

Seeing the armored troops on the ground in the distance, the Su-20 dropped the auxiliary fuel tank and prepared to enter the attack route to carry out the attack mission.

Although there is a vast sky, although it can fly freely, it is not easy to bomb targets on the ground.

According to the training, when approaching the enemy, the altitude must be lowered to 800 meters, and at the same time, the simple cpД-5m radar rangefinder and infrared scanning equipment should be turned on, and the rocket launcher should be powered on, so that it is always in the firing state.

After flying over, lower the altitude to 500 meters, then press the lever, enter the dive, use the halo of the optical sight in front of the cabin to cover the location of the opponent's armored vehicle, press the launch switch, and then escape upward.

Since the Su-20 is a single-seat attack aircraft, the workload of one person is very heavy, and multiple switches have to be toggled repeatedly.

The pilots concentrated their attention and prepared to attack the route. In the sky, if they hesitated for a moment, they would fly a few kilometers away, and had to fly back after three turns to repeat the attack again.

The two brigades, according to the flight squadron, formed a group of four planes and emerged from the clouds.

"Attention, air strike!" A frightening voice came from the radio.

In this sound, the anti-air fire of all tanks began to shoot.

On the top of the Chieftain tank, there is a 1 armored car that can be aimed and fired inside the car, and there is also a 113mm Browning m1hb machine gun mounted on the commander's conning tower, with a horizontal range of 12.7- and a high and low range of -2-~+360 -, can shoot in the air, but for attack aircraft flying at low altitude and high speed, the combat effectiveness of these two machine guns is almost negligible.

The only thing that can pose a threat to the opponent's aircraft is probably the few m163 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns. At this time, its six 6mm cannons are continuously shooting into the air, trying to stop the opponent's attack That.

This can almost be regarded as a well-equipped Iranian armored division. It is not equipped with Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, otherwise, it can still be miserable for a while.

Now, the battle can almost be described as one-sided.

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