Babylonian Empire

Page 34

It was too late, his first armored battalion had only five tanks left, and the way back was blocked.

"Go down and kill the hateful Iraqi tank!" Sheila finally gave a seemingly wise order.

"Boom..." The driver was already impatient, and the chief who was able to move finally stopped being passive and launched his own counterattack.

"Anything that can move will be destroyed by me!" Muhammad also got angry, and more than a dozen of his tanks were also killed.

Leaving the concrete road, the driver suddenly felt that the huge chief began to lose control. Without the lever, the car body was involuntarily tilting to the side, and the car body did not accelerate when the foot was stepped on the accelerator.

&-62, although walking is strenuous, but still not out of control, the advantages of mobility and flexibility are undoubtedly revealed again.

&-62 turned to the chief's side and beat the chief up into smoke effortlessly.

An encounter ended within 10 minutes. At this moment, the chief's army was almost wiped out. Of the 36 tanks, except for two that were stuck in the mud and could not move, the rest had been destroyed.

&-62, also lost nearly 35 vehicles, but this did not dampen the aggressiveness of the [-]th Brigade at all, because they won.

Before Muhammad had time to say a few encouraging words on the radio, he saw a large number of tanks coming in the distance. It turned out that what they had just eliminated was just a forward. Looking at the situation, there were at least 150 chiefs!

&-62's attack formation became chaotic.

Chapter 37 Encounter

Chapter 37 Encounters——

Zhang Feng led his small team, stepping on the mixed land of reeds and muddy water, striding forward: .

Back to base?No!Let's go kill the Iranian base first. After searching for so many days, I finally discovered the secret of the Iranians. Go kill them first, and then report to the military region to see if that uncle Izzat dares to underestimate him.

Zhang Feng made this decision almost at the same time he discovered this path.

Confronting the Iranian armored group head-on would be courting death. However, Zhang Feng still has the ability to set fires in a sneaky way. This is also the task of the team he leads.

It's just that he didn't know that at the edge of the swamp dozens of miles away, the armies of both sides had already strangled.

When we were outside, the military boots were already covered with mud, and it was extremely heavy to walk on. When we got to these reeds, the mud quickly disappeared, and it was much easier to walk. Zhang Feng had to admire the Iranian commander for his brains. , There is an idea, what is most needed in future wars is such a commander.

And the supreme commander of the Southern Military Region, Izzat, although he holds the rank of lieutenant general, is a short-sighted guy. Since the war started, although the Southern Military Region has won, it has been piled up with human lives by relying on the tactics of World War II. of.

It's a pity that I don't have that much power. I really want to reorganize and clean their minds so that they can understand what high-tech modern warfare is.

If Zhang Feng knew afterwards that the Iranians not only used primitive things such as reeds, but also used the only CH-47 medium-sized helicopters to transport cement, forcefully lower the cement, and make a road of tens of miles for the armored group to advance. I don't know how to feel.

The snake meat I ate just now has played a role in the body. Although it is bloody, it is very nutritious.Even Hades was recalling the fresh taste of snake meat, and his stomach began to feel unbelievably hungry again.

Walking on only two legs is really too slow!Zhang Feng knows that what is most needed now is time, and what is most lacking now is also time.

At this moment, there was a sound of armored vehicles moving from behind.

"Quick, hide!" After Zhang Feng finished speaking, he dodged the road paved with reeds and hid in the low bushes next to him. "novel"

The squad followed him and hid in the bushes one by one.

Hades has already set up the missile. If the opponent finds out, he can only kill the opponent.

Zhang Feng was unwilling to encourage this. It is easy to kill the opponent, but it is not good for him to kill the opponent. He was thinking about how to trick the opponent's armored vehicle over. Driving an armored vehicle is much faster than marching on foot. .

It seems that this is not easy. If you have an Iranian military uniform, it will be easy. As long as you trick the other party out of the car and wipe them out, the armored car will be yours.

Zhang Feng thought of countless strategies in his mind, but none of them worked.

If it doesn't work, then you can only use anti-tank mines to blow up the opponent's tracks, and then, when the opponent comes out, fight hand-to-hand to wipe out all the opponents, and then try to connect the broken tracks.

Zhang Feng also did this kind of thing. The broken track is no longer long enough. The only way is to bypass the induction pulley and connect it directly through the driving wheel, road wheel and supporting pulley.Just unloading the tracks is a laborious job.

After much deliberation, only this method is the most suitable.

In the distance, an armored vehicle was approaching rumblingly. Zhang Feng had already made preparations and threw an anti-tank mine on the side of the road.

The outline of the armored vehicle became clearer and clearer. Although it was covered in mud and water, and although there were no signs hanging, Zhang Feng could see clearly that it was a Type 63 tracked armored vehicle!

During the storm last night, only one armored car survived, and it was the No. [-] car led by Marwan.

When the storm came, Marwan was quick-witted and did not let the armored vehicle return immediately. In the pouring rain, the muddy swamp would soon become uncontrollable, and it was still far from the border. If he wanted to go out, he had no choice but to It may be that you are stuck in a certain position and cannot get out.

Perhaps by luck, he accidentally found a plateau where, beneath a layer of dirt, was solid rock.

He immediately decided to park the armored vehicle on this high ground, turn off the engine, save fuel, and wait until the rain stopped before leaving depending on the situation.

Unfortunately, as soon as we got to the high ground, a thunder came down from the sky, and it cut off the high-hanging antenna of the armored vehicle, and the radio was completely broken.

The house leak happened to rain overnight, and Marwan realized that he had made a mistake. He stayed on a high ground during thunderstorms, and was easily struck by lightning.

However, he had no escape route, and there was already deep water near the high ground. If the armored vehicle continued to drive, it might not be able to get up.

Fortunately, they stayed overnight without any second accident. The next morning, they did not dare to set off. They did not drive carefully until noon, when the water around them had gone down and the soil was not so wet. In the armored vehicle, drove out.

In fact, yesterday they almost searched the reed road paved by the Iranian armored forces, but a heavy rain interrupted their actions, so they were all lucky to find the trace left by the Iranians.

However, Marwan was more fortunate, he could sit in the armored vehicle, while the team led by Zhang Feng and Walih could only walk on two legs.

Now, Marwan's armored vehicle is even more "lucky" to hit a mine.

Zhang Feng was still hesitating. Was it the team led by Marwan or the Iranians?Ordinarily, the Iranians are not so cunning, and they would not be driving a Type 63 armored vehicle here. However, after seeing this peculiar reed road constructed by the Iranians, Zhang Feng did not dare to underestimate the Iranians.

Who knows if this is a ruse by the Iranians to lure him out to recognize each other?If I stand up, the opponent only needs to operate the machine gun on the armored vehicle and sweep a shuttle of bullets, and my small team will have to explain everything here.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng suddenly had an idea, took the SVD sniper rifle carried by a team member next to him, and put a headlight in front of the armored vehicle on the cross of the scope.

"Sudden!" A bullet flew towards the armored vehicle. Although it couldn't penetrate the armor of the armored vehicle, it was quite easy to shoot the headlight.

"Crack!" The headlight was smashed to pieces. The sound was mixed with the sound of the roaring engine, and was still heard by the special forces in the car.

No, there is an ambush!

"Stop, back," Marwan yelled.

The other party just fired a shot, which means that the other party does not have heavy firepower, so the most important thing is to find out the other party. If you point at the Iranian soldiers, then save yourself a life and ask where their base is, so as not to lose your eyes. discredit.

The armored vehicle retreated to a safe place, and a few soldiers jumped out of the rear hatch. Zhang Feng immediately saw clearly with his high-powered binoculars that they were indeed his own.

These people have to train well. When they jumped off, they didn't know how to use armored vehicles as cover, and they didn't know how to move quickly. At least they had to roll and clear the dangerous area immediately.If you are an Iranian sniper, you will definitely not let them go.

"Hades, call them to come and gather," Zhang Feng said, "Villat, remove the anti-tank mine just now to prevent accidents."

"Rattlesnake Team Three, return immediately!" Hades yelled loudly, about to stand up.

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