Babylonian Empire

Page 3

And there are Palestine and Israel that do not border Iraq.For Palestine, especially for Arafat, Zhang Feng was full of sympathy, saying that power comes out of the barrel of a gun. The leader of the PLO did not know what he thought, but he listened to the words of the Yankees and gave up force. , was tossed to death by the Israelites, I don't know if he regretted it when he died.

The State of Palestine has become an eternal pain in his heart.

Now that you are here, you might as well help Arafat. After all, they are all Arabs.

Zhang Feng's mind flashed like a spark, and he suddenly remembered that Israel was also full of hostility towards Iraq, especially after seeing that the Iraqi nuclear reactor was progressing smoothly, the air force rushed long distances and blew up the nuclear reactor in spite of the world.

It was a classic battle, a surgical airstrike that showcased Israel's air power and, until now, has been studied as a model by many military academies.


Chapter 3 Osirak Nuclear Reactor

"Quickly, call me, I want to find President Saddam Hussein." Zhang Feng shouted loudly.

In Zhang Feng's eyes, as a son, finding his father should be very easy.

Unexpectedly, this Gasal opened his innocent eyes wide and looked at Zhang Feng: "Second Young Master, unless His Excellency the President says he wants to see you, otherwise, you will never see President Saddam Hussein."


It seems that after the second young master fell asleep, he really forgot things, and Gasal didn't know how to explain it.President Saddam Hussein has many official residences. If it is not for the most personal guards, it is impossible to know where he is.And now, during the war with Iran, in order to prevent being attacked by spies, President Saddam has frequently changed his residence.

Although Master Qusay is the second son of the president, he is only 16 years old this year and has not yet graduated from Baghdad University.Therefore, it is impossible for Master Qusay to meet President Saddam at ordinary times.

"I'm in a hurry to find my dad, so I won't be able to make it if it's too late." Zhang Feng said anxiously, and he also clearly said the word dad in Arabic.

"Second Young Master, there is really no way to see His Excellency the President." Gasal said, "Your Excellency has no idea where he is now, whether he is in Baghdad or Basra."

Zhang Feng was at a loss. As a time traveler, he clearly recalled the process of the Israeli Air Force bombing the Iraqi nuclear reactor explained by the teacher in class. Now, he has just returned to this fatal moment. Now that he has become the second son of Saddam Hussein , Moreover, Zhang Feng is more aware of the sufferings of the Iraqi people for decades, so he must try to prevent the nuclear reactor from being bombed!

"What about the Minister of Defense? Can you get in touch with the Minister of Defense?" Zhang Feng asked.

This is really embarrassing for Gasal, he just came to take care of the second young master Qu Sai's daily life, his immediate boss, that is, the housekeeper of this villa, the housekeeper's boss, who is unknown.And these big figures such as the president and the secretary of defense, he is familiar with them, and they are not familiar with him!

At this time, the Minister of Defense was Adnan Hailala, who was the brother of Sajida Hailala, the biological mother of the second young master Qusay, and also the uncle of Qusay. easy.

"Forget it." Looking at Gasal's embarrassed look, Zhang Feng said, "Those guards outside are my guards, right?"

"Forget it." Gasal said, "They were sent to protect the safety of this mansion."

"Okay, tell them to set off with me immediately, to the Osirak nuclear reactor." Zhang Feng said.

Gasal opened his mouth wide: "Second Young Master, what are you doing there? If you want to go out, you should go to downtown Baghdad!"

"Hurry up, gather all the guards and set off immediately. If it is late, the nuclear reactor will be in danger!" Zhang Feng said in an orderly tone.

"Second son, then you have to put on your clothes first." Gasal said.

"It's too late, get ready to go!"

Zhang Feng was about to put on his underwear and ran downstairs to the garage. Gasal followed him and wrapped him in an Arabian robe, wrapped Zhang Feng in it, and put a turban around him. Immediately, Zhang Feng Feng became an out-and-out Arab.

Opening the garage door, Zhang Feng took a look, drooling, wow, being the president's son is not bad, inside the garage is a brand new Ferrari sports car!

The doors on both sides of the car have been opened, and they still open upwards, like eagles fluttering their wings.

Zhang Feng jumped on it without hesitation, Xiangche beauty, if there is another beautiful girl sitting beside her, it will be more comfortable.

Looking at Gasal who was wandering beside him, Zhang Feng decided to take him with him.

"You drive the car next to you and bring your guards." Zhang Feng said, pointing to a Chinese-made Beijing Jeep 212 parked next to him.

"Yes, Second Young Master."

Zhang Feng secretly moved the button on the car, the doors on both sides were lowered, he turned on the ignition switch, and started the engine.

The 500-horsepower engine immediately roared under Zhang Feng's feet. Fortunately, it was a manual transmission. Zhang Feng didn't like cars with automatic transmission. He liked the feeling of shifting the gear lever by hand.

The car was in Zhang Feng's hands and immediately drove towards the gate.

Gasal also drove the Beijing Jeep out of the gate, and the guard next to him immediately jumped into the car and followed behind the sports car.

There were a dozen people in the guard, except for a few who got into the car, the rest also quickly pulled the outside handrail and stood on the anti-collision bar under the car door.

Zhang Feng glanced at the rearview mirror, he looked like a typical terrorist in later movies.

However, Zhang Feng knew that the so-called terrorists were actually just the Americans who had the final say. In their eyes, anyone who disagreed with them was a terrorist.Syria is, Cuba is, everything, is a political game.

Is Israel considered a terrorist if it bombed the nuclear reactor of the sovereign country Iraq from thousands of miles across several countries?In later generations, Israel successfully bombed the nuclear reactor, but it did not receive any blame, because it was backed by Americans. In the United States, the Jews are a group of successful high-level people with great political power.

Although he had never been here before, Zhang Feng seemed to have an instinct. He drove a sports car all the way to the Osirak nuclear reactor, 32 kilometers southeast of Baghdad.

Time passed by, and Zhang Feng was very nervous. According to the instructor's explanation, today is Sunday, and most of the officers are not in the barracks. How can we prevent the sneak attack plane from succeeding?Zhang Feng was also up and down.

At this time, it was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Gradually there loomed a gigantic sixty-foot-high domed concrete building, with horseshoe-shaped earth embankments on three sides, surrounded by countless other buildings.Zhang Feng knew that the nuclear reactor had arrived, and the conspicuous building just now was the "Tamuz-1" nuclear reactor.

A roadblock blocked by barbed wire appeared in front, and several soldiers were standing guard boredly.

I saw a gorgeous sports car coming in front, followed by a car of soldiers.The soldier quickly put away his smile and stepped forward to check.

Gasal stuck out his head and said, "Hurry up and open the roadblock!"

"Excuse me, do you have the above documents?" A soldier asked.

"The situation is urgent, quickly open the roadblock and let us go in!" Gasal said.

Seeing that there were no documents, the soldier was a little hesitant. The nuclear reactor is a top-secret place, so you can't just let strangers in. Although the other party is wearing the same military uniform as yourself, who knows if it's an Iranian pretending.Some time ago, the Iranians also sent planes to attack the nuclear reactor, so they had to guard against it.

Seeing the two start arguing, Zhang Feng became impatient, opened the door of the sports car, and got out of the sports car.

Seeing the person in the sports car come out, Da Bing knew that this was the real owner.

"Slap, slap!" Zhang Feng slapped the opponent twice without hesitation, and directly stunned the opponent.

"You!" Seeing Zhang Feng's aura, Da Bing was discouraged at first.

Seeing that the situation was not good, several other soldiers hurried forward, picked up the AK-47 rifle, pulled the bolt, and shouted loudly: "Who are you?"

Seeing the situation, the guards in the car also jumped out of the car and raised their guns.

"Who am I? I am Qusay Abdullah ibn Saddam Hussein." Zhang Feng said coldly.

Qusay?All the soldiers had a cold war. There are only a few people who can drive such a luxurious sports car, not to mention that the license plate is still No. 1.They know that this man is the second son of the president. In fact, they know more about Uday, the eldest son of the president. They all say that this man is cruel. If he offended Qusay today, will he kill himself? ?

There was already fear in their eyes.

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