Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 29

Chapter 13 .Under the Future of the Silver Hand

Renault failed to slap his face, and everyone’s attention was focused on Dick again, and the guy continued to talk.

“The appearance of the Dreadlord is only one aspect, and there is another aspect. This time the plague incident was also teamed up with Lady Jaina. I was lucky enough to kill the rebellious Dalaran Archmage Kel’Thuzad. From his relics Here, we have found traces of the terrible dark power!”

Having said this, Dick opened his backpack and took out the cursed staff thrown on the ground when Kel’Thuzad from Kel’Thuzad picked up the blade of Sataras-Dark Empire, and handed it out. To Uther.

When the big guys passed on this evil staff, Dick continued,

“According to Kel’Thuzad’s description, in the year he disappeared, he went to an evil place where there were terrible dark powers. What’s more, Kel’Thuzad’s contact in Stratholme was exactly The Dreadlord next to Arthas at sunrise! Darkness and demons, they joined forces when we were defenseless!”

Dick’s face was solemn, and as the staff passed by every participant, the atmosphere in the entire hall became heavy.

“Although I don’t know what role Arthas played in their evil plan, we can be sure that whether it is Arthas, Stratholme, or even us, the Knights of the Silver Hand, It is part of their dirty plan. We still don’t know the goal of the dark forces, but I think this time the plague incident is just an introduction. We must take a warning and fight well before the dark forces really come. Preparation for a hard fight!”

“This is the most important thing we are facing right now!”

The whole hall was quiet. I have to say that Dick’s organization is clear, and every piece of evidence is directed to the core, and there are traces to follow. There is almost no need to worry about him lying, but this is the evidence, but in the end it is swaying. At that time, a worse conclusion was reached, which caused the depressed people to burst out.

Renault, the clown, was the first to jump.

“Then, Knight Dick, you must have insight into this dark plan, and you already have a way to deal with it, right?”

In Renault’s eyes this time, there was already undisguised disgust. He knew that his father was an old nobleman with a very serious class concept in his bones. He didn’t even want the Holy Light Monastery to receive paladins from common families. , But due to Uther’s pressure, he had to make concessions, so he can be sure that although his father appreciates Dick, he only appreciates it. Because of Dick’s origin, it was decided that he and Mograine The family has never been a front.

Sure enough, after Renault’s voice, Alessandro didn’t say anything. On the contrary, the harsh old knight was looking at Dick with a strange look, but it was different from the dirty things that Renault was thinking about. Sandro thought about another thing.

Facing Renault’s provocation, Dick shook his head. He is not a good bully. Renault’s repeated and repeated provocations have aroused Dick’s heartfelt disgust, so he decided to dig for Renault. A big hole.

Dick looked at Alessandro and said suddenly,

“Knight Mograine, I am preparing to gather the paladins who volunteered to go to Stratholme recently to rebuild the abandoned Stratholme into an outpost against the dark forces. It just so happened that I heard that your adopted daughter Miss Whitemane has become a pastor of the Holy Light, so please ask you to transfer Miss Whitemane into Stratholme as the archbishop of Alonthos Chapel?”

Everyone was stunned. This request looked like a slap to Alessandro’s old face. Who didn’t know, this old knight, his adopted daughter who loved him the most, is said to be the daughter of the old knight’s late attendant. , The old knight had always regarded her as if he had come out, how could it be possible to put her in the ghost place of Stratholme.

But before Alessandro was angry, Renault jumped out first. When it comes to a woman who has already complained to him, it is impossible for any man to remain indifferent.

“Shut up! You untouchable! How dare you! How dare you blaspheme Whitemane! You…!”


Dick uttered a meaningless tone, and then passed a meaningful look into Alessandro’s eyes. He believed that the old knight would not fail to understand what he meant.

Renault’s performance is a bit too nervous. This is not only visible to everyone at the second table, but also to the young Taelan Fording. He and Renault are also friends from childhood to adulthood, although now The relationship is no longer the same, but he doesn’t want Renault to have an accident.

However, when Taelan wanted to get up, he was pressed on the chair by the solemn Ethan Rayen. The next moment, Alessandro, who had always been extremely demanding on his two sons, would be strict. His eyes turned to Renault.

The latter saw his father put the Buddha’s gaze straight into his heart, and wanted to pretend to be awe-inspiring, but the old knight who had been on the battlefield for decades could not see the panic in Renault’s eyes.

This is how things are in the world. Sometimes, when something is clearly happening under your nose, you just can’t notice it. If you ask others to gently tap it, you can react immediately.

Now, when I recalled that Renault and Whitemane had indeed some intimate and excessive behavior, Alessandro immediately understood that this old-fashioned nobleman, as if about to explode, was about to stand up, but was stunned. Thrall’s outstretched hand was pressed on the chair, and the old knight realized that this was his own family affair, and he couldn’t let so many people read the joke.

So he took a deep breath and looked at Dick with a gaze mixed with gratitude and hatred. Finally, he closed his eyes, nodded, and said in an unhappy voice,

“Yes… I will let Whitemane and 30 Holy Light pastors rush to the Holy Light’s Hope Chapel as quickly as possible to join you!”


At this time, everyone present almost jumped up on the spot. Who doesn’t like gossip? The Paladins are good at this bite too!

But before everyone’s consternation subsided, Uther asked first,

“You said you want to rebuild Stratholme, is this your plan?”

“No, Uther Knight, I am talking about changing Stratholme into an outpost. In fact, I have always respected the five first-generation Paladins and all the seniors present, but there is one thing about me. When I became a Paladin and faced those undead, I had been puzzled for a long time.”

Dick said seriously,

“Why do you have to make the paladin training process so complicated? You should have seen Uther Knight with your own eyes. I was just an ordinary soldier before, but when I mustered up the courage to fight the undead, the Holy Light It has blessed me and made me its warrior. I don’t believe that it is not only me who awakened as a Paladin without rigorous training! So, why not spread the Paladin?”

Before Uther’s face changed slightly to speak with Alessandro, Dick turned to the attendees and said loudly,

“The basis of my plan is very simple. Since the arrival of the dark tide is inevitable, then why don’t we spread the flames of the Paladins. The current number of official Paladins in the Knights of the Silver Hand is only 1500-1700, most of them They are all concentrated in Lordaeron. Even if we gather together, how many undead can we kill?”

Dick’s voice became more agitated.

“Brothers, open your eyes and see. There are nearly 70 undead in Andorhal alone. If Prince Arthas hadn’t burnt Stratholme, there would be 60 undead in that city. These undead will take us a full 2 ​​years, but the dark power will leave us with 2 years?”

Everyone did not speak. To be precise, no one dared to speak. This question has already involved the original intention of the establishment of the Knights of the Silver Hand. The ranking judges only know that there were five knights in the first generation who were baptized, but how many were of noble origin. One?

This issue has already involved royal power. In a world where the system is similar to that of the Middle Ages, but the aristocracy is far more powerful than the Middle Ages, at least at this time, this is a topic that cannot be touched.

The Knights of the Silver Hand, to be precise, it is actually a knight that serves the nobles. There are no knights of civilian origin, but compared to the noble knights, it is much less.

Although Uther was born in a humble background, he has now become a member of the nobility. As long as he is not mad, he will never take the initiative to go along with Dick, but Uther is a hero who really thinks about the people after all. Would like to see a promising young man like Dick ruined on this topic.

So he coughed slightly,

“Knight Dick, we’ll talk about this later, let’s talk about your specific plan first.”


Dick looked at Uther and the gloomy Alessandro with some disappointment. He knew that he had failed. Although these people saw the darkness entrenched under his own guidance, they still wouldn’t believe it. The Lordaeron Empire will be destroyed overnight.

At that time, the distinction between nobles and common people, ha ha, this is simply a joke, ghouls will let you go because you are noble?

But Dick calmed his mind for a while, he thought about it, and then went on.

“So, my specific plan is to use East Dalungmir and Andorhal as a training area, and move the Hand of Tyre and the reserve knight training base of the Holy Light Monastery to the Kingdom of Stormwind in the south. We now need more There are many holy light warriors to strengthen their own strength, so the recruits should put down training wooden swords, take advantage of the time of the darkness, and learn to use the holy light to fight the undead!”

“When the new Paladins lay a solid foundation in the Kingdom of Stormwind, they will be sent to the battlefield of Lordaeron. We will speed up the increase in the number of Paladins. According to my expectation, a new batch of warriors will be able to step on at most 2 months On the battlefield, we can directly absorb strong enough fighters from the mercenaries and grant them the power seeds of the Holy Light, so that they can grow into qualified Paladins step by step in the battle against the undead.”

“Finally, although the Knights of the Silver Hand will soon lose official support, I hope that you can hold on for three months. According to Ms. Jaina’s assertion, within three months, the dark power will come again. At that time, your Majesty Terenas will surely come to the final conclusion that the Knights of the Silver Hand will still exist!”

“Because only we are the sharpest sword for mankind to resist dark forces!”

Dick said all his thoughts sonically. He did his best to leave the last seed for the Silver Hand. Although the Undead Scourge has affected the entire northern Xinjiang, the Kingdom of Stormwind has been very safe. The most ideal training base.

But before everyone recovered from Dick’s plans one after another, the door of the chapel was pushed open.

Farek and Maween walked into the hall from left to right, both of them wearing helmets, behind them were the heavily armed royal guards. Looking at Dick standing in the forefront, Farrek was silent for a few seconds, and then said in a non-emotional voice,

“Dick Don, as ordered by His Royal Highness Prince Arthas, you…you have been arrested! You are no longer a Paladin!”

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