Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 19

Chapter 3 .The second domino that was overthrown

“Hello, Miss Jaina, thank you for your help with this warrior!”

After leaving the dignified state of battle, Uther turned into a polite knight. He gracefully expressed his gratitude to Jaina, who also nodded reservedly, and took out the scroll with the seal of King Terenas from the cuff. Handed it to Uther.

“Commander Uther, this is a private order from Your Majesty Terenas. As a facilitator, my attendants and I will join in this rescue.”

Seeing Uther reading the scroll, Jaina lowered her voice, although there were only three people including Dick in the command tent.

Perhaps the content in this scroll was too horrifying. In short, after Uther read it, the middle-aged man sat in a chair and seemed to have no interest in talking. He rubbed his forehead with a headache and turned his gaze. Smiling Jaina, after staying on the expressionless Dick for a while, Uther spoke.

“The Knights of the Silver Hand need to recuperate. Even if it is connected to Hearthglen’s army, we can only dispatch 500 people at most. If Stratholme’s situation is already like Andorhal’s, there are only a few soldiers, I’m afraid…”

“You don’t have to worry about this, Mr. Uther.”

Jaina looked back at Dick, who nodded, took a step forward, and whispered.

“According to the personal intelligence network of the eldest lady, we can be sure that Stratholme has not yet seen the plague. The dark forces are lurking in that city. Their target is Prince Arthas. As long as we dare to do it under His Royal Highness. Before some wrong decisions, bring him back, and he won’t be in too much danger!”

Dick’s tone was solemn, and Jaina, who was behind him, looked a little weird. When did he have a private intelligence network?


Hearing Dick’s decisive words, Uther’s emotions recovered a little, he pondered for a moment.

“The news, is it reliable?”

“In fact, the eldest lady still has a piece of specific information about the activities of the undead in the Darlongmir area. The Zul’Massa area near Quel’Thalas is the birthplace and base of the undead. Before the conspiracy of the prince was achieved, there was no possibility of deterioration in the entire East Dallongmir. Mr. Uther, don’t forget that the Light’s Wish Chapel is located in East Dallongmir, which annoyed the ascetic monks, even if they were not successful. The undead of the climate will also have a headache.”

Dick did not answer Uther’s question directly, but turned the topic to the other side. When he mentioned the Light’s Hope Chapel, Uther’s brow completely disappeared.

Although the belief in the Holy Light has spread throughout the eastern continent along with the division of the seven kingdoms of mankind, there are only three holy sites of the Holy Light Church at present: the Holy Light Monastery in Tirisfal , The Holy Light’s Hope Chapel in East Dalungmir, and the North County Abbey in the Southern Stormwind Kingdom, and these three holy sites represent three attitudes towards the Holy Light.

The Holy Light Abbey is the most paranoid. They focus on the aggressiveness of the Holy Light. This is one of the reasons why it will become a paranoid and crazy Scarlet Crusade stronghold in the future. The North County Abbey is the softest, focusing on the healing research of the Holy Light. It is also the reason why the Holy Light Cathedral in the Kingdom of Stormwind is so prosperous. It is most appropriate to the essence of the Holy Light.

The Holy Light’s Wishes Chapel focuses on the way of defending the Holy Light. The paladins who walked out from here are like tenacious mountains and earth. It is also 3 years later that the entire northern border has been captured by the undead. The fundamental reason why the Chapel of Lonely Light’s Wish can hold on to the front line of the undead invasion.

At this point in time, although the Holy Light’s Hope Chapel is not as well-known as it was later, as Dick said, there are a huge number of ascetic monks hidden there. These fanatic believers who sincerely serve the Holy Light are once angered. , That’s something that even King Terenas has a headache.

He nodded, touched his neatly trimmed beard, smiled and said to Jaina and Dick,

“Then, after the Knights withdrew to the Crusader fortress, we set off immediately. I happened to hear that my old brother, Alessandro, was staying in the Light’s Hope Chapel recently. We can also ask him to help. ”

Jaina couldn’t help but raise her brow when she heard this.

“You mean, in the Second Orc War, one of the commanders of the Paladins, Lord Alessandro Mograine? My father, but he kept telling me about this great The lord’s bravery! But I heard that his temper is not very good.”

“Hahaha, it’s him!”

Uther clapped his hands with a smile, “Alessandro is a qualified paladin and lord, but he is also very strict with his subordinates, especially for his two sons, but Renault and Dalyan, also They are all very good boys, and they will definitely become warriors like Alessandro in the future.”

Upon hearing this, Dick laughed and said nothing.

Alessandro Mograine, the lord of the Holy Light Abbey and the Brill region, will become the “Ember of Ashes” after 3 months. Arthas, holding the magic sword, did not fully accept the Lich King’s Before the power, even this powerful king of death knights was not his opponent, but this hero died miserably and was betrayed and killed by his eldest son.

The younger son died in order to redeem him, and he became the evil war machine of the Lich King, the leader of the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”. The betrayed eldest son was killed by the fallen younger son, and the Mograine family became extinct.

This is definitely a tragedy that makes everyone feel awkward, but Uther will definitely not see this, because he was killed by his disciple, Arthas before the old brother died.

“Drip…Uther’s dilemma is complete!”

After receiving the reward for the completion of the task, Dick’s mouth was filled with a smile. Since he wants to change the direction of the world, start in front of him and let the Ashbringer continue to be active. This sounds like a very emotional idea. It.

————————————————– ————————————-

East Dalongmir, Zul Martha, a fierce battle is going on.

The broken Battle Standard of Lordaeron and the Battle Standard of the Silver Hand stood in the rudimentary camp, while the trolls, who had completely become undead creatures infected by the plague, rushed out from all directions and tried to invade the camp. Judging from the thick layer of ashes around the camp and the corpses that were too late to gather up, this battle has been going on for a long time.

“Get out! Farrek, go to the Light’s Wish Chapel! Go to Lord Terothos and let him support us!”

A hammer smashed the plague troll in front of him, Arthas raised his left hand, and a beam of warm light fell on the bruised Farek beside him. He heard the call of the prince, the brave captain of the guard. Looking at the fog in the south, with a roar, he turned over and rode on the horse of His Royal Highness, and rushed out toward the passage opened for him by Maween and others with their lives.

Seeing Farek successfully breaking through the enemy’s obstruction, the tired Arthas took a deep breath.

“Return to defense! Return to defense! Retreat to the camp and use flames to deal with these evil dross!”

The last twenty knights under the command of Arthas, with the holy water they carried and the firewood collected, were difficult to block the invasion of the plague trolls, and the trolls who had lost their lives broke through the first line of defense. The broken flag of Lordaeron and the Silver Hand fell weakly into the surrounding flames, and on the farther hillside, a figure wearing a black robe and carrying a long sword was riding on a horse. Beside him are several cursing mages trembling.

“Is there no news from Kel’Thuzad?”

The black knight looked at the cursed wizards, they shook their heads, and the knight suddenly snorted.

“That trash! Is the circle ready to summon Mal’Ganis?”

“Mr. Baron, the circle is ready for a long time, but without the host of Kel’Thuzad, it is difficult for us to succeed at one time. The first two summonings ended in failure!”

The old cursed mage was about to try to explain it, and the light of a knife lit up from his neck, watching the old head and headless corpse fall to the ground, the **** smell made other cursed mages immediately aroused, with The black-robed knight with a handkerchief wiping his long sword indifferently looked at the other cursed mages who had stepped back.

“I don’t care what you use. Before tonight, Malganis must be summoned here. The plan of the great master has been postponed for three full days! Because of your incompetence, I must find a way to trap Arthas here. Three days, but my patience and master’s patience have been exhausted. Don’t tell me that you can’t do without Kel’Thuzad!”

The black knight inserted the long sword back into the scabbard and habitually rubbed the lord’s seal on his finger.

“The plague grains have been dispersed inside Stratholme. Four hours later, the plague will break out. If Malganis hasn’t come by that time, then you should face the master’s anger by yourself, prepare, remember , You only have the last 4 hours!”

The black-robed knight glanced at Arthas who was standing still in the battlefield for the last time. Under the two beautiful moustaches, a cold smile bloomed.

“Come on, little prince, I have arranged a feast for you in Stratholme to celebrate your coming to our side!”

On the other side, Farrek, who was protruding from the encirclement, completely ignored his severely injured body and shook his whip madly. This horse called “Invincible” is the prince’s favorite mount. It is proud and inferior, just like a horse. The king in China, but now, Invincible seems to also feel the master’s crisis, its speed is very fast, like a black lightning passing through the green mist.

Farek can’t help but worry. Although His Royal Highness seems to be able to continue fighting, only the guard captains Farrick and Maween, who are closest to him, can know that His Royal Highness has been in the Scourge Plague and Stratholme’s Rui Under the double pressure of betrayal, Baron Wendell squeezed his physical strength to the limit.

Three days ago, on their way to Stratholme, the plague trolls rushing out of Zul’s Martha trapped the team in the mountainous area of ​​Zul’s Martha. The plague trolls seemed to go crazy. The same blocked their breakthrough, fierce battle, from the beginning until now.

In the 300-person team, there are only more than 20 people left.

Reinforcement! Must find reinforcements!

Farek threw the whip on Invincible again, but at this moment, the horse that had accompanied His Royal Highness to fight for three days, in the plague fog that spread all over Zul Martha, finally ran out after nearly half an hour. The last trace of strength.


Farek heard the painful neighing sound of Invincible, and realized that something was wrong, but when he could react, he felt that the world was spinning and the whole person was thrown away.

The black horse was struggling weakly on the ground. Farek slid his body with a long sword and came to Invincible with difficulty, watching the tears in the eyes of these horses, watching its twisted hooves, and the **** wounds all over the body. , Even though there were countless dead souls under Farek’s sword, at this moment, he couldn’t help kneeling half by the side of the invincible head.

“You are also worried about His Royal Highness, right?”

Farek’s voice was trembling, and he took out the dagger from his arms with difficulty.

“Don’t worry, I will find reinforcements, and I will save Your Highness!”


Invincible began to talk weakly, and licked Farek’s dirty face with his tongue. The veteran held the warhorse’s increasingly weak body, and finally slammed his left hand. Invincible’s head fell weakly to the ground. Above, there are still painful tears in the beautiful blue pupils of the horse, but life has completely disappeared from those eyes.


Farek roared up to the sky, and slammed his fists on the ground. He stood up, and finally took a look at the war horse lying on the side of the road, leaning on the long sword, recognizing the direction, and limping and disappearing into the green. In the fog, that is the road leading to the Holy Light’s Wish Chapel.

For Farek, that is also the road to hope!

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