Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 12

Chapter 11 Wild West Development

Westfall Gold Coast.

The originally empty beach has now become a large construction site.

More than 50,000 people work day and night here, and the port has already taken shape.

If you look down on the entire Westfall from a high altitude, the transformation of the entire Westfall is in full swing.

A huge pass at the entrance bridge is also taking shape. The same 30,000 people are working day and night. If the orcs attack the western wilderness, the pass will be a guarantee.

Several mines are also mining frantically, because these ores are weapons, armor, and the existence of food.

Fortunately, the mineral resources of Westfall are very rich, enough to support the end of the orc war.

On the square of Sentinel Hill, the garrisoned corps also summoned 30,000 elites for training. These are all reserve troops.

Most of them are civilians who cultivated wasteland in the entire wilderness. Once the war begins, food is the foundation.

Since Raphael arrived in the Wild West, he has been inspecting several construction sites.

Because the time was too tight, the originally expected situation turned sharply, and Raphael had to think about the fall of Stormwind City.

【Host: Raphael】

[Professional Template: Warrior, Paladin]

【Age: 18】

[Air Luck Value: Max]

[Light Affinity: Level 5, Proficiency 80]

[Element Affinity: Level 1. Proficiency 25]

[Nature Affinity: Level 1. Proficiency 15]

[Way of Rage: Level 3. Proficiency 70]

[Animal Affinity: Level 1, Proficiency 20]

At the moment, Raphael, who was standing at the dock site, looked at his attributes because he had template skills for warrior and paladin skills.

The way of anger and the level of Holy Light affinity increased very quickly, especially the Holy Light skill, because many people were injured.

Raphael’s healing technique can achieve almost immediate results, which is much better than the half-way two knives stationed in the legion.

Using skills on the shelf can increase proficiency, so Raphael will really go around several construction sites. If anyone is injured, he will go to a holy light to shine immediately, and the injured person will be alive and well.

Therefore, the level of Holy Light Affinity increases very quickly. The higher the affinity, the more powerful and purer the skill.

At this time, a worker accidentally fell from a height because of fatigue, and Raphael immediately stepped on it.

The first time Raphael went up was a holy light technique, and the workers who were still mourning immediately stopped mourning and thanked Raphael.

As Raphael treats injured workers on the construction site, he is basically healed by people, which also makes his reputation higher and higher.

“No matter how many times I watch it, I still find it unbelievable!”

“His Royal Highness Raphael, the Holy Light really cares for you too much!”

“If you didn’t see it with your own eyes, who would tell Shengguang to use it like this!”

“I must think he’s crazy!”

Archbishop Fao of the Church of the Holy Light who had been following Raphael exclaimed.

Another reason why Raphael’s Holy Light affinity has improved so quickly is that he has been forced by Fao to discuss the way of Holy Light with him.

“Lord Fao, if it wasn’t for time! I don’t want to overdraw their physical strength like this!”

“Soon, the fire of war will burn on every land in the Eastern Kingdom!”

“We will pay a huge price to win the victory!”

Raphael sighed at Fao.

“His Royal Highness Raphael, I don’t understand! According to what you said these days!”

“Let’s just say that the orcs are powerful and there are a lot of them!”

“But your garrison is not bad. As long as we have time, the orcs will be eliminated by us sooner or later!”

“But it seems that your worries are not limited to orcs!”

I have to say that I am old and mature, and I have carefully observed Raphael Fao and found that Raphael didn’t really care when talking about orcs.

“Sure enough! Your Majesty Fao! The older you get, the more vicious your eyes are!”

“The Holy Light told me that orcs are just forwards, and their backs will hide greater evil!”

Raphael learned a lesson this time, not to say that behind the orcs is the Burning Legion led by the dark titans, and their purpose is to burn the entire starry sky.

“His Royal Highness Raphael! I hope you understand that haste is not enough!”

“The Holy Light is so blessed to you!”

“If we can have a few more troops like the garrison legion, we won’t be afraid of great evil.”

Limited by his vision, even a wise man like Fao does not know the strength of the Burning Legion.

“Report! Legion Commander! Sentinel Hill has a guest!”

When Raphael was about to say something, Lancelot came to report.


Raphael was a little surprised.

“It’s the Duke of Bolvar!”

Lancelot did not dare to betray his army commander.

“Bolvar? It seems that the orc striker has reached Elwynn Forest!”

“Go! Go back to Sentinel Hill immediately!”

Raphael waved, and a portal appeared in front of him.

This is the origin of Raphael’s element affinity level. The first time Raphael arrived in Westfall, he was looking for a mage.

Then, with MAX luck, he did not find a mage but found a mage book.

Because the skill of the portal is really useful for short-distance teleportation.

As for the long distance, there are too many uncontrollable factors. It is impossible to go to another continent from a portal like in the game. That is nonsense.

The Wild West is so big that it would take 3 days to run all over the Wild West on horseback.

“Bolvar! What are you doing in Westfall when you’re not in Stormwind?”

“The orcs have already arrived in Stormwind City!”

Raphael, who passed through the portal, looked at Bolvar and asked in a complicated tone.

PS The next chapter should be the official fight! ! Come out before 12:00! It turned out that you didn’t save the manuscript, get out of here! ! Get out of here, you will definitely explode!

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