Avoid Yandere Constellation

Chapter 47-1

Dark basement.

The leaders of the sect were waiting for someone without saying a word to each other.

As silence lingered in the air, a man who exuded a suspicious atmosphere broke the stillness.

“Did you hear the news?”

“Jade, are you talking about Ashard?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Jade nodded at Simon’s question, who had the looks any woman could fall in love with.

As the two talked, Elza flipped her hair and talked in a sultry voice.

“Heh. So that’s why Andrew called us, then?”

“Yes, that’s right. Although Ashard may be weaker than us, he is still a leader like us, which cannot be denied,” Jade replied.

In response, John, a muscular man, arrogantly crossed his arms and said, “What do you mean, ‘like us’? That guy couldn’t even possess a demon. To be honest, He wasn’t even worthy of being treated as one of us”

“Well, you’re right, he wasn’t worthy of an executive.” Elsa nodded in agreement.

Upon hearing her response, John scowled fiercely.

“Elza. Speak your words correctly. Before I send you off to be with Ashard.”

” Yes〜Next. Screw you.” Elsa replied.

“You damn woman is asking for trouble” John growled.

As Elsa and John growl at each other, a sinister looking Robert slams his staff on the ground.


“Everyone. Get a grip on yourselves, Master Andrew will be here any minute.” said Robert. The two people realized that they shouldn’t show themselves in a bad light in front of Andrew, who was the boss of the organization, and remained silent.

As they waited quietly with their mouths shut, they heard someone approaching. The sound of footsteps grew closer.

Before long, Andrew, wearing a mask that made him look like a devil, appeared. The executives kneeled before him.

Without acknowledging them, Andrew sat down in a chair and crossed one leg over the other before speaking.

“Well, you’ve probably heard the news. Let’s get straight to the point. A dungeon has been discovered on the Leiston continent, and there are rumors that a goddess has hidden an artifact there. We need to get it before anyone else does.”

Upon hearing his words, Jed asked in a serious tone, “Master Andrew, should our executives take action?”

“No. We are being watched by the royal family, so we will move quietly for a while. Send two reliable members.” Andrew replied.


With that, Andrew disappeared from the sight of the executives.


A month has passed.

A lot has happened during that time, but to start with the performance evaluation, it was delayed a week due to a terrorist incident. And during that week, the contents of the evaluation spread, resulting in most students getting higher scores than expected.

Of course, it’s a relative evaluation, but still.

As for me, I scored the highest Thanks to Driver Eileen, who took me on a plane after we missed our bus.

Thank you, Driver Eileen!

Anyway, that’s about performance evaluation. As for the rest, It’s about the Constellation and midterms. Let’s start with the Constellation.

Lately, the number of messages I receive has decreased.

Of course, even before the terrorist incident, she sent fewer messages than usual, but lately, it feels like it’s gotten worse.

However, it’s not like she isn’t sending any at all.

I’m just a little disappointed that she seems to have developed some sort of dislike and hasn’t been sending me as many messages as before.




…Huh? What the hell? Why am I feeling disappointed? Am I crazy?

I slapped my cheek after realizing my momentary lapse in judgment.

The other students looked at me like I was insane, but it was just my confusion.

Anyway, let me rephrase what I was trying to say.

I’m not disappointed for no reason.

It’s just that I feel uneasy.

It’s no wonder, considering her reputation.

I was happy that she didn’t message me during the vacation week, but it turns out that she sent me an Anje.

At the time, I thought she was sick of me and went to Kim Soo-Yong instead.

But now that I think about it, remembering the first time I met Anje gives me shivers down my spine.




Wow, how did I manage to solve it?

If I measure it in terms of difficulty, the main episode of the performance evaluation was as easy as pie. Even now, it’s amazing to think about how I managed to solve that problem (Anje Chapter).

Well, thinking back, my acting skills were god-tier at the time.

It wasn’t just because she played along, but My performance was perfect, complete with god-tier acting and divinity, to the point where Anje’s yandere tendencies were quelled.

Anyway, the point is that since Constellation has a history like that, there’s a high probability that she’s plotting something again.

…Sigh. But even so, I can’t do anything about it.

Well, I don’t know exactly what she’s planning, but considering her recent behavior, she’s probably not going to try to kill me like last time.

So let’s just end this story here.

Now let’s talk about the midterms.

I don’t really want to talk about it because it’s not a good memory.

Anyway, to give an example using a web , I’ll just say that it was so boring that I scrapped almost 5,000 characters worth of writing.

Yeah, I just couldn’t concentrate, so I went to a café to study. That’s it.

Of course, I also happened to run into Riche and Kersey at the café, and coincidentally met Jennie, Skaya, and Eileen, but I don’t really want to explain it since it’s the same development as last time we met at a café.

To give you a brief midterm result, I made it through and didn’t fail the test by regressing.

I guess I’m just not a complete failure after all.

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