Avoid Yandere Constellation

Chapter 44-2

Meanwhile, at that moment,

Kim Soo-yong looked at the demon in front of him, and gulped down, his dry saliva, breaking out in a cold sweat.

Even though the demon in front of him hadn’t started fighting yet, he could tell that it was different from the usual.

…This isn’t normal.

He had anticipated this.

He knew that even low-level monsters were different from most monsters.

But knowing and seeing it firsthand were two completely different things.

The demon in front of him was definitely at the level of a mid-level demon, if not higher.

As Kim Soo-yong was lost in thought, Ashard, in front of him, raised the corner of his mouth.

“I wanted to test my strength, and now some useful toys have come out…”

Before Ashard could finish speaking, Kim Soo-yong lunged at him with all his might, swinging his sword in a surprise attack.


Ashard frowned as he kicked back, avoiding the attack.

“Hey, I was talking.”

“Yeah, I’m not interested in what you have to say. Shut up.”

Kim Soo-yong kept swinging his sword while spewing those words. His attacks were all at a level that could not be avoided and could result in instant death for most people.

However, Ashard avoided all of his attacks as if they were child’s play.

William and Burke, who realized that Kim Soo-yong was not enough, also attacked Ashard, but he calmly blocked or avoided all three of their attacks.

And watching the situation now, Kane thought to himself, ‘Wow, he must not be a typical Korean guy,’ as he attacked in the middle of speaking.

Honestly, he had considered pulling the trigger before the guy finished talking, but it seemed like he wasn’t the only one who found the guy annoying, as Kim Soo-yong attacked in his place.

Anyway, the higher ranks of executives were clearly different.

Ashard calmly avoided all of Kim Soo-yong, Burke, and William’s attacks, as well as occasionally blocking Shion’s magic from behind with one hand.

They were by no means weak.

The three who were attacking up close had the power to slaughter cult members, and Shion’s magic was enough to kill most people with one hit.

Ashard was blocking such attacks from all three of them at once with ease.

Therefore, he was a monster.

Well, isn’t it obvious?

Before he was possessed by a demon, he had the power to slaughter all his cult members, and now that he had gained the power of a mid-level demon, it was only natural for him to be this strong.

It’s probably impossible for the main characters’ party to defeat Ashard as things stand.

Of course, as things stand now.

Blessing of Protection!

As Laine uttered her incantation, a golden divine light enveloped Kim Soo-yong’s party.

Her party members who received her buff all moved with even sharper and faster movements.

Seeing them suddenly become stronger, Ashard was taken aback.

“What the f*ck?”

That b**tard is really getting on my nerves.

Until he was possessed by a demon, he sounded convincing without lying at all. But now that he’s possessed by a demon, his tone has become vulgar and unpleasant.

What kind of personality does this guy have, now that he’s mixed with a demon, to make his way of speaking change like this?

As Kane was momentarily stunned, Ashard was pushed back towards the group of protagonists by Laine’s buff.

He managed to dodge the attacks from the group, but he couldn’t avoid getting hit completely and his body began to take hits.

Ashard couldn’t believe he was being pushed back, so he snarled and released his magic power from his body.

“Y-you b**tards are really…!”

– Hwaaaaaaaa!!

His body began to change gradually. At first, only his horns, tail, and pupils had turned demonic, but now even his arms and legs were taking on a non-human form.

His magic power spread through the forest, and all the low-level monsters hiding in the forest began to appear in response to it.

With a stern face, Ashard opened his mouth.

“Kill all the humans.”

Thus began the all-out battle.

On the other hand, Skaya and Eileen were looking at the fainted Kane, or rather, at the clone pretending to be unconscious.

“Phew. I feel like I also want to beat up that demon or whatever he is. It would be so satisfying.”

“…Skaya, please bear with it. As Professor Shion said, we would only get in the way, or we will only cause trouble.”

“Well, that’s true, but…”

Honestly, if they followed Shion’s advice and went there, it would only make them angrier and more irritated.

As Skaya pondered where to relieve her stress, countless low-level monsters rushed towards the building.

Upon seeing this, Bartle Ruler shouted loudly, “Everyone, get ready for battle!”

The students slowly took out their appropriate weapons from their dimensional ring rings and swallowed their saliva with serious faces at the sight of the number of monsters.

However, unlike them, Eileen and Skaya…

“Wow, it’s a relief. Some guys are coming to relieve our stress.”

“…Yes, that’s right. I’m already irritated enough as it is.”

Jenny looked at their reaction with a hint of regret, even for the clone.

“How did you end up getting involved with them? Your future seems quite bleak.”

The clone also silently agreed with that statement.

Yeah, the original is really regretful.

Eileen and Skaya went outside the building and glanced coldly at the monsters running towards them.

“I’ll take the left. Skaya, you handle the right.”

“Okay, got it.”

With those words, Eileen emitted aura throughout her body and used body strengthening. Even with just body strengthening, the nearby low-level monsters fell to the ground.

She then used her sword and swept around her with aura, slicing through the fallen monsters into dust.

The monsters who witnessed this immediately froze in fear and ran in the opposite direction, sensing the danger.


Eileen swung her sword fiercely five times, as if determined not to miss.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

The huge blade made of metal sliced through the air towards the monsters.


Eileen’s sword, made of magic energy, cut through all the fleeing monsters cleanly, not only killing them but also slicing the trees in the forest.

Eileen nodded satisfactorily after confirming that all the monsters were dead.

“Phew. I feel somewhat relieved now that my stress has been released.”

Meanwhile, Skaya, Thanks to her sword, which was called the “Shadowless Spear,” cast a spell in less than a second.

Magic energy flowed quickly through her body, and countless magic circles appeared on the ground beneath the monsters’ feet.

Skaya used intermediate magic, “Spell Explosion” with her arms crossed.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The magic circles exploded like bombs.

The monsters screamed and disappeared without a trace.

Skaya opened her mouth with a relieved expression as she watched the grotesque monsters disappear.

“Phew. Finally, my stress has been released.”

The students were amazed and opened their mouths in disbelief as they watched Eileen and Skaya’s power.

They knew that the two were at the top of their class, but they couldn’t imagine such a huge difference in power.

“Are those two… really our fellow students?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Hey, but am I the only one who feels sorry for those monsters?”

The other students nodded in agreement.

Jenny looked at the unconscious monsters with pity rather than the monsters that had been killed.

“Kane, I don’t know who you’re going to marry, but if it’s those two, I recommend not fighting with them.”

“Uh, okay. I guess I’ll have to avoid fighting them, then.”

If they did fight, he would surely be forced to regress. But it’s okay; it would be his main body that would fight anyway.


Hmm. As expected, Skaya and Eileen are taking care of things over there.

Anyway, I thought that with just the two of them, they could handle any low-level monsters that came their way and still come out on top.

And even if it’s not just the two of them, the professors are still around anyway.

So I should focus more on the main characters’ party than on that side.

I shifted my gaze to the main characters’ party this time.

They’re in a pretty tough situation against Ashard, who has transformed into a monster.

Although they’re not losing, they’re not winning either.

Hmm, should I go support them?

I’m getting tired of just eating popcorn and cheering them on. I want this to be over quickly.

So I’ll lend a hand.

I lay down in the posture I learned in the army, with the rifle fixed to my shoulder.

I looked through the scope at my target.




Okay, Aim is over. Now then.

I injected magic sleep magic into the sniper rifle.

Don’t put in too much, just a little.

Thinking about that, I slowly inject magic into it.

The magic inside my body naturally flowed towards the sniper rifle through the circuit.

There’s no need to inject too much. I stopped putting it in.

As I waited to catch the angle, Ashard released out demonic energy and tried to use a big spell.

Seeing that, I pulled the trigger without hesitation.


As expected of a cash item, unlike a regular gun, it didn’t make a sound. There was no recoil either.

The magic bullet created with such magic cut through the air.

It avoided countless obstacles and hit someone’s shoulder exactly.


Laine, who was hit by the bullet, screamed and fainted forward.



When Laine collapsed, silence hung between Kim Soo-yong and Ashard.

But cruelly, there was only silence in response to his question.

What the hell happened?

I don’t know. It’s clear the demon in front of us did something.

But I don’t know exactly what it was.

However, one thing is certain.

He hurt Laine.

It was probably because of her buff that their offense and defense became stronger, and from the demon’s point of view, the most annoying thing was Laine, who possessed divinity.

In the first place, by the time the demon’s enormous magic in front of them disappeared, Laine had already suffered something.

“You! You b**tard, how dare you!!!”

Enormous amount of aura raged from Kim Soo-yong’s body. The aura, filled with Killing Intent, hit straight for Ashard.

“Ehh, what?! It’s not me, damn it!!”

Ashard looks genuinely aggrieved and bewildered.

Feeling so unjust that he’s about to cry, he is mercilessly attacked by Kim Soo-yong’s assault.

“Damn it!! I didn’t do anything!!”

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