Avoid Yandere Constellation

Chapter 42-2

Ashard, a leader in the organization, raised one corner of his mouth, thinking about the upcoming task.

If he succeeded, he could be like other leaders.

Up until now, although he’s one of the executives, but he had been treated poorly.

That was because most of them had received the power of the Demon, except for him, but that treatment will end today.

Soon the ceremony will be completed, and if he sacrifices the corpse of the monsters as an offering, it will be possible to possess the Demon power.

Then he will never be ignored by the same leaders again. Additionally, he can kill academy students as a bonus.

As Ashard was lost in thought, a member of the organization approached him and spoke.

“Lord Ashard, the ceremony is complete.”

“Okay….What about the Monsters corpse?”

At Ashard’s question, the member of the cult broke out in a cold sweat. He was usually more lenient with his subordinates compared to other officials, but he didn’t tolerate any mistakes related to work.

The man swallowed dryly before slowly opening his mouth.

“W-we haven’t prepared the Monsters corpse yet.”

“Tsk! Tsk! Well, whatever! You guys are more imporatant for the sacrifice then a Monsters corpse.”

As he spoke, Ashard gathered magical energy in his hand and stabbed the cult member in front of him.


“Cough! L-lord Ashard…?”

“No offence. After all, Lowly men like you are meant to be sacrifices for us higher rank officials.”

Ashard withdrew his hand from the stabbed cult member and looked at him with a greedy gaze.


Wow. What a heartless b*@tard. I knew it would come to this, but it’s really impressive.

Even in the game, Ashard, a high-ranking official, sacrifices all the members of the cult for his selfish desires, offering them as sacrifices.

Well, I can understand that to some extent, since the more sacrifices you offer, the stronger the demon that is summoned.

From the viewer’s perspective, it feels like watching a senile grandfather who has lost his mind.

“I wish he didn’t have such greed. Tsk tsk.”

Well, he doesn’t fail to possess someone there.

The problem is that, except for himself, there are no subordinates left, so he ends up being separated from the monsters and dies while fleeing from the protagonist’s group, who was attacking him.

Even if there were a few subordinates left in the cult, it wouldn’t have mattered if he had managed to escape.

Anyway, what is Kim Soo-yong doing now?

I shifted my gaze from Ashard to Kim Soo-Yong through the scope.

He is desperately searching for members of the cult, perhaps to minimize the damage.

Phew. Fortunately, he’s looking for them on the opposite side.

If Kim Soo-Yong had headed towards where the cult was, I would have had to lure him to the opposite side somehow, but thankfully, it doesn’t seem necessary.

So, how many did Ashard kill in the meantime?

I turned my eyes to Ashard while looking through the scope.

In just a moment, he had killed quite a few, leaving most of them either in pieces or with their hearts pierced.

I increased the volume to hear it more vividly.

“Hmm. There seems to be only a few lefts now.”

“You crazy b**tard! No matter how far you go with your greed! Sacrificing us?!”

Ashard chuckles at the voice possessed by evil.

“You’re ridiculous. The subordinates under the high-ranking officials were made for moments like this. And when did you start talking about camaraderie? If someone sees you, they’ll think you’re a good person.”

The remaining guys had nothing to say in response to Ashard’s words, so they just stood there silently.

It’s annoying to hear an old fuddy-duddy like him say those things.

Although I feel like sniping Ashard right now, there’s no point. I’ll just watch and wait.

Ashard released dark magic from his body again and kicked towards the guys. “Wow, he’s damn fast,” I thought.

Even though I was on the opposite side of the hill from the guys and looking down, I still couldn’t keep up with Ashard’s movements.

He’s really a top-notch guy.

One of the remaining four guys screamed as Ashard’s hand attack pierced his abdomen. However, he didn’t want to die alone and grabbed Ashard’s arm with both hands while laughing with blood in his mouth.

“Hahahah! I’m not dying alone.”

“Hmph. Don’t worry. I’ll send the rest of your comrades to the same place as you.”

Ashard snickered and changed his remaining arm into a hand blade, then swung it at the remaining guys like he did with man.

His attack was sharp and rough, but it also had martial arts in it, so the rest of the guys were cut cleanly like they were being sliced. Blood spewed from the neck of one of the victims’ throats.

Can Kim Soo-Yong and his party win this?

Although there is Kim Soo-Yong, Laine, Burke, Professor, Eileen, and Skaya, looking at that overwhelming power, I’m worried that they will not win but be reduced to broken pieces.

Even Eileen and Skaya will be busy leading and dealing with low-level monsters rather than facing that creature.

…No. It’s not good to worry too much.

In the first place, I have never seen the actual abilities of Kim Soo-Yong and the named ones.

The only thing I’ve seen so far is Eileen chasing after me.

I can’t even be sure if that was full strength.

Therefore, there’s no need to worry too seriously about a future that hasn’t happened yet.

Well, if the protagonist’s party dies, I can just regress.

While I was briefly thinking about that, Ashard placed the corpse of his subordinate he had killed on the ritual altar.

Ashard muttered something and released his magic, which was absorbed by the ritual altar.

Not only that, the corpses of Monsters and cult members were also being consumed by the ritual altar.

As all the corpses disappeared, a dark light shot up into the sky from the ritual altar.

And so, the first act of the main episode finally began.

(T/L: I saw a comment, saying why Kane doesn’t understand that he’s being targeted by church people, and going by Ashard’s words.

So, for those who don’t understand, read this. This is my theory based on information we have.

It’s clearly bc he (Real Kane) has done something (Maybe didn’t keep his word or betrayed them) … Thus, the reason they want to kill him but.

First of all. Game starts with an event where Kim Soo-Yong receiving a commission (Requested by Kane’s butler anonymously) comes to Dark Guild managed by Kane to destroy It, in process he finds. It’s Kane who is running such a shady organization.

Already familiar with rumors of him being a Rogue. Who does nothing but bully and is now learning the fact. He even operated such a dangerous organization… Kim Soo-Yong decides to kill him.

Note that this all happened from Kim Soo-Yong’s perspective. And players who played this game naturally also saw it’s from his perspective, there’s no prior information provided about Kane other than ‘He’s a bad guy’. Thus, Kane’s perspective and opinions are limited to what Game Developers wanted to show him.

Since the game starts with event of Kim Soo-Yong charging into ‘Dark Guild’ and killing him. Kane doesn’t have any information before that and naturally he neither is aware why ‘Real Kane’ had made contacts with those from church, what for or what wrong the real him did to receive an assassin from church.

He who fell into game only after the start of event, knew nothing but to survive, if he doesn’t, he will be killed. So, it’s natural, he doesn’t know. Maybe author will explain the reason why in future and only time can tell the reason of ‘Real Kane’ action.

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