Avoid Yandere Constellation

Chapter 32

When I arrived at the mansion with Skaya, I was greeted by Riche and Kelsey.

“Welcome, young master.”

“Master. Aren’t you a little late today?”

“This is normal, yesterday I came too soon.”

As I answer her question, Kelsey ignores me and looks at Skaya behind him.

“Master. You’ve already start flirting with women even though you’ve just been divorced.”

“‘She’s just a childhood friend.”

“Master. My parents told me that girls and boys can’t be friends.”

The way she talks, you’d think she’d been in at least 100 relationships.

As I stood there, mouth agape in disbelief, she got carried away and said something she shouldn’t have.

“And. She’s the weirdest girl I’ve ever met.”

Before Kelsey can finish his sentence, Skaya smiles an eerie smile and, without even uttering a word, shoots out a colorful fire from her hand.

– Yikes!


See attitude change.

As Kage finished speaking, Skaya smiled brightly and withdrew her magic.

“I feel it every time, Kelsey, but you’d be in trouble one day if you stayed like this.”

“Kuu! Not something a master is supposed to say!”

Who among us can stay still like me?

At that point, me and Kelsey were arguing. Riche and Skaya greet each other.

“Skaya-sama, it’s been a while.”

“Yeah. It’s been a while, too, Riche, but I can tell from your expression that something good has happened to you lately. Did you work nights with him as soon as he got break up?”

“Huh?! Oh…. No.”

At Skaya’s question, Riche looks embarrassed, as if she doesn’t know what to say.

To what extent does she see me as trash?

Of course, there’s no denying that Riche is the kind of girl I like.

But even so, I’m not that much of a s**mbag to put my hands on her when I’ve just broken up with my ex-fiancé.

And it seems like she’s trying to keep things in line.

As I stand there, lost in thought, she tilts her head at me and asks.

“By the way. Master, I wonder what brings Skaya-Sama here?”

“Huh? Ah… that.”

It shouldn’t be an issue to say that Skaya is teaching me magic.

In the first place, Riche and Kelsey knew I was training in magic. And I’m sure Tomas knows, too.

But the problem is, the moment I tell her, I have to tell her why.

Hmm. Maybe I should just come clean?

I pause for a moment.

“Kane, he got into a fight with a student, so I decided to teach him magic.”

Skaya explained, leaving out the important parts.

After hearing that, Riche and Kelsey look at me with a look that says, “So that’s it, then,” and shake their heads.

Why are you looking at me like that?


Skaya’s explanation was too brief, so he explains it to them in detail.

After listening to the explanation, the two nodded in understanding.

“I thought. I thought my master had lost his temper since the day after the first day of school.”

“…To be honest, I thought so too.”

What in the world sort of image did you guys project on me?

I mean, I know it’s natural for them to be like that considering Kane’s status, but still, even I, a man with a heart like the sea, can’t help but be hurt when the people who have been watching me the longest since I was possessed say things like that.

“Anyway. That’s how it came to be that Skaya agreed to help me for a week.”

“Hmm. I see. By the way, that f**king dog…Ogtin, Tsk, crossed the line after all.”

I feel like Riche has just uttered something unusually harsh, but I’m probably mistaken.

“So, in the end?”

“Ah. The truth is, that b**tard has been eyeing you since the first term.”

Finally. Just a bastard.

“At the time, I was protecting Master, so he didn’t cross the line.”

I’m sure if he had touched me back then, he would have been beaten to death by Riche.

Kelsey looks up at me curiously as Riche finishes speaking.

“So, Master, are you confident of defeating that Ogtin or whatever?”

“Hmm… I don’t know, we’ll see.”

To be honest, when I played the game, Ogtin was nothing more than an extra, a character that could be defeated with a few tweaks.

The problem is, I’m no longer Kim Soo-yong.

I’m Kane, an extra.

Of course, I’ve worked a lot harder than I did in the game, but the fact remains that I’m just an extra.

“Don’t worry about that. If my thoughts are correct, you’ll be able to crush Ogtin in a week of training with me.”

1 Yes.

Judging by Skaya’s confident expression, it seems Ogtin’s skills aren’t as bad as I thought.

With that, Skaya and I walked to the mansion’s training grounds to train in magic.


Arriving at the training ground. Skaya pulls a notebook from her subspace ring and flips through it.

“Hmmm. I’ll take two.”

She looks at it and smiles with satisfaction.

“For now, since we’re short on time, I’ll give you two lessons for the week.”


“Yes. One is the physical enhancement you used today and the other is the mental enhancement.”

“Hmm? I expected the former, but the latter is a surprise?”

“Is it?”

“Yes. Honestly, I expected the physical strengthening, but I didn’t expect you to teach me a mental strengthening magic, which honestly doesn’t help me much in a duel, does it?”

At my question, Skaya raises her index finger and waves it from side to side, then clicks her tongue…

“Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! You’re not wrong, mental enhancement isn’t as helpful in combat as other magic. But for the person you are now, it’s absolutely necessary.”

Huh? Do I need it now?

At best, mental enhancement can only strengthen your mental strength. Nothing more, nothing less.

It might give you a little more focus in a fight, but I don’t think it’s very effective compared to other offensive magic.

No. There are other ways to use it.

But it’s impossible for her to know about my secret.

So I don’t think she had that in mind when she said it.

What on earth did she see that made her think I needed it?

As I ponder my mental enhancement skill, she crosses her arms as if to break the train of thought.

“Well, it’s easier to see than to say.”

I nod, understanding her words.

Just as Skaya is about to cast a spell to show me a physical enhancement.

“Wait a minute. I’ll do some doping.”


She tilted her head at my words. I ignored Skaya’s reaction and drank the experience potion from my subspace ring.

Seriously, I feel like I’m cheating when I drink this stuff.

“Then let’s get started.”

“…I don’t know what that drug is, but whatever.”

With those words, Skaya activated her physical enhancement without even looking at the potion.

Wow. Lowest level magic, right?

Even though it’s the same magic, it’s a far cry from the physical enhancement I used today.

Well, that’s to be expected.

I’ve been doping and training in magic enhancement during the school holidays, but it’s been a month at most.

Skaya, on the other hand, has been training every day since she was a child, unlike me, so it’s no wonder there’s such a difference.

“As you know, physical enhancement is the lowest level of magic, but it varies greatly depending on the user’s magic power. In my case, I have more magic power than most mages, so my physical enhancement is exceptionally high. But.”

Skaya released the physical enhancement and sighed heavily.

“Huh. It’s not really good for mages, you know, because mages don’t train their bodies the way knights do, so even a little bit of physical enhancement can cause their bodies to recoil.”

As she says this, Skaya points her index finger at me and continues.

“But you’re different, Kane. From what I’ve seen of your body, it’s not inferior to that of most aspiring knights, and from what I can tell, using physical enhancement with your level of magic shouldn’t put any strain on your body, unlike it does on us mages.”

“Well, you’re right,” I said, “I tried it out in class today, and I did feel a little drained, but other than that, I didn’t feel anything.”

She nods her head with an ‘I see’ look on her face.

“That’s almost no recoil, because unlike you, my body is already tired right now.”

“Well, it looks that way.”

Not lying, she has a cold sweat streak down her face, despite the fact that she only used her body enhancement for a very short time.

“So. Why is mental enhancement important to me?”

“Well, even if you’re the best at it, you’ll quickly run out of physical enhancements if you keep training, and mental enhancements are absolutely necessary to keep you going.”

“Ah! Definitely. Makes sense.”

Even if my body is different from the average mage’s, if I continue to train with physical enhancement, it will quickly become drained.

But what if I train using mental enhancements?

At the very least, I’ll be able to maintain my strength for a lot longer than I could with only physical enhancements.

Sure, it would be hard work, but with my holy cross, I shouldn’t have a problem with that.

Skaya raises one corner of her mouth when she sees my convinced expression.

“Anyway, enough of this. Let’s train right now.”

“…But how do I train? According to Professor Shion, the best way to activate the spell is to imprint the formula into my brain. Does that mean I have to memorise it for the rest of the day?”

“Well, normally I’d recommend that, but we’re short on time, so we’ll do it another way.”

Another way? Is there such a thing?

I don’t know, in the game, you can just put up skill points and learn it right away.

Like that, when I don’t understand. She smiles benignly and says

“It’s simple, I’ll give you a physical enhancement and a mental enhancement. Then your body and brain will subconsciously remember all about the magic.”

“That’s how you imprint the spell?”

“Yes. The formula itself was created with magic in the first place, but….”

Oh, why is she trailing off at the end?

From her explanation, that method is definitely the most effective.

…But there’s something off about it.

My instincts alert me to danger, and then, as if by timing, Skaya freezes mid-sentence.

“If it doesn’t happen at once, and it’s going to be incredibly painful…think about it.”

W-what did I hear?

Not even once, and a lot of pain?

Surely I must have misheard.

[Goddess of Destiny sends her condolences to you].

I tried to deny it, but the constellation sent me a message, as if it knew what I was thinking.

…Damn It. Of course it is.

If there was a way to do that in the first place, Shion would have told us about it in class.

But she didn’t.

That must mean the pain is so intense that there are no solutions.

“You know… do I have a choice? Master?”

She smiled at my question and said firmly.

“Nope. None.”

With those words, today was the day Skaya forcibly injected body-strengthening magic and mind-strengthening magic into my body.

That day, I felt a pain comparable to my bones being broken.

And just like that, a week passed.

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