Avatar: The Gamer

17 – Training and siblings

At the dining table, the family of four sat around, Hakoda wasn't present as he had some business to take care of so it was only Kya and the three siblings. 

On the table lay smoked fish, rice, bread, some cabbages and some salad. Some of them were acquired locally and the others were brought back by tribesmen who travel outside or some passing merchants. 

This was one of the reasons that Levi never noticed a major difference in food compared to his previous world, it was indeed a little lacking in some areas but it was mostly the same, minus the fast food stuff. 

"So how is my little boy doing in his sparring sessions?" asked Kya

“Sigh, I am doing good Mom and for the million time I am not a little boy.” Said Lavi annoyed at being called a little boy, but he knew that his complaints would just fall on deaf ears.

“Hehehe, of course, my little boy is a grown man sorry for my mistake, just make sure to be a strong man like your father.” said Kya smiling at Levi.

‘Am pretty sure that I am at least just as strong if not stronger than him.’ Thought Levi.

“And how about you Sokka?” asked Kya turning towards Sokka.

“Am training with the warriors and big brother everyday mom, I am going to grow and be just as strong as father and brother and I'll protect you all.” said Sokka raising his head high as he stopped eating.

“Hahah that's my boy.” Said Kya with a smile.

“Hey? What about me? Why didn't you ask me?” asked Katara pouting as she looked at their mother.

“Oh my!, I am sorry sweetheart, how is my little princess spending her day?.”

“Am playing with the kids and watching big brother and big brother training and also follow dad when I can.” said Katara with a proud smile as she raised her head high.

‘Why are you saying it like it's a huge accomplishment.’ thought Levi as he smiled lovingly at his sister.

“Good job sweetie, make sure to keep track of them for me, alright? Especially your father” said Kya with a dangerous light shining in her eyes at the last sentence.

‘Rest in peace old men.’ thought Levi praying for his father internally.

“Yes, leave it to me.” Nodded Katara bubbling her head up and down with a serious expression making both Levi and Kya burst out laughing much to the confusion of the two youngest siblings.


Outside Levi house

Levi and Sokka stood facing each other with Katara on the far side watching them. 

Kya didn't come out to watch, she did it the first few times but as it was an everyday thing and as none of them got hurt she didn't pay it any more attention. 

It was Katara who seemed to never get tired of it.

Sokka couldn't use water bending so of course Levi only limited their spare to hand-to-hand fighting and using harmless weapons sometimes 

Their spare starter with Sokka charging at him as fast as he could stopping a distance away from him and delivering a roundhouse kick.

When the kick was almost near Levi’s head he ended up stepping to the side causing Sokka to trip and fall.

This was the opening that Sokka used in a lot of their sparring sessions which always ended in failure but he never seemed to give up and kept using it time after time. Sometimes Levi would deliver a kick to his stomach or face to make him learn his lesson and not rush blindly but it didn't seem to work.

And so Levi stepped aside dodging Sokka’s kick and delivered a left hook of his own which Sokka blocked with his right hand, but, it was all a faint as Levi grabbed his right hand with his left and picked him up, throwing him over his head and to the ground before retreating to give him time to recover.

Looking from the side, Katara had an odd look on her face, the spare in front of her looked just like Levi's spar with Tenzin except now he was the one taking it easy and holding back.

Sokka didn't say anything as he got up with even more determination on his face and rushed at Levi again. 

Levi didn't know how much time had passed but they kept at it until Sokka ran out of breath and couldn't keep going any more. 

"Alright that's it for today let's continue tomorrow.” said Levi smiling victoriously at his brother.

"Alright…if you….say so….but I…could still….keep going " said Sokka gasping for breath after every word.

Shaking his head at his younger brother's antics Levi observed his mentor skill and noticed its exp level rising so it must mean that Sokka had at least learned something.  

'Next I only have melee practice with Tenzin before I am free for the rest of the day.’ Thought Levi before turning and heading to the training ground 


It was almost midnight right now, after finishing his spare with Sokka he had gone back to the training ground to have his close-quarter training with his master which went as expected, he had his ass handed to him, but it was way better than before which showed he was getting stronger.

Levi lay on the icy ground as he looked at the sky, observing the sky and the almost full moon. 

It was a habit he had picked up over the years as it allowed him to relax and calm down his nerves allowing him to think. 

He had a plan in mind, 

He planned to reach the top level of this world before the start of the plot line, to be one of the strongest people alive before the avatar is released.

'It might seem like it's a crazy dream but with the gamer system it is not impossible.’ he thought.

'But if I plan to do that, training alone is not gonna be enough, I need to participate in battles, real battles, and most important of all I need to KILL and level up.’ he thought resolutely.

He had already been informed by his father about going on a mission later but he knew it wouldn't be that dangerous and in turn not that rewarding.

He had to show his worth to convince them to send him on some real missions. 

If he couldn't convince his father to assign him to real fights and battles with his current combat skills his only option remaining was to write a letter and run away.

While away he would train as much as he could before returning two years later as he remembered that that was the date his mother was supposed to be killed.

'Screw the plot, I am saving her and I don't care what will happen later.’ he thought 

'This is one of those things that one can't think too much about or use logic on, even if it came to bite me in the ass later I still have to do it and I won't have any regrets about it.’

'After that I'll need to find another chance to escape.’ he thought, sighing knowing it'll be way harder to get away the second time around.

Or maybe my father would see reason in that it's safer to assign me to missions instead of wasting a talent like me and I wouldn't have to resort to such drastic masseuse.

‘Sigh only time will tell, I should go to sleep tomorrow will be a big day.’ Thought Levi as he got up from the cold ground and headed home.


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