Avatar: The Gamer

10 – Back

First pov 

Darkness and silence were all I could feel around me. That's my only companion now. How long has it been? Did I get attacked by another animal while I was unconscious? 

Was it even real? Did I really reincarnate? 

Or was it all just a dream? 

Something my mind made up after being hit by the truck, something it's using to cling to life for a little bit longer, a final struggle. 

In this endless darkness and silence, a voice accompanied me. I couldn't make it out at first it was more of a noise than a voice, but as time passed, maybe days or maybe years I couldn't tell in this state, it started to become clearer and clearer. 

At first, I could only make out letters, then a word fully appeared in my consciousness and then it formed a full sentence. 






So that's what it was, it was the voices of my siblings, both of them screaming at me to wake up. 

I guess it wasn't a dream after all, for some reason, I felt a sense of relief wash over me at that realization. 


Third pov

In the southern water tribe, it was late at night, the stars dotted the vast sky and cast their light on the ground, illuminating the quiet tribe, a full round moon hung high in the sky like an eye watching over the world. 

At the chief's house, four people surrounded the table and were eating their dinner in silence. There was a gloomy air surrounding the four of them, their previous happy joyous smiles and laughs could no longer be seen, and in its place was nothing but a numb look hiding their pain. 

"Will he really be alright?." Nya inquired about her son for the dozen times that day, breaking the silence. And although she had heard the answer again and again she still asked, maybe it was just to find some kind of relief upon hearing that her son would be fine. 

Hearing his wife's question Hakoda could only sigh with a heavy heart, she had been asking this question again and again ever since Levi was brought back to the tribe and he had been answering her every time without so much as a complaint, he knew she just wanted him to comfort her at this point. 

She didn't even care that Sokka and Katara heard her and saw her in this state, something she would have never neglected before. 

"Yes my love, he will definitely be fine. You know our son, he is a strong kid and he will get through this just fine" said Hakoda. 

Sokka and Katara only listened on the side with tears in their eyes, not interrupting their parents. 

These last few days hadn't been hard on only Hakoda and his wife, Sokka, and Katara were also the same, maybe even worse as they're only kids and something like this was already too much for them, and on top of that they blamed themselves for it. 

One could only imagine what they could be going through. 



Kya flipped and screamed at the top of her lungs before she broke down crying, the other three could only clench their hands and stay silent not being able to do anything, this has happened multiple times during the past few days.

Seeing her like this hakoda heart felt like it was torn apart, he loved his wife and kid, and seeing them in such a state broke him too. 

The only reason he isn't breaking up in tears is that his family needed a strong pillar to rely on so he had to be strong for his kids, for his wife, and for his tribe. 

Getting up he went ahead and hugged his wife, that's the only thing he could do now. The kids who were also crying silently ran up to them and hugged them too. 

"I am hurt, you're actually having a group hug without me." 




Everyone was frozen in their place as if struck by a bolt of lightning, slowly turning around they saw who made that voice, a handsome kid of about 5 years old with blue eyes, brown hair, and cute facial features.


"Can I join?." he said again, seeing their stunned expressions. 




They all said at the same time after getting over their shock and as they rushed at him. 

His mother almost tackled him to the ground in a hug as she buried his face in her chest, almost suffocating him and drowning him in tears. 

His father stood above him rubbing his head with a relieved look on his face. 

Only Sokka and Katara seemed to be hesitant, as they clenched their tiny hands and looked at him with tears in their eyes from far away. 

How could they not be, their elder brother had almost died because of them, to protect them he used himself as bait and let them run, they were ashamed to face him. 

Seeing them like this Levi knew what they were thinking but he didn't agree, after all he had seen the show. 

'Without me in the equation they would have grown up fine without encountering any danger until they met the avatar, so in a sense am the reason they were in danger in the first place.' 

'It was actually me who had put them in harm's way, if not for my existence they wouldn't have wandered around.' he thought to himself his feelings were complicated. 

That was also one of the reasons why he risked it all to save them from that bear, of course the main one was still that he really cared about them. 

'WelI no matter what I can't let them keep thinking this way can I?.' Thinking to himself he waited for his mother to let him go before turning towards his two siblings and smiling. 

"Oh, you seem to have forgotten all about your big brother huh? Not even wanting to hug him." he said with a fake angry tone. 

Hearing him, his mom and dad smiled as they immediately understood what he was doing. He had always been smart and could read the mood even better than most adults so they weren't surprised. They were even proud of having a smart kid like this and now even more so after the bear encounter. 

His siblings on the other hand had a terrified expression on their faces as they almost broke down in tears at his words.

"Nooo." Yelled the both of them as they tried to explain themselves. 

"It's not like that we..we were just worried that you…." Said sokka stuttering not knowing how to finish his sentence. 

Katara on the other hand couldn't hold it in any longer as she burst out in tears and rushed to hug him, with Sokka joining them, "*sniff* *sniff*, Waaaaaaa." she was only 3 after all. None of them saying anything only Katara's crying could be heard. 

She didn't even fully comprehend what was happening. 

She only knew that a bad monster hurt her brother, and her brother was in a bad situation, but now he is fine and not angry at her which made her relieved. That was her simple thought process.

After a while the three siblings separated and hakoda said seriously, "Alright your brother has been through a lot and has just woken up, he needs a lot of rest so don't you dare disturb him alright? You don't want him to go back to sleep once again right!." 

"Noo" "Noo" Both of them said at the same time and started nodding their heads up and down so fast that Levi thought that they might snap them. 

Smiling at them, Hakoda told them to go to bed and asked for Levi to follow him and headed to his room where he had just woken up from his coma. 

Seeing them leave, Sokka and Katara were reluctant at first but still accepted it, it was related to their brother's safety after all. 


Inside Levi's room, he and his father sat at the table in the middle of the room facing each other. 

There was an oil lamp lit on the table coupled with the light of the full moon and stars coming from the window, it made the room bright and welcoming. 

Hakoda was the first one to break the silence by asking about his son, "So, how are you feeling kido?." He said with a fatherly gentle tone to his voice.

"I am alright father. I feel a little sore but aside from that everything is okay." 

"Well that's to be expected, you didn't just go through a simple run around the tribe after all, you fought a freaking polar bear alone and survived. I would instead be surprised if you were totally fine alright." 

"Haha that's true." Levi nodded agreeing with his father. Unconsciously he reached for the scar on his left eye. 

He could already open his left eye and see normally but he could feel that the scare was still there. 

Which was something he didn't expect and was worried about, judging from his family's previous reaction he should have been unconscious for a long while so why wasn't he healed yet, something is not right!! 


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