Avatar: Mage of All Elements

Chapter 21

Little by little, I managed to calm down and start thinking logically and coherently. Looking at the big picture, I had achieved my goal. I had trained in magic, legalized myself, and made some connections. Yes, I was used, but I'm not without sin, and all of this was started for selfish purposes. The result was a pattern: I'm yours and you're mine.

I don't really regret it. But if we look at it not in general, but let's say objectively, I want to smash everything I look at.

Even though I know the reason why it was done that way, I couldn't accept it. Maybe it's the old life that reminds me of myself, where everyone who wanted to used me. That's why my brain is freaking out, finding analogies, and that's why I'm freaking out.

I decided to calm down drastically. I went to a brothel and stayed there until I was completely out of steam. And even though I came out of there like a cowboy, I was satisfied. After that, I didn't want to talk business and spent a few more days in blissful idleness, completely calming down.

I now had several options. The easiest was to quit and get the hell out of here. But being without family and tribe isn't very pleasant, so it's not very convenient for me. It's also possible to stay and live in luxury, but being a parasite isn't very pleasant for me, and I can only make money with magic. I don't know what to choose.

Though I do remember wanting to visit a Kyoshi Island. Of course, I didn't leave without telling anyone. So I went to the mansion. I was again greeted politely, let in, and escorted to the same place I had been taken the first time.

Now that I wasn't angry and could appreciate everything in peace, I could only marvel at the scenery and the effort the servants put into maintaining such beauty. Beifong Manor was very beautiful, and it could all be described at great length, but it wasn't long before Lao Beifong came up to me.

«Hello», I greeted him.

«Greetings. How are you?» he asked with a smile.

«Fine», I smiled back.

«That's good.»

«I've been thinking about it», I stopped talking, not knowing how to make my point clearer.

«And?» he asked already without a smile and with a kind of tension.

«Originally, when I was training my students, I had planned to settle down somewhere and continue their training or recruit other students...» I hesitated again, trying to choose my words Korrectly.

«But?» he encouraged me.

«But you have revealed some not-so-pleasant details that make me reluctant to do so. Staying with you puts you in danger, so I'd like to leave.»

«Where to, if it's no secret?» he asked understandingly and with some curiosity.

«To the island of Kyoshi», I replied calmly.

«But why there?» asked Lao with surprise. And I understand his surprise, because there is nothing interesting on that island and basically there is only a small village there.

«Because of the Kyoshi warriors. I wanted to go there and learn from them for a long time, but I never had the chance, but now it's different.»

«I see. I suppose there's no use in trying to persuade you to stay?» my 'uh-huh' said all by itself, «Then good luck. I'll talk to the right people, so you shouldn't have a problem with it.»

«Thank you. All that's left is to say goodbye to Poppy.»

«That's not going to happen», Lao said with a smile. I raised an eyebrow in confusion, «When she came home, my son immediately took her under his wing and won't let her go anywhere. So they don't care about the outside world right now.»

«I see», I smiled understandingly and nodded my head. As I was about to leave, I remembered a detail: «By the way, I have a favor to ask of you.»

«If it's in my power, I'll do my best.»

«I need a piece of metal. A small one, about the size of my fist. The most important thing is that this metal be of varying quality, from the worst to the purest possible.»

«But why, if it's not a secret?»

«It's a secret for now, if it works, you'll be the first to know.»

«I see. Do you need it now?»

«If it's not too much trouble, deliver it to Kyoshi Island in about a month, okay?»

«That's the least I can do for you.»

«Then I'll go.»

And I, after gathering my things, went to the sea. Still, it wasn't very comfortable to get there on my own, but this way I could get on a ship and keep my head down. They wanted to give me a transport, something like an ostrich, but not knowing how to take care of it, I did not dare to take it, so I walked.

And to be honest, I'm used to walking. It was especially interesting to walk with my eyes closed. The more I used seismic vision, the clearer and farther I could see. It was such a minuscule improvement that it was almost imperceptible, but with prolonged observation it turned out that the more one practiced, the better the result.

So I traveled practically all the way to the sea with my eyes closed. Only to find the city and its harbor, I had to check the map with my eyes. And I didn't miss much. I came out only five kilometers from the city.

This village was not chosen by chance. Every day a ship passed through the island I needed. It was a hundred kilometers from the nearest port to Kyoshi, so I'd be sure to get where I needed to go.

It was no trouble at all to make arrangements with the captain. A few coins and I had my ticket. It's not luxurious, and it's a one-way ticket, but they don't ask any questions. I have two days to sail.

As soon as we reached the open sea, the feeling of the water completely overwhelmed me. Even though I hadn't used it much over the years, my magic was still the same. Since it was boring to sail, I tried to use the currents to speed up the ship. But even though we were moving faster, we got caught in a big storm during a stop at an island.

We were lucky that we sailed early, but it would not have made much difference either way. Because of the storm, however, we were delayed and arrived at Kyoshi Island with a 24-hour delay. And the picture was not rosy.

All the wooden houses were flattened to the ground, the roofs of the mud and stone houses were torn off, and everything was in the water, so the locals were not having the best of days. But for some people it was a disaster, for me it was a blessing.

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