Aurora Scroll

Chapter 383 - Clarissa’s New Job

“Alchemy? I’m a fighter, Viers. Tinkering with medicine and stuff isn't my thing.”

“Never too late to start. Besides, don't you want to try something new? Perhaps you’ll enjoy it,” Viers persuaded.


“Hear me out. The alchemy in this book is not your usual alchemy. Remember Aravin? The harem guy with a loli spiritual teacher inside him? That guy possessed the alchemy sage manual, supposedly a legendary lost art from the Eastern Continent where the loli girl came from. Received it from a mysterious beggar he helped in the past, imagine that. It is a waste to let it gather dust in my mind.”

“Why don't you learn it then?”

“In other Fables, there are a lot of Main Characters that can do alchemy but I feel this isn't my thing. I’d like to focus on slashing and crushing my enemies as I eat delicious souls.”

“That’s the same as me! Minus the soul part,” Clarissa sighed, as she was not convinced. “I’ve never brewed a potion.”

“Aren't you looking for things to do? Why don't you give it a try? Who knows you might have a knack for it. You might be able to craft your own body to house your soul one day. Think of the possibilities of creation, Rissa. This alchemy is different from this land’s. It makes great use of fire. You’re the best fire user I know, other than that Phoenix girl. Please.”

Clarissa looked at Viers’ borderline pleading face and hesitated. She had a grasp of Viers’ situation. He had a lot of raw materials but lacked the means to process them. The produce from the Biome alone was very bountiful. Processed properly, the benefits from consuming them would be multiplied.

Clarissa sighed and took the book with the unpleasant title. She wasn't a dummy, definitely not. “I make no promises. I’ll try to make the basics at least.”

“Excellent! I knew I could count on you. I also got a lot of souls with alchemy know-how from this side of the world. I can impart their skills and knowledge to you. With a Grand Soul, I can now do it. You’ll be a super alchemist in no time,” Viers gave a thumbs up.

“Don't complain if the pill I make gives you a stomach ache,” Clarissa browsed through the book. “How did you make this? Writing all this must've taken a lot of time.”

“Hm? Soul writing,” Viers demonstrated by hovering his hand above a stone and writing appeared on the surface. He flicked his hands and the writing was erased.

“Hmm, soul power is pretty convenient.”

Viers waited while Clarissa took her first step as an alchemist, learning the introduction of alchemy from a manual.

He involuntarily reminisced about Battle Through the Heavens. That novel was one of the first ten Chinese power fantasy novels that he had read so it left a pretty big impression on him.

Xiao Yan… Angry Buddha Lotus Flame… Will Clarissa tread a similar path I wonder? Fufufu.

Within the edge of her vision, Clarissa saw Viers smiling creepily. Was he truly that happy? If so, perhaps she should put a bit more earnestness into this alchemy thing.

“Then I’ll try making this healing salve thing. It’s one of the most basic recipes and it looks simple enough for beginners.”

“Alright. When you’re proficient enough, I’ll make an atelier for you. Your personal workshop.”

“That’s fine, I guess? Will it be any good?”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Viers waved his finger at the doubt. “You don't have to worry about that. I’ve helped a lot of girls manage their atelier and schedule. Quite a few of them even ended up making the legendary Philosopher's Stone, so I've got a good record if I say so myself.”

Iris, Rorona, Totori, Meruru, Sophie, Ryza… Their legacy is safe within me.

Viers didn't think alchemy was limited to making pills and potions. He had played those games, he had read Fullmetal Alchemist, Viers’ view on what alchemy can create was pretty broad.

Viers wondered if it was possible in this world to produce perfectly shaped bombs, cakes, and weapons by throwing a bunch of raw ingredients into a big pot and then giving it a stir. It would be hilarious.

Meanwhile, Clarissa’s face soured. “These girls, are they cute?”

“Pretty much.”


Clarissa slithered away. She wasn't pouting, definitely not. But the first potion she made would be added with strong laxatives.


I am Toruk Makto.

That was what Arsène felt as the days passed while the underwater races ogled him.

Wait, that’s wrong. Uraj is the Toruk Makto, I’m the big bird.

The Mer was the first to bond with a Deva-class monster -or Godkin in their preferred naming- for a long time and thus brought great respect for the extraordinary feat.

The Mer’s lot in life improved. The Hunting Games was a success. He got a promotion, salary increase, marriage proposals, and so on. The better Arsène performed, the more it seemed to translate to Uraj’s ability. Preposterous. The man did nothing while Arsène did everything.

Uraj was so swallowed by his own hype that he didn't even triple-check his magical binding to a monster stronger than him, not even once. Meanwhile, Viers did so on Faiya on a daily basis. On Dia, Futon, and the girls, he did it at least once a week.

Be that as it may, the circumstances worked just fine for Arsène. Weeks passed and the Devadom Orca was no longer a hot sensation, giving him some leeway to act freely. According to his observations, the underwater society of Mualammu Kingdom was not unlike those on the surface. There was cultivation, resources, and power struggles.

While pretending to be a dumb monster that followed the order of a guy winning a jumbo lottery of life, Arsène schemed on how to take unique and high value resources from the sea to the surface. Dia still needed time to create a Gate Plant that worked in such depths, though he had given several local plants to serve as her references.

Until it was complete and operational, Arsène had to figure out a way to rendezvous back to his other self before the limit of his Profound Codex kicked in, turning him powerless.

“Ahahaha, keep ‘em coming! You all have some too, my treat! Oh, how lucky am I to be surrounded by beauties like you all!”

Arsène saw Uraj in a drinking shop, two mermaids on his side while a third was pouring his beverage in his cup. They somehow made it work despite the water environment.

Looking at his ‘master’, Arsène shook his head. He shouldn't worry too much. If he couldn't go around the back of this idiot, what kind of a villain was he? It was like failing to be a dress-up ghost that couldn't scare Shaggy in Scooby Doo. It was a comically low bar.

In less than ten days, Arsène managed to throw Uraj off his trail and rejoined with Viers at the Shore. When he returned to the sea kingdom, he had seeds that enabled teleportation in his pocket space.

Soon, the crime rate in the kingdom rose, especially theft. The culprit had yet to be identified. It was difficult since there were very few clues left behind as if it had been done by a ghost.


“Falmerion, Firebreath!”

A red dragon the size of a dog roasted a Level 0 boar monster in just a few seconds.

“Good job!”

“Shaaa!” Falmerion replied to his master’s enthusiasm.

“Wonderfully done, My Prince. You’ve come a long way,” Alfred praised.

Time went on and Croix had become a Level 1 Pathseeker. Falmerion too had been growing healthily. The way Croix fought was that of a tamer archetype. However, unlike Uraj, the prince empowered his dragon and the dragon lent his strength in turn.

“Alfred, Avel, the way I am now I can finally search for resources in the surroundings, correct?”

Alfred and Viers gave each other a glance before giving a nod. The prince was eager to go treasure hunting since the first week of his post, but the wilds were a dangerous place for a neophyte Pathseeker. Level 1 was the bare minimum that both Croix’s mentors set for him.

During Croix’s first foray, he was pretty excited. He was just a 15-year-old boy after all. Although he knew there was nothing in the area that could put the prince in extreme danger, Alfred watched over him like a hawk the whole time. The prince found two minor resources that day, not enough to be a source of revenue for his village.

Croix didn't succeed in finding his objective either on his second foray, or the fifth.

“Urgh! Where are the treasures!?” Croix grumbled.

“This is a Green Zone, Highness,” Viers smiled. “Any treasures of value here have been picked clean long ago. If there are any left, it means they are well hidden. The more dangerous a place is, the higher the chance you’ll find something of value. You have got experience in outings. You can try the Orange Zone to the northwest now.”

Croix did just that and learned the monsters found him and his dragon appetizing. Croix had to fight to keep his flesh for himself. Like his master said, the danger was higher but the reward was also higher. He got an unusual purple berry that should be a Rank 2 resource, something fitting for a Level 2 Pathseeker. It was nice but that wouldn't be enough.

After searching and searching for two weeks, Croix’s persistence finally bore fruit.

“This is a mana crystal mine!” Croix looked around at the glittering cavern walls. The corpse of the monsters guarding this place was nearby. The happiness Croix felt bolted out the pain of his injuries. “The Shore finally got something to show for it!”

“Halt! Who goes there?”

Alfred and Boram who accompanied Croix were already in their battle stance. It was a group of five Level 1s.

“So you’re the one who made the ruckus around here,” the man who seemed to be the leader said. “Well, well, look what we have here…”

The greed in his eyes was unmistakable. “The Spears of Fury School will overlook your transgression on its territory in light of this. You may go.”

“Excuse me? We’re the ones who found this place!” Croix raised his voice.

“Perhaps, but this is our territory. Ooo, that’s quite the rage in your eyes. I suggest you think twice, our School’s leader is a Level 3. He can wipe the floor with you without batting an eye.”


“And then what did you all do?” Viers asked Boram as he told his story back at the Shore.

“After some verbal disagreement, Croix chose to back down without fighting them.”

“Hmm.” Viers stayed silent for some time. “You seem to want to ask something.”

“Why don't we just attack them all, Master? We found the mine, the crystals are supposed to be ours. The five are nothing special and the School leader is just Level 3. Alfred is Level 4. If by some measure I fell short, there’s you. Defeating the whole School shouldn't be difficult.”

“Suppose you fight them, even if you win, then what? Yes, you got the mine, but at what cost? How much Victa you’ll spend fighting the whole School? Then there’s the fallout of such hostile actions. That news will spread unless you kill every witness. Croix will be seen as short-sighted and aggressive, a blow to his reputation. With a bad reputation, it will be hard for him to find backing for his bid for the throne. Not only that, but this also involves Croix’s superior, Countess Grace, and that School’s backing which complicates matters further. Is this all worth it for a Rank 1 mana crystal mine?”

“Ahh, so it isn't that simple… Layers of consideration…”

“This is how the righteous path operates. Their struggle is less bloody but with more undercurrents. Lots of consideration and effort to maintain their reputation and prestige. When the ugly part happens it is usually hidden from public eyes and ears.”

“Err, righteous path, Master?”

“The public figures and factions that maintain law and order, more or less. The Church, the kingdoms, I call them the righteous path out of habit.”

The term from Reverend Insanity stuck in Viers’ mind.

“At any rate, my guess is Croix will be checking the boundary of the Countess’ territory and his own. To see if the mine falls under his jurisdiction. The mine’s location is a bit leaning on contested territory after all. If so, then he might have the justification to seize the mine openly and publicly.”

“But, Master, in your place… I feel bad for saying this but isn't this all so insignificant?”

Boram had seen his Master’s Biome, its bounty and resources. Compared to that, the mine is nothing.

“Yes, ultimately the mine, the Shore, all are little potatoes. Nothing significant, but it is significant for Croix. He needs to experience this so he can grow. It’s a part of life.”

“I see.”

“The stronger you get, the bigger your problems are and the once great obstacle to you is no longer so. As a Level 3 taking the mine should be a simple matter for you, even more simple for me or Alfred. But this is Croix’s problem. His decision to make, his learning process. For us, we also have our own problems. Life is just never-ending challenges. Come, it’s been some time, let’s spar. You better not slack off with your own training despite being on guard duty.”

“Yes, Master. I won't let you down.”

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