Aurora Scroll

Chapter 379 - A Mer's Changing Fortune

There are things that dwell in the deep.

Monstrous, fearsome, mighty.

Cracks had appeared on the seafloor.

It came from far away, from a depth most perilous. It cared not for anything in its way. When an underwater mountain was in its way, the mountain was split. From a distance, it looked like a faultline that spanned horizon to horizon.

The cracks made their way to the upper depths. This occurrence created a great disturbance in the sea, displacing uncountable marine life. Monsters instinctually moved away. Those who didn't, or those too late, lost their lives mysteriously.

The faultline moved as if it had a mind of its own.

After days, the cracks reached the husk of a fallen meteor.

There was a tremor, and the entire meteorite, as big as the grandest human palaces, sank without a trace, unseen by any.

After a long, eerie silence in the dark, there was an ungodly voice from the blackness of the faultline which had divided ground as large as a continent. The surroundings shook as a seaquake occurred.

It sounded like a roar of annoyance.

After that, silence returned to the place where sunlight never reached. Before long, natural occurrences such as landslides and water pressure closed the chasms of unnatural make, leaving only minor traces on the vast seabed.

There are things that dwell in the deep.


“Found you…”

Uraj the Mer sighed with relief looking at the sleeping Whale Godkin that he pursued. The orca had gotten the Shining Heart and created a Monster Tide. Uraj lost sight of it when the numbers of the tide became too numerous. He backed down so he wouldn’t be implicated.

After a while, it was clear the Monster Tide had lost its cohesion. That meant whatever was causing it had been resolved. If the tide was caused by a strong monster, it usually meant it had been slain. If it was a scramble for treasure like this one, it usually meant the treasure was no longer obtainable, or out of reach.

After the monsters gradually scattered away, Uraj resumed his search nearby, in the shallows. He found the orca but no longer sensed the wave of power from the star’s Shining Heart. The Godkin had digested it, it seemed.

It was as Uraj feared. How could he get the treasure now? Impossible. For a second, he was crestfallen.

But, this is also an opportunity!

Uraj lifted his head up again, synapses in his brain working furiously.

The Whale Godkin was in a state of contentment. Its energy must be spent after eluding the Monster Tide and digesting the Shining Heart. In short, the Godkin was now weakened.

…I will try it! If I miss this chance, who knows if there will be a next time? Time to risk it!

The conditions were ideal. The orca didn't seem aware he was here and no other strong monsters ventured nearby. Uraj wouldn't be interrupted.

After finishing his preparations, the merman resolved himself and approached the orca. The Godkin finally picked up his presence and poised to attack.

“Too late! Subdue!”

A spherical magic cage with chain motifs caught the orca. The mighty monster trashed around in defiance but it was no use. It tried to jump through space next, but how could Uraj let that happen?

“It’s no use! This monster-subduing art cannot be broken by brute force. It’s a battle of wills now. Obey me, Godkin! Become my familiar!”

The mer and monster mentally clashed, each trying to overcome the other. The magical cage that trapped the orca inflicted pain on the quarry so the trapper would have a higher chance of subduing the monster.

This was Uraj’s hidden trump card. Not even his parents knew he had this technique that he got from a dead mer-highborn all those years ago. He’d never had the suitable opportunity to use the technique, but it all changed today.

“Uuuoooohh! Be obedient! Listen to me!”

Uraj bled from his ears and nose as he exerted his power to the limit. It was a gamble with his life. The stronger the monster the stronger the resistance. No matter how consummate the subduing art, if the master was too weak then the monster would break free of their control and kill them.

The Godkin’s strength is Rank 3, I’m also Rank 3, but since it's a Godkin, the difficulty might be as high as a Rank 4! Definitely out of my league but I have to try! I have to break free from my mediocrity! Ghhhhh!

The orca’s purple eyes were looking at Uraj with unbridled hostility. Its resistance was getting fiercer. By the laws of nature, monsters only submit to strong monsters. It knew Uraj was weaker than itself so how could the orca submit? Yet the bindings were sturdy and resilient.

Sparks of magic raged like electricity as the two battled for mental supremacy.

How long has it been? Minutes, hours, Uraj didn't know.

What he did know, was he had reached his limits.

Uraj’s vision blackened and he lost consciousness. Only one future left for him now: food for the Godkin. With its bindings broken, the shadow of the orca was looming above him.

Heh, figures… What a shitty life…

He made his bid for glory and he lost. Not surprising. He was simply one among uncountable millions in the annals of history.

At least I won't feel the pain of being eaten…


Latias Kingdom.

In a certain manor in the Latias Kingdom's heartland, a woman was looking at the morning sky through an opened window. The wind’s breath swayed her untied brown hair.

Then she looked at the still-sleeping woman on the bed. She was like the most perfect human to her. The feelings of affection bubbled up from the depths of her heart.

The brown-haired woman silently approached the sleeping beauty and gently brushed the raven-black hair on her forehead.

“Princess Celestine…” She took her hand to her lips and gave it a kiss. “You are my sun.”

“My, that’s so sweet. Then illuminate you I shall.”

Celestine Amethyst Latias then opened her eyes, purple like her namesake. Even the way she roused herself from sleep was elegantly done.

“I’m sorry. Did I wake you?” The brunette smiled apologetically.

“A little bit. You woke up quickly even after last night,” Celestine teased.

“My princess, please save the teasing for others,” the brunette replied, albeit with a slight red on her cheeks.

“Oh, you’re no fun. Shall we have breakfast?”

With the word breakfast uttered, the previously sleeping small dragon chose to wake up now and demanded to be fed.


“It seems it is decided,” Celestine rang a small bell placed near the bed. In less than fifteen seconds, an entourage of maids brought the lavish breakfast. The black dragon ran to a separately prepared menu.

“Eat slowly, Serena, your food will not fly away,” Celestine said to her dragon.

“Shaaa!” The dragon replied by breathing a little fire from her mouth.


One of her handmaidens gave her an envelope and then backed away along with the rest. Celestine read its contents after the servants left.

“Is there a problem, princess?” The brunette asked.

“It seems your fiance lives, Solany,” Celestine put the letter down. “He was seen during the attack on Lucan Duchy in the company of demon cultists.”

“T-that’s!” Solany was startled.

The duchy was attacked? How? Was father asleep? What does this mean? Did that man not kill Marvin after all? Is this Marvin’s plot? Someone’s plot? Could it be Marvin really joined the cults? No, impossible. He thinks the demon worshipers are beneath him. Perhaps he managed to sway them to his cause after promising concessions in return? Or-

The next thing Solany knew, Celestine had hugged her.

“Everything will be alright, Solany. There’s no need to worry. Calm down, calm down.”

Solany’s agitation ebbed away.

“No matter what, Marvin won't hurt you anymore. I promise.”

Words couldn't describe what Solany was feeling right now.

“...Thank you, Princess. I believe it is time for me to return, back to Lucan Duchy.”

“If that’s what you choose,” Celestine said softly to Solany’s ear.

An hour later, after Solany finished her preparations, the princess escorted her to send her off.

“I believe someone impersonated my half-brother.”

“What makes you think so?”

“Woman’s intuition.”

Celestine put a finger on her lips and winked. To which Solany smiled wryly. She was also a woman but didn't have such an inkling. For she, who shifted the minds of men on a regular basis, leaned more on reason than something abstract like intuition.

No matter. It was time for her to go back and reassure her father that his precious political tool was fine. While her father thought about which suitor she would be given to next, Solany planned to steer the duchy’s course to support Celestine’s bid for the throne.

“I’ll take my leave, Princess. Take care of your health,” Solany kissed the back of the princess’ hand in a knight-like manner.

“I’ll miss your company,” Celestine replied. “Don't do anything dangerous.”

“I wouldn't do what you wouldn't do,” Solany said with a warm smile before entering a closed carriage hoisted by winged horses.

“May the Goddess shine your path and keep you,” the princess whispered as she watched her dear friend soar to the blue sky.


After struggling with a headache that felt like his skull was opened and getting his brain chewed by shrimps, Uraj managed to open his eyes.

To his great surprise, he wasn't dead.

But how could it be?

When his blurry vision focused, he saw a big black snout.


Uraj threw himself back. He was dangerously close to a Godkin killer whale.

The whale didn't attack him. It was calm and looked docile, even.

The orca approached him slowly, Uraj’s fear-trembling dialed down a notch. The orca had something in its mouth, he recognized it as medical seaweed.

“...Is this for me?”

The orca gave something that seemed very close to a nod.

Could it be?

Uraj checked gingerly, sure enough, he found a connection between him and the Godkin.

“Uuuuu Yeesssssss!!!”

Uraj let out a shout of triumph. He must have subdued the orca before he passed out. With this, he now had a powerful monster companion. All his colleagues would go green with envy.

The orca gave him a gentle nudge.

“You’re worried about my condition?” Uraj felt the orca’s feelings through their bond. “I’m tired, but no problem. Wheew, subduing you was really difficult and almost killed me but I’m glad I did it. From now on, we’re partners!”

The Godkin gave a sound of agreement.

“Oooh, I can't wait to go home. Come on, boy. I’ll take you to my home, Mualammu Kingdom.”

The merman rode on his new tamed monster and ordered it to swim forth. The orca obeyed. While the merman in his early thirties fantasized about his fantastic days ahead, there was a glint of amusement in the orca’s eyes.

Hmm, fool of a Took. Mualammu Kingdom, eh? You’ve got a tourist.

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