Aurora Scroll

Chapter 353 - Onward To A Healthy Partnership

They had agreed with their words and then they put it in ink to make the contract official. Viers was big on binding, written contracts.

The content was basically the same but there were added details such as if there was betrayal of any kind, Viers was released from vassalage while the agreed conditions must still be fulfilled by the prince.

Viers had made lots of contracts for people that he would be partied with so he had experience drafting a good one. In truth, such a contract also benefited Croix and Alfred. What they feared the most were Avel turned on them. The no-betrayal clause worked both ways and put their mind at ease.

The contract was binding on the soul, Alfred was surprised Avel possessed something so rare.

After all was in order, the prince and Alfred left to make preparations for the trip to the volcano. Both sides were pretty much ready and so they would leave that very day.

“Then we’ll rendezvous on the main bridge in an hour, Avel, Boram, I look forward to working with you.”

“Likewise, Highness.”

As he was Croix’s vassal now, Viers was more respectful towards him in words and mannerisms. It was plain to see and it even invited a grunt of approval from Alfred.

While looking at the back of the leaving pair amongst the falling rain, Viers was thinking about the volcano. He knew the place and had a plan to go there with or without the prince.

With a place so venerated for its purity in the fire element, surely it can help Clarissa to awaken.

“...You have questions,” Viers sensed Boram’s confusion, “Ask.”

“I never thought you wanted to become king, Master. I thought you detested nobles.”

“Being born in a privileged family can result in an atrophy in the part of the brain that we normal people use to get our common sense.”

“At-ropy?” Boram didn't know the word.

“Just think of it as rotting. Those people that throw their weight around are the kind of people that I hate. But as you see, Croix isn't like that. Just like there are good humans and bad humans, you shouldn't judge a person because of their birth.”


“As for ruling, I think it’s a pain in the ass.”


“Think of it. A king is supposed to take care of a whole kingdom, isn't he? Why should I take care of other people when I have enough problems of my own?”

“Err… That is…”

Boram didn't have an answer.

“But I might need it in the future, so I ask. Well, don't mind it too much. Even if Croix got the crown next month or next year, I won't take up the post until I’m sufficiently strong enough.”

They said never judge a book by its cover, however, that was not entirely accurate. While it might hold a candle to the truth, oftentimes a person’s nature reflects on their appearance.

Also even if the food on the plate looked perfectly fine, sometimes you wouldn't know it was actually already spoiled until you smelled or tasted them.

Viers perceived people’s nature with an additional sense, his soul sense. Using that he picked Boram as his slave, helped Paina, Farley, and Clarissa, worked with Izabella, Jaime, and Sakuya, and allied with Mita, Rose, and Ciel.

Each of them passed his threshold as people he would like to associate himself with. Their inner qualities charmed him.

In that same manner, he beheld the nature of Prince Croix’s soul and not found him wanting.

It wasn't because he wanted to serve someone, he simply thought it might be an interesting development where he might get tons of benefits.

“If that is all, get packing Boram. We’re going on a picnic at a volcano.”

“If Master becomes a king, I'm sure the people you rule will be happy,” Boram wistfully said while imagining it in his mind.


Viers smiled mockingly.

Oh, you sweet summer child. I wouldn't want to live in a country ruled by someone like me.

While Boram was in his room getting ready, a black cat jumped down from the cupboard.

“What are you planning?” Izabella had witnessed the whole thing.

“The prince will be my way into Latias high society. Seems interesting and lucrative. Also, there’s the matter of the blood angel of ours…”

“I see… Just beware high societies are more dangerous than the lairs of Deva-class monsters.”

“Oh I know,” Viers put on his mask. “When you play a game of thrones you win or you die. There’s no middle ground… Let’s see how this one turns out, shall we? My last one only lasted six seasons and never finished.”

“...Whaaat?” Izabella exhaled nervously. The way he said it implied he had gone through something similar before. Normally it was impossible, but he was Tanael. Izabella couldn't simply deny it.

Viers didn't answer, only vague chuckles.

Ah… I wonder if Daenerys landed in Westeros yet… Damn. To think Game of Thrones would get discontinued after six seasons. Instead, they made a prequel. Wow… Never get what those people in Hollywood are thinking.

Viers, who thought season seven was a huge dumpster fire and season eight was a franchise killer of apocalyptic proportions, wiped them from his brain SSD and treated them as if they never existed.

The books never finished too… Hate it when great stories don't get to the ending they deserve. Such a shame.


As Izabella wouldn't be accompanying them and so taking separate actions for the time being, Viers gave her homework to keep her busy. Of course, this homework would be beneficial to him but like a game’s quest, she also got rewarded for doing the job.

In his room on his own, Viers raised his barriers and security measures to the maximum. After double-checking that all systems were green, Viers took out a dagger with a very thick demonic corruption.

Evil Dagger of Broken Promise.

Viers got this dagger from Farley’s father after killing him in Valkut. Then he went on a long journey to unlock the inventory ring containing it. He only unlocked it after reaching Regidana, just before the Book World began.

Viers removed his tops and plunged the dagger into his chest.


Of course, he felt pain, but it was necessary.

He slowly removed the dagger and immediately tended to his wound. Normal people would die, but Viers was a Pathseeker and he had a healing factor, he would survive.

Furthermore, this was not his first rodeo.

The origin of this dagger was from Hell. A true Made in Hell item. Farley’s father traded this dagger from a bona fide devil after doing unspeakable deeds for the creature. Viers knew this because he had thoroughly soul-searched the man.

On the tip of the blade that had visited the inside of his chest, was a single drop of blood. This blood was from Viers’ heart, a crucial ingredient. Blood from cutting a finger wouldn't be of use for the ritual Viers was about to use.

After placing the dagger on a white cloth, already painted with demonic symbols, Viers enacted the ritual.

The aura was contained inside the barrier. Else, the people within a kilometer would tell the Silver Legion to cleanse the demonic activity. The barrier was so strong that Izabella and Boram that lived in the same house didn't detect anything amiss.

After a long process, the ritual was done, and Viers had broken the binding pact with the prince. Now, even if he broke his promise, he wouldn't get a killing backlash.

Meanwhile, the prince would still need to fill all of his obligations.

The nature of demonic energy was to corrupt everything it touched. Every living being that was corrupted by demonic energy became a demon, whether they were humans, monsters, or animals.

Evil Dagger of Broken Promise corrupted the contract that Viers made and freed him from the binding chains. A truly devilish item.

Viers was big on binding, written contracts.

Because he could break them while the other party was none the wiser.

Viers felt bad for the young prince, but just a tiny bit.


The four met up in traveling gear on the city’s limits, ready to depart. Croix asked where the horses were.

The masked man said: “Horses? Where we’re going, we don't need horses.”

He then furled a flying transport in the form of a colorful carpet. After some clamoring, the party of four flew off to the skies.

Countess of Stormberg, Grace Weiss, watched it all transpire through a mirror in her room with a cold expression.

There was a knock on the door and a woman entered after being given permission.

“My Lady,” Malika of the Thunder Wing Knightly Order bowed. “Prince Croix has departed to Archion Volcano with his party.”

“I am aware,” the blue-haired woman said with a tone that was like ice.

“Is this fine, My Lady?” Malika asked.

“Let fools who wish to die, die. At least I will not suffer that man’s face any further.”

After her dismissal, Malika sighed. Her mistress’ heart must be torn. In Prince Croix lay her dear sister’s love, while at the same time, he also had the face of the man who took her sister away.

The face of a man she swore to kill as she froze her heart.

Everything Malika had, she owed it to the countess. Therefore, Malika always acted for the sake of the countess.

At the barracks, her aide welcomed the Knight Captain back.

“The men are ready. Shall we follow?”

“The Countess has not given us permission to move. The Thunder Wing will continue to do their duties here in Stormberg.”

“As the Countess’ will… Captain, what are you-”

The aide was confused why Malika climbed on her gryphon.

“I am feeling stifled as of late so I’ll be taking a walk for some time. Take care of things while I’m gone.”

“C-captain, there’s a mountain of work to be done. The matter of trade with the dwarves-”

“I’m taking a walk and that’s final. I’m counting on you. Hyah!”

“Aaah!! Not again!”

Malika urged her mount to fly and the beautiful beast leapt to the air. To the despairing aide who would no doubt spend the next few days sleepless, a knight patted him on the back in sympathy.


“Hmmm, where should we go indeed,” Malika caressed the feathers on her gryphon’s neck. “It’s been wet these days. Shall we go somewhere dry and hot?”

The flying gryphon soon flew out of sight with the curtain of falling water that always fell on Stormberg. Be that as it may, it didn't go unnoticed.


The Countess showed only a displeased face.

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