Aurora Scroll

Chapter 329 - Born Agains

“...She’s clear,” Viers removed his hand from Paina’s forehead. “No sign of hidden possession or the like, as I expected… Why are you two so far away?”

After Farley, Viers naturally gave Paina a thorough medical checkup for soul malwares but as he suspected, there were none.

Two people were behind him. Dia was acting like a child after messing up her important school test while Farley, in her new flesh, was looking like a criminal giving herself up to the authorities. Their mood was very gloomy.

“I’m sorry,” Dia said over and over again while sobbing. Faiya and Futon tried to console her.

She felt responsible for Viers' beatdown. Her kin was trusting her to defend him against entities like Dumuzin but as she explained earlier, despite his incomplete state the demon was able to paralyze her with intent alone.

Viers knelt in front of her, enabling him to speak while looking into her eyes.

“Don't blame yourself. Even though it was just a wisp of a will, something so small like a breath exhaled, it was still something that originated from a demon god… He said Level 10, was it? Hmph. If he can't do that much with that degree of strength, it would disappoint me instead.”

“B-but, Kin got hurt. A-and, and, uweeehh… Kin lost,” Dia said in a cute teary-eyed manner. It wasn't even on purpose.

“Bah. I’ll be healed once I sleep it off.”

Viers gave a tough-guy answer to make her feel better. He knew his wounds wouldn't be so minor or so easy to heal if the demon had intended it.

“As for losing, I don't mind it at all. So what if I lost a battle?”

Not an hour had passed since his defeat, Viers had moved on from the bitterness of defeat. It was his trait as a person.

“Wallowing in defeat is meaningless,” Viers gave Dia a pat on the head. “You too, Farley.”

Farley’s new body bore the characteristic of her old one. Using the gene from the Devawi Swan and a touch of blood alchemy, Viers created her body. And then her soul gave it shape, automatically changing to her original appearance as body and soul forged a connection.

She had the body of her when she was 16 of age, the time that she lost her original body. Now the time that stopped for her would begin again.

Farley was quite the pretty one before and even more so now. Her skin had the gloss of a child's and became as soft as a baby's. She could be said to be a half-human at this point. Her new heritage, the Devawi Swan, a being that was also called the dragon swan, gave her a touch of a bewitching beauty.

Her body was still a human one, no tail or wings, save for a few snow-white feathers among her brown hair. The feathers grew in the area behind her ears, resembling a pair of wings. They gave Viers the impression that Farley wore the Valkyrie winged helmet minus the helmet.

The young girl was currently standing with a downcast expression, slightly turning her head, as if hiding the right side of her face. Viers didn't need to be a mind reader or a soul searcher to know she was in fear.

Farley was well aware of her standing. She was basically Viers’ slave. Her life was Viers’. He could snuff it as easily as blowing a candle. Not to mention her vow of fealty to Viers. She had sworn her everything to Viers.

And the slave had raised a hand against the master.

It didn't matter that it was done without her will. In fact, it showed she was a liability to Viers, who went to great lengths to safeguard his secrecy. The demon might possess her again. She was marked.

Viers’ approaching footsteps made her shake. She might meet her end here. Struggling was an exercise of futility; she was a Level 0 while Viers was a Level 3 high. She was a helpless, flightless bird before a wolf.

“Look at me.”

Slowly, she did as Viers said. His gaze fell on her right eye. In contrast to the brown-colored left eye, the iris on her right eye was red. Not only that, there was a mystic sigil branded on her eye.

Dumuzin gave her a Demon Eye.

Her right eye would become a constant reminder of Viers’ humiliation at the hands of Dumuzin, delivered by her own body no less. Looking at Viers face-to-face could be considered a dangerous provocation. Furthermore, with her Level reset, she wasn't even able to examine what her right eye could do.

Farley’s brain was desperately seeking a way to salvage the situation.

“Lord Viers, I’ll remove my right eye immediately!”

“Denied. Such a waste of a cool eye.”

“E-eh?” Farley was shocked.

“What? Do you think I’ll lash out at you for Dummy’s action? Do you think I’m the kind of petty villain that kills their subordinates just to show how merciless they are? For real, Farley. You’re supposed to be good at reading people.”

Alright, based on his words I may be safe from emotion-induced repercussion but there’s still the matter of the Demon Eye. Viers doesn't tolerate security leaks and I’m basically Dumuzin’s pathway to him. This eye might allow Dumuzin to see what I see for all I know. I-

“Whoa there. Slow down, whatever that is going on inside your head… To be honest, I was a bit torn about what I should do about you but I have examined you from top to bottom, inside and out. Believe me when I say there’s no demonic infection on you.”

“But the eye-”

“Whatever it is, he gave it to you with no strings attached. It’s not a spy thing for sure, no location transmitter either. I checked over and over. Now, tell me, did Dummy talk to you?”

Farley knew she had to tell the truth. Viers’ gaze felt like he was looking straight to the soul and that was indeed the case.

“...He told me to be mindful about the ‘curse’, I may call upon him if I need help, and the two of us are welcome in Hell.”

“Hmph. What a joke. You see what we're dealing with here? Dummy’s so… human. Aren't god-like beings like him supposed to be detached from the world, acting pompous and grand like, and speak in hidden meanings? He doesn't show much dignity, you know? He’s more like a bored ol’ Joe but with the power of a superman. This supports my theory that the difference between gods and mortals is just the amount of power they have.”

So that’s why Lord Viers doesn't seem to hold much reverence to gods, Farley thought.


“No need to hide that eye from me. I won't take offense. In fact, I’m curious about what your Sharingan can do. But it stands out though. If you cannot turn your eye to normal after training, you might need to cover it in front of other people.”

“I’ll do my best, My Lord,” replied Farley, even though she had no idea what a Sharingan was.

“You still call me that? Well, putting all that aside, like Dia, I don't blame you, 'cause I know you didn't mean any of that to happen. Let the past be the past. Today’s supposed to be a day of birthdays and celebrations. Come on, wipe that frown away from your face. You don't want to welcome your sister with that, do you?”

Viers’ words made Farley relax a bit. She thought she would at least get a memory wipe though. Bosses didn't like their subordinates seeing they got humiliated, in her experience. However, it seemed Viers didn't really mind his defeat earlier.

“Mmmmmrggh…” Paina stretched her hand above her head. “Mhwah, it sure felt like a months-long sleep. Hi you two, and you three cuties, good morn- Farley, is that you? OMG! You’ve become so pretty! And that eye! Does my eye look like that too? …Err, what’s with you two? What did I miss?”

“Hm, hm,” Viers nodded twice. “Some talk is in order.”


“Hweeh, more than half a year has truly passed by,” Paina sounded amazed. To her, she had been sailing the river of time in a cryo. “You’ve done a lot these past months.”

Viers had been telling the abridged version of his adventures since Valkut while waiting for the others.

“So the matter of Farley’s possession has been resolved? I don't have one of that black snake thingy inside me?”

“Yes and yes,” Viers said. “You can rest easy knowing there’s no millennia-old demon spying on you or Farley.”

“Glad to hear it.”

“How’s your body, Paina? Any complications?” Farley asked.

“Thanks for asking. It's a bit weird having a body again after being a soul for so long… Walking feels heavy and I feel… hungry. Goddess, I had forgotten how it feels like.”

“You'll have your meal soon enough. They- Ah. Looks like the two of them have awakened too. Let’s give them a warm welcome.”

When Gwen opened her eyes, her sister’s face holding her hand was the first thing she saw. Her sister was a bit different than she remembered but she wouldn't confuse her for someone else.


“Yeah, I’m here. Welcome back, Gwen.”

That wasn't the only heartwarming scene. A few steps away, an egg hatched. A white not-gross larva emerged from her shell. Her eyes were not developed yet so she couldn't see but she felt a connection with someone nearby.

“Happy birthday, Zerri,” Viers gave the newborn Xerg Queen a tickle on the neck.

“Uuu…” Paina held back her sniffle. “How touching. Don't you think so?”

“Fuu!” Futon in her arms gave a reply of acknowledgement.

“Alright everyone, let’s have a feast!” Viers said.


Inside his tree house, Viers had prepared a grand feast for the birthdays. There were twenty kinds of dishes, each passing Viers’ rigorous taste selection. A merry revelry was currently ongoing.

“Mmmm~” Paina held her cheek. “What a joy to be alive!”

“Gwen, this one is good, try it,” Farley put a few fish meat on her sister’s plate.

“Mmm!” Gwen happily ate it.

“Ahahaha! Faiya turned blue!” Dia laughed at the blue fire elemental after eating an azure flame steak.

“Fuu! Fuu!” Futon bobbed around in joy.

“Eat, eat a lot, Caterpie. Become a Butterfree soon~” Viers smiled looking at Zerri happily eating her first ever meal in the real world.

“Umm, is it alright for me to be here?” A small girl demurely asked Viers.

“Of course, Luca. Look at all this stuff, we can't eat them all. You’ve got to help us. And bring back some to your parents later.”

“All right, big brother Avel. Thank you for the invitation.”

Luca, the purple-haired girl with darkness 5 affinity, had been to Dia’s Biome before. The little girl from a remote small village was surprised at Viers’ sudden appearance but she was glad to see her brother figure and friends again. Dia and Gwen were also glad to see her again.

“Luca, how’s your parents? Are they living well? Are they healthy?”

“Yes, they are. Thanks for asking, big sis Paina. Umm… may I ask something?”

“Of course.”

“You’re very pretty. Are you a fairy?” Luca said.

“Awww, thanks. I guess I am.”

“Waaah” Luca clapped her hands. “That’s incredible!”

“Dia, Dia!” Gwen said to the dryad. “I saw a flower field outside. Can you take me there later?”


When Futon floated above Zerri, she tried to take a bite but Futon flew away. She adorably tried to chase after the fleeing food. Futon hid behind the bulging Faiya, who grew big after all the food he wolfed down. The people around the table giggled at the hide-and-seek of the little ones.

Laughter and smiles all around, the air was full of happiness. Looking at their faces, Viers’ own smile widened.

He had things to do and problems to solve, but for now, he’d just enjoy the moment.

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