Aurora Scroll

Chapter 28

“Stalking Kate again, Captain Jarret? Is this really necessary?” Franco said to his commanding officer.

“Of course it is, Franco. This is my sister we’re talking about.” Jarret peered from the shadows, looking at the happy couple taking a seat at the restaurant.

“Old friend, she’s not a kid anymore. She can make her own choices. You’ve got to trust her judgment.” Roger said. Thinking how big the little girl had become.

“Right… and who got herself captured by goblins a week ago?” Jarret asked Roger back.


“That’s what I thought. She’s still reckless. I swore to my late mother to protect her and keep her safe, Roger. If that Sigma guy wants to take advantage of her, I won't allow it!”

“Captain, Kate is a beautiful young woman, okay? It is a natural outcome if he fancies her.”

“Franco is right, cap. You’re too protective, that’s why she doesn't have a boyfriend. Every boy she got close to, you interrogated them like they are criminals smuggling drugs. The last kid was particularly pitiful, man.”

“Oh yeah? What happened?” Franco asked.

“By Jarret’s orders, after their date, I escorted the boy to the guard’s HQ and grind him to fine powder until he confessed what’s his motive for approaching Kate. It was embarrassing even for me, the listener, man. It was a soapy, bubbly confession I tell you... He returned home crying.”

“Dang… poor kid.” Franco looked sympathetic.

“I agree, that’s worse than the last time. How about trusting her a bit more, cap? At this rate, your cute little sister might end up alone all her life. My sister’s already married at her age.” Roger, Jarret’s best friend, spoke frankly to him even though he was his superior in the town’s guard.

“Bah, whoever wants to marry my sister has to go through me first. Look, look, look! I told the chef to put a lot of chili in his meal. There won't be a romantic dinner for the two of them tonight, hahaha!”

At the open-air restaurant, Sigma started sweating a lot after his first bite. The sillier Sigma looked, the better for the overprotective brother.

“Oops, Kate realized there’s something wrong. Aaand she glanced at us. Wow, she looked positively pissed,” Franco smiled.

“Ouch. You’ll get an earful later, captain. Steel yourself, eheheh.” Roger said to Jarret.

“Humph, Sigma won’t get my sister so easi- eh? Waitwaitwait, what’s she doing!?”

“Awww, that’s sweet. She gave him an aaan~. From her own spoon no less. She seems serious this time, cap. Better get ready for a brother-in-law, kishishi.” Roger grinned.

“Gununununu...” Jarret ground his teeth. His effort to sabotage their date backfired instead.

A short while later.

“...Since after the meal, they’ve been talking seriously for a while now,” Franco observed.

“A heavy topic perhaps. Sigma is too mysterious. His weapons… I’ve never seen anything like it.” Roger commented.

“I agree… eh? What is she doing? Is she moving for a kiss!? Impermissible!!!” Jarret wanted to go over there immediately, like an elephant at a china shop to stop this outrage but Roger already prevented him from going.

“Okay buddy, calm down, calm. Let's not become uncouth men, okay? We all want Kate to be happy.” Roger had an arm at Jarret’s neck, holding him back.

“AAArrgghhh!! They kisseddd! This is too fast! Too fast I tell you. He got to 'kiss' on the first date? Would they go all the way on the second!? What if he thought Kate is a cheap woman? This cannot be allowed to continue, uwoohhh!” Jarret looked like he was crying tears of blood.

“Calm down. That won't happen, Cap. Sigma seems to be an honorable guy. He helped us a lot in the short time he was here. Let's be supportive okay?” Franco said.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind. The three’s silly banter was stopped by the arrival of something unexpected.

A cloaked figure dashed out of nowhere and stopped at the open-air restaurant.

For a few seconds, the three battle seasoned town guards were unable to believe what they witnessed next.


“Welcome to the family, son.”

“...Eh?” Kate opened her eyes.


Warm blood splattered on her face.

Sigma’s headless neck.

A masked stranger holding a severed head.


Kate wailed as she frantically attacked out of reflex. An arrow of fire aiming towards the masked stranger’s head.

The assailant easily dodged it and put his palm on her face. She felt the closeness with death once again. She couldn’t see his face because of the mask but the eyes… He had the eyes of a cold-blooded demon.


Viers’ action was based on several things. The most important among those was he didn’t want another player fucking up his single-player experience.

Another otherworlder? Give me a break. This world is mine! MINEEEEE!!!

You fuckers are all unwelcome here.

Viers was very clear how much change a single otherworlder could bring to the world.

Was Viers happy he found another reincarnator or otherworlder in this world?

He was livid.

It was like his single-player sandbox game-experience was being invaded by other players.

Viers shall not tolerate it. Especially otherworlder idiots who thought of themselves as THE hot shit.

Sigma wore futuristic garments impossible to obtain in a medieval sword and magic world and he blatantly used firearms.

What an idiot.

To Viers, it was no different than wearing a neon sign on his head broadcasting to everyone that he was an otherworlder.

There was a reason Viers didn’t use his Earth’s knowledge to make a living. Granted, he let loose some Earth’s references here and there but he was being careful overall.

What if there were other people who got isekai-ed in this world? What if the people in this world were hostile against otherworlders?

If I'm a super strong native cultivator, what's stopping me from capturing that man from another world and splitting open his head to learn otherworldly knowledge?

Viers pondered upon these questions from the very first day he arrived here.

So when he met a guy blatantly using bullets to kill monsters, he was amazed by the sheer balls that guy possessed. Viers certainly didn't have the guts to do that.

He didn’t know yet if he would kill every isekai-ed person he met but he certainly would kill otherworlders who were too dumb to live.

If someone was harpooning fishes in troubled waters, whose fault was that when a shark decided to bite them in the face?

Even if the other otherworlder was a toddler it didn't matter, they were already an adult if their Earth's life was included. It was the same if they had the female form. Viers knew they might be a middle-aged man on the inside and just the fact they have breasts wouldn't save them from Viers’ blade.

If Viers was much stronger than Sigma when they first met, Viers would have killed him then and there. But Sigma was stronger than Viers so he had to use his brain.

After Sigma returned to the town, Viers also sneaked back into town. At this time he actually still had the tracker placed on him by Franco but Franco failed to realize this. He didn’t check. He didn’t expect Viers who already sneaked in and left would return to Osemore town once again.

First, he needed information, so he nabbed a lone town guard and gave him a thorough soul search. He knew about the hamster and orangutan Beast Tides, the otherworlder’s appearance, and the weapons he used.

A hundred ammo rocket launcher? Master Chief shield? Power suit? Was that a railgun at the end? So, he called himself Sigma. Even the name is futuristic.

While intel on the enemy was great, his next find was greater. Sigma and a certain girl he rescued showed interest in each other.

I can use this! Viers thought happily.

Main Characters’ IQ tends to drop to an abysmal level when they want to put their D in a woman.

He released the soul searched Level 0 guard. The man wasn’t injured, only unconscious, Viers dumped him in an alley before shadowing Sigma once again.

When he found Sigma was in the middle of a date with a pretty girl, Viers bid his time. Patiently waiting for an opening while his ears picked up their conversation.

Kate kissed Sigma and Viers knew that would be the moment the otherworlder was most vulnerable.

Viers didn’t hesitate.

Arte — Speed Up x 2!

Arte — Rapid Water Steps x 9!

Arte — Cut the Crap!

From his hiding place, Viers dashed towards the kissing couple using his maximum speed. His sheer speed made strong winds as he moved, pushing other people and stuff away.

The idiot otherworlder couldn’t do a thing when Viers cut off his head with his strongest attack and sucked his soul out of his too perfect body.

I did it…? I DID IT!! Time to get out of here!

“Nooooooo!!!” Kate screamed and shot a fire arrow to his face.

Ah yes, the heroine. Better take care of her.

Viers dodged the flaming arrow of the Level 1 easily and had his palm on her face.

Arte — Water–

“Let her go, you bastard!”

Viers dodged a great sword that would’ve cut his arm, forcing him to release his grip on Kate.

The metal Level 2 Captain, Jarret was it? Others are also coming, better split. I’ve already got what I want.

Viers ran carrying Sigma’s head. There were a lot of onlookers, but they didn’t dare to bar his way as he ran.


“Captain, how’s Kate?”

Franco and Roger arrived a moment later, their speed wasn’t as high as Jarret’s.

Instead of immediately chasing Viers, Jarret put his full attention on his sister.

“Kate, are you hurt? Talk to me,” Jarret got her in his embrace. Eyes unfocused, her knees were weak and she couldn’t keep standing. Fear of death, shock, sadness, confusion, all of those made Kate disoriented.

“Brother... he, he killed Sigma. Uuu, uwahhh...” Kate buried her face in her brother’s chest and broke into tears.

“It’s okay, you’re fine now. Big brother is here. You’re safe,” Jarret tried to calm his sister.

“Jarret, Sigma… Sigma… is he… is he? Please Goddess–”

“...I’m sorry. It's…” Jarret struggled to say the words, “already too late for him.”

Kate cried louder, heartbroken.

“Captain, it’s the adventurer from earlier. My Arte, Dusty Trail showed that was him.” Franco said.

“I know… even if he masked his face, he couldn’t change his body shape. That was the fat boy from this afternoon,” Jarret said while holding the crying Kate on his chest.

“Should we chase him, Captain Jarret?” Roger asked, eagerly.

“What’s going on here?”

“Captain Heskins?”

Two guards came to investigate the commotion.

“Chase him,” Jarret answered Roger. “Neil, Ed, I’m leaving my sister to you. Bring her home. The three of us will go after a murderer. He’ll pay for killing our savior and making Kate cry.”

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