Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 9

Chapter 2 : Survival in Winter

I don’t know how long I ran, the lonely and cold pale scenery on both sides of the field of vision made Liu Yuan even more chilling. This piece of decayed grassland buried by the white snow stretches to the end of his field of vision. Only the extremely monotonous color of ice and snow remained in all directions. The soft snow is as clean as a piece of white paper. All around, there was only the arrogant and ferocious whistling sound of the north wind.

It seems that a heavy snowfall not long ago not only buried the girl’s body. It also covers the footprints of all nearby creatures. If one’s own crossing is a **** survival game, then this opening difficulty is definitely **** mode!

“The woods?” Suddenly, a dark green color full of hope suddenly appeared in this monotonous and pale world. Liu Yuan immediately turned his head and ran there. With the woods, there is hope of survival! Regardless of whether there are edible animals and plants in it. It’s good to be able to cut down some branches and start a fire for warmth.

Sukhbana is known as the world’s top running speed. It didn’t take long for the horses to run to the edge of the verdant pine forest. A thin doe is also reflected in her dark eyes like an abyss!

meat! !

Liu Yuan was already crying in his belly. Immediately stopped the four slender running horseshoes. He didn’t even dare to breathe, for fear of scaring away his prey. He learned the hunting methods of the cunning predators in his memory, first sneaking around behind the doe and slowly approaching it. The slender and strong horseshoes lightly landed on the soft snow, quietly making no sound.

Forty feet, thirty feet, twenty feet!

While holding his breath, quietly approaching the doe. Liu Yuan’s right hand also slowly took out a short stone spear from the animal skin spear bag behind him. He is extremely passionate about horses. Aiwu and Wuxia also dabble in ancient cavalry skills such as horse-riding, archery, spear throwing, and charging. Even if it is not an international master. Anyhow, there is also a proficiency level.

Very good, just use this short spear to pierce Chengtaro… No, that doe’s head!

Liu Yuan grabbed the center of the wooden handle of the stone spear obliquely with his right hand. Bent your arm and raise the spear over your right shoulder. At the moment the javelin was shot, the wrist and fingers were violently twisted, and the slender wooden handle that came out of the hand was rotated in a clockwise direction along the longitudinal axis! This greatly maintains the stability of the javelin flying in the air. In addition, while spinning at high speed, in the cold air, it tore a graceful curve, flying, spinning, and whistling across the back of the doe. The spear blades on both sides of the high-speed spinning, accompanied by shocking The **** whirlpool, a big piece of flesh and blood was cut from it!


The injured doe let out a cry, and ran into the depths of the pine forest. Try to use the complicated terrain to get rid of the hunter behind him!

“Damn it, this stone spear is a bit rough! It made me skew my head!” After a miss, Liu Yuan quickly drew a second short spear from behind and chased his prey forward. But as soon as he opened his hooves, a thought suddenly rushed into his mind: Wait, as a half-man and a half-horse, maybe, maybe, maybe… ran faster than it. Right?

So, before I went around, sneaked, even held my breath, all wasting my expression? !


The poor doe, dragging his wounded body, ran forward with all his strength! It believes that at its own speed, it must be able to get rid of the terrifying hunter behind it! However, after a while, she ran to a doe near a creek and turned her head to look at the situation behind. It turned out that instead of throwing away the huge pale white horse, the distance between the two increased. Coming closer? ! Liu Yuan’s four elegant and fit white horseshoes are galloping in the overgrown pine forest like instinct. Whether it is the cold and stiff thorns and vines underfoot, or the tall and dense cypresses and beech nearby, they cannot slow down the speed of the horse. Millet!

The poor doe could only watch the expressionless monster behind him, like a pale storm symbolizing death, and easily rushed in front of him, raising a sharp short spear high and following him. The left eye pierced the inside of the skull all the way!

Very good, the food is out.

By the way, I’m busy saving my life and earning money. It seems that I haven’t seen what’s in the girl’s package. Thinking of this, Liu Yuan also took out from his horseback, and opened the animal skin package carried by the female skeleton: there were not many things inside, a rather heavy square iron, ten rolls of cloth filled with weird words. And three expensive gold coins with original rough printing. The front of the gold coin is printed with the head of a man wearing a laurel crown and holding a cross. On the back, there is a human totem with two wings. Around the round gold coin, there are also some Latin characters that I can’t understand.

Liu Yuan shook his head speechlessly. I only know some famous and commonly used Latin words. These books made of cloth are too obscure. It doesn’t make any sense to myself. As for the gold coins…Well, at least there is a civilized society around here. According to the Latin text on it and the SPQR engraved on the dagger, it is hard to say that it is a gold coin issued and circulating in a certain period of the Roman Empire. As for the last piece of iron. Ok······

Wait, the fracture of the flint is flat and sharp. Therefore, they are often used as spears, axes and other weapons by primitive clans! The tip of the stone short spear behind him is also flint! Moreover, flint has one of the most important characteristics: when it rubs against iron violently, it will shoot out sparks!

fire! !

Liu Yuan pulled out his waist excitedly

In the middle of the Roman dagger, relying on his slender body which is more than two hundred and thirty centimeters high, he chopped some low branches in the woods. Soon, a large pile of firewood was collected.

Then, he cleared the snow, tore the thorns, and cleared a clearing by the creek. First select three slender and thick branches, tie them tightly with golden braids, and stretch the lower ends outwards to form a simple but sturdy tripod. The bottom is stuffed with dead branches and fallen leaves. Liu Yuan held an iron block in one hand and a flint spear in the other. After rubbing a few quickly like a match, a little spark, accompanied by a wisp of blue smoke, quietly burned under the tripod.

“Huh-it’s great to not need to drill wood to make fire. That method is not only inefficient, but also grinds the palm of your hand.” After a series of manual labor, Liu Yuan was already hungry and thirsty. He walked into the frozen stream. Lifted his upper body, concentrated the horrible weight of almost 2,100 pounds up and down in the two high raised front hooves, and trampled on the fragile ice!


Where did the fragile ice bear such a terrifying trampling attack. Immediately burst out a series of small and terrifying cracks like a spider web. Then it collapsed completely, revealing the unfrozen gurgling water under the ice.

However, the raw water in the wild must be boiled before drinking. Because you never know how many terrible bacteria are hiding in it that can slowly take your life away!

So here comes the problem. There is fire and water around me, but there is no vessel for holding water!

As an atheist and pragmatist, Liu Yuan thought for a while. He sighed helplessly. Using the terrifying power of his half-man and half-horse, and the sharp Roman dagger, he lifted the head of the doe down. As a vessel for boiling water and cooking rice, after washing away the remaining brain and blood with a stream, a bowl of clear and drenched stream water was immediately filled out, placed on a tripod on the fire, and slowly boiled.

Seeing that the water had to be burning for a while, Liu Yuan was able to let go of the doe’s body, and the red blood that had begun to solidify, skillfully dissecting the deer carcass. Compared with the bustling and hustle and bustle of the city. He prefers the tranquility of nature. Surviving in the wilderness is probably his third hobby after riding horses and reading history books (especially cavalry warfare).

Soon, the doe, weighing about 0 pounds, was dismembered by a sharp Roman dagger into a complete deer skin, with countless internal organs and bones. As well as a large amount of fat venison cut into chunks, Liu Yuan quickly skewered those chunks on sharp wooden sticks and bake them on a tripod.

honestly. Although it has undergone bloodletting. But this kind of unseasoned barbecue is really unpalatable. But in order to survive, Liu Yuan couldn’t care much. After becoming a centaur, his strength, speed, and load have been terribly improved. But according to the law of conservation of energy. His demand for food has also grown geometrically. One meal just ate half of a doe! This was something that I didn’t dare to imagine before.

After eating and drinking, Liu Yuan wielded the hilt of the dagger again, knocking off the four leg bones of the doe. After being neatly arranged vertically, the thorns and vines that can be seen everywhere on the ground are tightly tied to the forearm of the right hand as an arm armor. Then, he broke off several ribs on the doe’s spine in the same way, arranged them upright and tied them tightly to the end of his forefoot, as a relatively sturdy skeleton leg armor to prevent small and medium-sized beasts from chewing. bite. The tooth marks on the girl’s bones are not very big. It should be small and medium-sized predators such as prairie wolves or hyenas that killed her. Not a big beast that can bite on his neck two meters above the ground.

Ma Ye, in this cold wasteland, if you can’t move due to a leg injury, suicide with a sword may be the most comfortable ending. If possible, Liu Yuan also wants to tie his self-made bone armor to his hind feet. But…the same sentence: I have enough hands! Do not! To!

After this tossing. The gloomy dark day hanging low in the southern sky also slowly sank into the white snow in the west. The dim light and the warm bonfire that lined it became brighter and more dazzling.

“This start is not just a cold winter, but also a dim evening before the night falls? It is a blessing and misfortune. But…even in such a dim place, my vision was not affected much. , Is this also the characteristic of a man and a horse?” Liu Yuan, who was full and drunk, shook his head helplessly, preparing to give himself a place to sleep. When sleeping, the human body temperature will drop rapidly. If you are still sleeping in the cold field in winter, your eyes will really stay closed, and your whole life will pass in such a muddle.

There is no cave in Yimapingchuan near here. The wind is violent, and it is not realistic to build a leaf shed. Well, then learn how to build an igloo!

Just do it, Liu Yuan, who once ventured into the Arctic Circle for half a month, also built two such simple but strong temporary huts by himself. It just so happens that the snow on the ground is thick enough. So, he first chose a flat and sunny open space next to the stream. Then, using the remaining golden hair braids, tied two pieces of deerskin on the palms, right as gloves to keep out the cold. Then, he kneaded the thick pale snow under his feet. The flat and slender ribs of the doe. He was also used as a snow knife, cutting chunks of thick snow into snow bricks of various specifications. Every time a circle is superimposed, it shrinks inward a little. Gradually, the snow bricks are piled up higher and higher, and the circle is getting smaller and smaller. Finally, it is completely closed at a height of about two meters and six, looking from a distance, it looks like a buckle. Pale bowl on the ground.

Finally, Liu Yuan opened a big mouth to the simple igloo at the leeward place. Kneeling down on his slender and strong hooves, he lowered his head and slowly moved in, and then used a large block of snow bricks as the door, and concealed it in the gap where the snow house faces the south.

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