Attack of the Adorable Kid

Chapter 1711 - : (1711

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Foreign media exposed intimate photos of him and Sakura?

Long Yan’s deep eagle eyes suddenly cooled down, “Send the news.”

The chief secretary hung up the phone and sent the overseas report to Long Yan’s mobile phone.

Long Yan leaned on his desk, his long fingers, and clicked on the photo sent by the secretary.

He was holding her, and she was cuddling with him … It was indeed a state of love at first glance.

Sakura finished eating and changed out of her clothes and came out of the room.

When he got downstairs, seeing that Long Ling didn’t come down, Sakura went upstairs to call him again.

The study door was unlocked, and Sakura pushed open the door and glanced inside.

Seeing Long Yan looking at the computer intently, long fingers hitting the keyboard, she quietly backed out.

Going downstairs again, Sakura received a call from Cen Xi.

“Sister, the picture of you and Long Chan was taken secretly, did you see it?”

In recent days, Sakura has been one of the few happy times in her life. She has never touched her cell phone. I heard Cen Xi said that she and Long Chan had been photographed secretly, and she stunned for a few seconds. “I didn’t see it, when was it exposed?”

“Today.” When Cen Xi saw the candid picture, Sakura and Long Ying were intimate and happy. She was happy for Sakura, but there was a little worry in her heart. After all, Long Ye is the king of Myanmar, and his marriage has attracted much attention. It is difficult for ordinary people to enter the royal family and become queens.

“Sister, did he tell you about marriage?”


When hearing Sakura said this, Cen Xi was relieved a lot.

After talking to Cen Xi, Sakura found news about her and Long Yan.

At this point in time, the news had spread in Myanmar and soon became the headline news.

It has been less than a month since Long Mao and Lou Lan broke off their marriage, and now Long Mao has a new love, and the comments in the comments are also mixed.

Some people think that their king was a new girlfriend after they dismissed their marriage, which is not a scandal.

Some people also feel that Long Yan is indifferent, and Lou Lan has been his fiancee for several years, but was squeezed away by other women.

Some even suspect that Long Yan had already hooked up with Xinhuan before the marriage was terminated!

A supreme king, contaminated with lace news, will have a bad influence on his image.

In addition to revealing intimate photos of her and Long Yan on the Internet, some people began to search for her background.

Soon another topic emerged # 王 的 新 欢 背景 成 秘 #

Under this topic, some netizens have listed the children of the four giants, the royal relatives, and the elders.

But did not find a woman similar to Sakura.

——Is Wang Jiao a civilian?

——Wang to do the opposite, break the rules of marriage between the royal family and the famous family, and marry a civilian girl without background?

——Indicates that the civilian girl is not optimistic about marrying the royal family, which will only reduce the prestige and grade of the king.

——The woman’s first look was fox spirit. It seems that no matter how powerful a man is, he cannot escape the fate of being seduced by fox spirit.

There are very few people supporting her with Long Yan. Most of the voices were against her marrying into the royal family, or scolding her to seduce Long Yan and destroy his relationship with Loulan.

Even though Sakura was very receptive in her heart, she had long anticipated that once she and Long Ye went public, they would have such a voice, but when she faced it, she was still uncomfortable.

A big boned hand suddenly reached over and drew Sakura’s phone away.

Sakura froze, looked up, and looked at the man who did not know when to stand next to her.

Long Ye put Xiao Ying’s mobile phone on the coffee table, sat down next to her, and her slender big hand put her slender fingers into her palm.

Feeling the warmth of his fingertips, Sakura’s heart felt like a warm current passing by. Seeing his expression, he should have seen the news.

“What do you think? Our relationship has been exposed so soon, it seems to have a big impact on you.” Sakura didn’t worry about what others said about her, but she didn’t want to affect Long Yan.

Long Yan pinched her fingers, a look of cold and arrogant who didn’t care what others said, “I have made a public statement, and when I go back, after we have resolved one thing for you, we will open our relationship.”

Sakura wondered, “What’s the matter for me?”

“I won’t tell you.”

Sakura glanced at him, “Hate.”

After vacation, return to Myanmar.

When Long Yan saw the news, he ordered people to delete the sneak photo. But the foreign ones are obviously not under the control of Long Ling, and Long Ling does not feel any bad influence, so he did not extend his hand abroad.

Many people left messages on the official website of the royal family, hoping that Long Mao could come out and respond.

Long Yan didn’t respond. He looked as usual, as if everything was under his control.

Get off the plane and the party is preparing to return to the palace.

Long Yan received a call from the chief secretary.

“Wang, it’s not good.”

Sakura didn’t hear what the person on the other side of the phone said, and she saw that Long Yan’s face was gloomy with the speed visible to the flesh.

“I will be right over.”

Hanging up the phone, Long Ye looked at Sakura, and said in a low voice, “I asked the driver to take you and Wanbao back. I’m going to the office building.”

Sakura looked at the dragon rushing out of the car, and Su Bai’s hand held his sleeve. “What happened?”

Long Yan said with deep eyes, “I will solve everything.”

Long Yu didn’t stop too much and immediately got into another car.

Sakura crouched, holding her curly hair, a slender eyebrow.

In my heart, a faint sense of premonition erupted.

Long Yan rushed to the conference room of the office building, which was already full of people.

They all came from the royal family and elders who had status. Although Long Ling became the supreme king, the status of these people is not low. If they are united, they can shake the mountain.

Long Ye hurried over. The chief secretary waited at the door. When Long Ye came over, he handed him a tie and a suit.

Long Yan raised his collar and threw the tie up, and tied it sharply. Put on a blazer and walked calmly into the conference room.

Long Yan’s gas field was strong. The temperature in the air seemed to condense for a moment when he came in.

There were more people in the conference room than last time Long Di convened the meeting.

Seeing Long Yan coming over, one by one looked complex.

Long Zheng received the news from the chief secretary, saying that all these people were gathered in the meeting room and asked him to hurry up, but everyone was tight-lipped and did not clearly state the purpose of letting him come to the meeting room.

As soon as Long Yan came in, the elders and relatives who were waiting impatiently and whispered shut up.

The entire conference hall suddenly quieted down.

The secretary opened the chair for Long Yan, and Long Yan sat down expressionlessly.

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