Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

Chapter 123: The Church And Fanaticism

She wasn’t familiar with the roads in this area, so Yuris had been leading the way. However, she had made a mental note of the location of the church on the map.

After leaving the Babron Estate, they continued walking eastward. If they took the next turn, the church should be just ahead.

Sure enough, it wasn’t long before she spotted a small path, and in the distance, she could faintly see the outline of the church.

Absentmindedly, she touched the feather in her pocket, quickened her pace, and moved ahead of Yuris, heading toward the church.

Yuris was puzzled as to how Athena had suddenly moved ahead of her, only to see Athena take a turn in the opposite direction of the Eagle Claw Agency.

Frowning, Yuris called out, "Director, you're heading the wrong way." Her mind was filled with thoughts of the mountain of paperwork and the numerous files awaiting approval.

As Athena's trusted assistant, she had taken on most of the administrative work, leaving Athena free to oversee from above. This had left her overwhelmed with tasks, and today had cost her even more time than usual. All she wanted now was to get back to the Eagle Claw Agency as soon as possible.

Maybe, once all this was over, she could enjoy a quiet drink at the bar.

Without looking back, Athena continued striding toward the church and offered a brief explanation, "We’re going to check out this church. We might catch a rat by the tail."

Although Yuris didn’t fully understand, she didn’t question Athena’s decision. Her initial protest had been driven by the belief that their director had once again fallen prey to notorious habit of getting lost.


The church, situated on the outskirts, should have been abandoned, with overgrown weeds and an untended countryside road. But as they walked closer, they realized that this path wasn’t an official road; it was one that people had gradually carved out through frequent use. Despite the overgrown weeds on either side, the path itself was bare, indicating that this place was more frequently visited than it seemed.

After a while, they finally reached the church’s entrance. They could faintly hear the sound of scriptures being recited inside.

The church wasn’t large, but it was exquisitely designed. The walls were adorned with unknown deities, intricately carved and lifelike, as if they might come to life at any moment. At the peak of the pointed roof fluttered a flag with a sun motif.

The church’s door was pitch black, with a deep, solemn color that contrasted sharply with the pure white of the church, creating a striking and dissonant image.

Just as Athena was about to push the door open, it unexpectedly opened from within. An elderly woman, dressed in black, gestured with an unfamiliar hand sign over her chest.

"Come in, travelers from afar!" Her expression was solemn and reverent, as if chastising them for their tardiness.

Athena and Yuris entered the church, discovering that the interior was much larger than it appeared from the outside. As they looked up at the domed ceiling, they saw vibrant murals painted in vivid colors.

The mural depicted a god welcoming his followers, who smiled as they were embraced by the divine.

The people inside sat quietly on the benches, their hands clasped in prayer. The church was almost entirely full, and their chanting echoed through the vast space, creating a resonance that felt as though the gods themselves were whispering.

On the platform, the priest raised his hands above his head, shouting incoherently. To Athena, he seemed like a madman, but to the worshipers, he was a vessel for the divine.

Athena decided not to interrupt this bizarre ceremony and sat with Yuris in a corner. It quickly became clear why the old woman had so easily let them in—people continued to trickle in after them.

Given the remote location and the fact that this church wasn’t part of any official organization, people often came in secret, with some arriving late. The church was lenient about this, with the priest often saying, “The gods will forgive them.”

Yuris was disdainful of this. Whether or not these gods existed was one thing, but even if they did, who would protect a follower who couldn’t even be punctual for a church service?

Unfortunately, no one seemed to care. Their faith had blinded them. After the ceremony ended, the priest smiled and brought out a box.

It was clearly a donation box, needing no further explanation.

The congregation, already clutching the money they had intentionally brought with them, placed it over their hearts, muttering nonsensical words, and then, with expressions of devout reverence and obsession, they deposited their hard-earned money into the box.

The process went smoothly. Of course, there were those like Athena and Yuris who didn’t contribute, which prompted the congregation to stare at them as if they were criminals.

It was as if they believed that by not donating, they would incur the wrath of the gods. At that moment, the priest would always step in with a reassuring smile, saying, “They just haven’t yet realized the greatness of our god. In time, they’ll understand.”

Some, after a mixture of the priest's encouragement and subtle threats, eventually gave in and made a small donation. Others, like Athena, remained unmoved.

But the donation box lingered beside them, waiting patiently for their repentance.

They were here just to observe, uninterested in the proceedings, but what the priest did next shook them to their core.

“The seats are filled with the most devout followers of our god. Our god does not ignore our suffering. In fact, He is still being oppressed by malevolent deities, and we need more power!” the priest proclaimed, his eyes scanning the congregation.

The people, thoroughly brainwashed, were beyond saving. Even the latecomers, despite retaining some sense, could not resist and would eventually be consumed, becoming the next batch of fanatics.

“But our god has never forgotten us! Today, one of us will be chosen,” he continued, pausing for effect, before raising his voice, “to be led by a holy child to serve at our god’s side for eternity!”

To their astonishment, the once-still mural on the dome began to move!

The painted god emitted a warm, radiant light, while the nearby angels played music. The mural’s followers reached out, and their god guided them to a world without suffering, sickness, hunger, or pain.

But as the music played, Athena received a notification from the system.

[ Mental Strength Check in Progress… ]

[ Check Successful! ]

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