Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

0042 – Athena Upgrades and Her Plant Spirits

This series has reached 13th position in Series Ranking! Yohoo! Three chapters for you guys to this day! I'm so happy!

Name: Athena Ravencroft
Experience: 490
Title:  [ Hunter ] (Locked)
Race: Human
Gender: Female
 Strength: 5
Speed: 5 (↑0.4)
Agility: 5 (↑0.1)
Mental: 4.8 (↑1.2)
Skills: Attachment
Speed has reached the current maximum value!
Agility has reached the current maximum value!
Please break through the barrier as soon as possible!
Extraction Successful!
5 points in Speed Skill: Hunter! (Active Skill)
5 points in Agility Skill: Boneless!
--> Skills Overview <--
[ Attachment ]
(Attaches strength to the weapon, enhancing the weapon's attribute attack power,
with an extremely low probability of triggering a fatal state!)

[ Hunter ]
(Legs gain amplification effect, burst speed increases by 10%, cooldown time is one day per use.)

[ Boneless ]
(Greatly enhances body flexibility, able to perform some extremely difficult actions.)

Because of consuming the Light Fruit, laying a good foundation, this time allocating points was much less painful compared to the previous two times. More so, she felt a warm flow passing through her body, enhancing every bone. The clear sensation of becoming stronger and flexible was so intoxicating.

Athena opened her eyes again to find that the world around her had slowed down, the flames burning in the stove, taking a while to flicker, Mikmik's claws swiping towards Witty, much slower than imagined. With just one step forward, she had already grabbed them both in her hands.

"Meow?" Mikmik couldn't understand when its boss had learned teleportation? Witty felt lucky to have escaped.

To adapt quickly, Athena walked around the room more than once until she gradually adjusted, then sat back on the bed.

The plant spirits huddled together in fear, only daring to stay on the vegetable box. Athena tried to comfort them as before, but they started sobbing in fear. Mikmik and Witty also came over to watch the commotion, which frightened the plant spirits even more.

As for Paopao, it didn't care much; it just aimed for the vegetable box below the plant spirits. The vegetable box was transparently packaged, and one could clearly see bamboo shoots inside.

It just reached over and pulled the box over, holding it in its arms. With nowhere to land, the plant spirits fluttered their wings around Paopao. Athena didn't stop Paopao from approaching because she found that the plant spirits didn't seem to resist Paopao's approach.

She coaxed them gently, but Paopao, being indifferent, just grabbed things as soon as it approached, and they gathered around.

What kind of world was this? I'm so jealous!


The emotions of the five little plant spirits had eased, and Athena began to consider where to place them. It wasn't practical to put them outside the shelter, and inside the courtyard, she couldn't care for them during monster attacks. She couldn't use the workshop for a while either, as it had a wooden house for protection and a smelting furnace with suitable indoor temperatures.

She opened the system's trading interface. There were all kinds of seeds and trees. She hadn't considered planting before because in this uncertain world, perhaps the plants hadn't sprouted yet when people were already gone. But now things were different; with plant spirits, the plant's growth cycle could be significantly shortened.

Looking at the prices of various goods, Athena ultimately sold those five iron pieces to the system.

Sell or Not


Congratulations on receiving ten silver coins.

She needed to keep 100 silver coins for scene simulation, and ten silver coins to buy cooling wind chimes. Now she needed to buy some seeds, but she simply didn't have enough to spend!

[ Peach Tree Seeds ]
Price: 10 copper coins
Description: Plant it, and if you live long enough, you might taste delicious peaches.
[ Cabbage Seeds ]
Price: 2 copper coins
Description: Delicious large cabbage, who wouldn't want to eat it?

With a wide variety of choices, each one tempting Athena, but she remained unmoved. She only had five plant spirits, definitely not enough for all these basic plants. Scrolling down, she finally saw what she wanted.

[ Orange Tree Seeds (Mutated) ]
Price: 10 silver coins
Description: Can bear oranges that are only sweet and not sour, after mutation, it has even more magical functions; consuming it can instantly eliminate fatigue.
Note: Only 10% of the fruits produced have special effects!

After scanning around, Athena found that the ones with good performance weren't cheap, and she couldn't afford them. The ones with slightly poorer performance weren't very useful either, not worth it.

Gritting her teeth, she placed the order, buying an ordinary peach tree, two packs of cabbage seeds, one pack of carrots, and one pack of chili.

This brings one to the system's ruthless nature; all seeds can only be used once, meaning they cannot be bought, grown into plants, and then used for seed after maturation. Since she bought trees, they couldn't possibly be planted indoors, and her previous plan to plant them in the workshop wouldn't work either.

After some thought, she decided to plant them in the gaps between the house and the short stone wall.

As long as she blocked the monsters in front of and outside the courtyard, the plant spirits wouldn't suffer attacks. She asked Paopao to accompany her and the five plant spirits out.

At the chosen location, Athena took out the purchased items, all in the form of seeds. She threw the peach tree seeds and orange tree seeds on the ground, and the seeds naturally merged into the ground, quickly taking root and sprouting, growing into saplings.

When the cabbage seeds were scattered, they also merged into the ground naturally, but there was no change; they needed to grow naturally.

Seeing the plants, the plant spirits no longer circled around Paopao but excitedly surrounded the plants.

The originally ordinary trees began to glow from the roots, and the light spread upward; the branches extended with slight tremors. Under the impetus of the spirits' lives, the trees seemed to come alive.

Each tree had a plant spirit; there was one for the carrot patch, the cabbage patch, and the chili patch. They joyfully circled above the ground, and as they danced, some shiny white powder fell from their wings.

The seeds below sprouted and broke through the soil, all in an instant. Just as Athena was expecting them to grow instantly, their growth slowed down.

Peach Tree Result: 06.00.00
Orange Tree Result: 12.00.00
Cabbage: 02.00.00
Chili: 02.00.00
Carrot: 02.00.00

Indeed, they were plant spirits; the shortest vegetable harvesting time was only two hours, and two hours later, Athena could eat fresh vegetables.

Since she was already out, she decided to get everything done at once. She took out the just-obtained binding tower blueprint and placed it next to the arrow tower.

Build a Bundle Defense Tower?
Cost: 1 Bundle Defense Tower Blueprint, 100 Wood Blocks, 50 Stone Blocks


Construction successful.

After the white light, a triangular tower with special white vines wrapped around it appeared successfully next to the arrow tower. Then she took out a Fire Defense Tower (Basic) and placed it next to the Defense Tower (Intermediate).

Build a Fire Defense Tower (Basic) ?
Cost: 1 Fire Defense Tower (Basic) Blueprint, 100 Wood Blocks, 50 Stone Blocks

The Fire Defense Tower looked no different from the ordinary defense tower, except for some flame patterns on top.

The ordinary defense tower seems more blast-type while the other has fire attribute.

Looking at the neatly arranged row of towers, Athena thought that next time she might have to start placing them from the second row; the courtyard was a bit small.

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