At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Shen Ming returned to the main world, and the moment he returned, he felt that several dependent beasts that had been erased by Chonggong Mio could be summoned again.

Shen Ming took out his mobile phone directly, although it was still hazy night outside, but his intuition told him that this trip should have taken a lot of realistic time, and sure enough, the time on his mobile phone showed that it was seven thirty on Sunday on April 7.

And the sound of Shen Ming walking around the room immediately attracted Violet’s attention, and she quickly ran to the door and knocked lightly.

Seeing this, Shen Ming could only resist the mood of wanting to immediately take out the Emperor Ke and walked towards the door.

Outside the door was a girl full of expectation, Shen Ming looked at Violet and smiled slightly, gently touched her blonde hair, and asked, “Did you have fun today?”

The expectation in the girl’s eyes darkened a little, but she quickly responded with a smile: “Fujiwara-san is helping me with my homework today!”

“Has Lord Shen Ming eaten?”

The tip of Shen Ming’s nose twitched slightly, he smelled the aroma of the food in the living room, and there was a hint of heat on the meal, which seemed to be Violet every once in a while.

“Not yet! Let’s eat some more! ”

Shen Ming felt a warmth born from his heart, and directly took Violet’s hand and walked towards the living room, just like the first time he met Violet.

“Fujiwara-san is willing to give you tutoring, it seems that I will invite her to eat ramen again when I have time!” Shen Ming sighed that Fujiwara Chika has always been very jumpy.

“Well, this is also a request from Shinomiya classmates! If you don’t get good enough, I’m afraid it will be very difficult to enter the student union! Violet sat opposite Shen Ming, and she could feel that Shen Ming had changed a lot, less and less like Lord Asura when she first met, more and more like Lord Shen Ming.

“Come on! The work of the student union can be very heavy, but it can also be very challenging! Shen Ming encouraged Violet that he had always known that Violet was a very intelligent girl who had already mastered half of the knowledge of Sakura High School just by relying on his professor.

“I want to go to the zoo too! Together with Lord Shen Ming! After a moment of silence, Violet finally said the words that had been held in her heart for a day.

“Of course there is no problem, then let’s go together next Saturday, just tomorrow we will go to the ministry to play board games together, and then ask them together!” Shen Ming didn’t think much about it, since Violet took the initiative to propose an idea, then try to satisfy her.

Violet, who got a satisfactory answer, was very happy, and finally when Shen Ming wanted to clean the tableware as agreed, Violet also took the initiative to help him clean together. After that, he pulled Shen Ming to practice some martial arts before returning to his room satisfied, and slowly slept with anticipation.

Shen Ming also felt that Violet was getting closer and closer to high school girls, and he was also very happy for Violet, her past was full of war and killing, and this warm and peaceful life was the best treatment for her.

Shen Ming put Emperor Ke Ke on the table in front of him, he could feel that Emperor Ke Ke had come to life compared to before, if he closed his eyes, he would even think that Mad San was standing in front of him.

Shen Ming opened the card drawing system’s introduction to the Emperor Engraved, and sure enough, this introduction changed.

“SS-level item card engraving emperor! It contains the power that transcends time, and it also carries the girl’s warmest feelings when it fulfills the girl’s final wish. The girl has set up precautions when she returns it, and if it is you, it will definitely be able to open it!

Follow these steps to unblock:

First, drop blood to confirm your identity.

Second, inject your mana into the Emperor of Nicking, the Emperor of Nicking will absorb your mana, please fill it five times!

3. Please hold the engraved emperor in both hands and recite the following mantra:

Full of it, full of it, full of it, full of it, full of it. The cycle continues, followed by five, and when it is full, it is the opportunity to abandon. Declare that Ru body obeys my orders, and my life is with Ru gun. At the call of the spirits, if you wish to obey this will and this righteousness, respond to it.

Note: This item is bound to women, use is not restricted, but the spirit costume is always women’s clothing! ”

Shen Ming felt a little headache when he saw Emperor Kerker’s explanation, although his strength has far exceeded Emperor Kerker’s master, Mad San, but some of Emperor Kerke’s abilities are really fragrant, since he can only wear women’s clothing, then he can only consider who to give it to, this kind of thing can not be sloppy.

In the end, Shen Ming still decided to activate the Emperor Engraving first, but he really couldn’t put it by his side first, in case there was really an emergency, there was a solution.

Shen Ming directly cut his palm, and inhibited the ability to heal himself, only then did he drip blood on the engraved emperor, perhaps the reason why Shen Ming once sucked the blood of Mad San, his blood dripped up, and the minute hand on the engraved emperor actually moved.

After observing for a moment, Shen Ming made an accurate judgment, this moment emperor can completely be a clock except for the lack of a second hand!

What Shen Ming didn’t know was that in the neighborhood, Mad San, who had nothing to do, suddenly felt a call, and in a certain corner of the neighborhood, she felt the fluctuations of her angel carved emperor.

Mad San immediately rushed towards the location he sensed.

“The next step is to inject magic into it!” Shen Ming glanced at the introduction again, and directly put his hand on the Emperor Engraving, and a large amount of magic power poured into the Emperor Engraving.

And the moment the light emitted by the Emperor Kerk turned golden, Shen Ming felt that the magic power could no longer be injected, and then he could only continue to observe the changes of the Emperor Kerke.

The light of the Emperor Ke began to flicker, and with each flicker, the light of the Emperor Ke Di dimmed by a minute, and finally lost its light completely.

So Shen Ming injected a lot of magic power again, until the Emperor Ke turned golden again, and this cycle was repeated five times, and the Emperor Ke kept the golden light no longer flickering.

On the other side, Mad San finally felt a familiar aura in an open space in the neighborhood, and saw a small crack on the ground, and what kept emerging from the crack was the magic power that Shen Ming had stored in the Engraved Emperor that she had devoured!

And when Shen Ming finally used his magic power to completely fill the Emperor Carved five times, a familiar energy fluctuation suddenly came from mid-air, and the space earthquake alarm sounded with it!

Shen Ming was shocked, and jumped out of the window directly to observe the situation, why, does the space earthquake now have its own alarm?

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