At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Shen Ming saw that the plan had succeeded, so he took back the three major dependent beasts, and suddenly Chonggong Mio only felt that the world was turned upside down, and his position was actually in tune with the other party!

Shen Ming used ice mirrors and crystal refractions to create phantoms, and then used the Black Sword of Night Mo to change gravity, affecting Mio Chonggong’s senses, causing his phantom to coincide with Mio’s entity.

The angel behind Chonggong Mio slowly dissipated, and although the angel of nothingness was very resistant to her ability to erase her existence, she could not summon the third angel for at least a few days.

“General!” Shen Ming saw that the other party had swept away his biggest one, and a black sword appeared in his hand with a move, and he rushed directly towards Chonggong Mio.

“Smash Valudo!”

The dissipation of the Angelless Angel was still very depleting to Chonggong Mio, and now she couldn’t even resist the suspension of time.

And at the moment when the time paused, some blood flowers had appeared on Chonggong Mio’s body, and then the fire lit up, and Chonggong Mio quickly recovered his strength.

Chonggong Mio quickly opened the distance, and the first and second envoys appeared one after another, but they were all cut off by Shen Ming’s sword just after they appeared, although they could not summon the rainbow flame of Hades for the time being, but the ability to cut off everything and the law of cause and effect, Shen Ming was still able to directly attach to the black sword of Yemo in his hand.

More than an hour had passed since the beginning of the battle between the two, but in just two minutes of pursuit, Shen Ming’s damage to Chonggong Mio had exceeded the previous combined.

And Chonggong Mio was also aware of this, but she didn’t have any way, all her means were dissolved by Shen Ming and Mad San!

In the end, Chonggong Mio still made up her mind, intending to completely transform the reincarnation paradise into a critical point the next day, and then hide inside, can’t she mix things up with the current world?

So when Chonggong Mio took advantage of Shen Ming’s sword piercing his chest again, he slammed his hand, and the ten stars on the light wheel behind her broke away from her control, which was her explanation to the present world, and sure enough, the moment the ten stars broke away, the current world’s restraint on her disappeared.

Chonggong Mio glared at Shen Ming fiercely, and then allowed the critical to pull him over.

And Shen Ming, who saw that the ten spirit crystals were finally separated from Chonggong Mio’s body, also understood that Chonggong Mio had already admitted defeat, so he did not pursue it anymore, allowing her to escape to the critical point.

The ten spirit crystals lost all control the moment Chonggong Mio disappeared and flew away freely.

“Stop these spirit crystals! These spirit crystals themselves are inverted states! If you let the inverted state spirit crystallization move freely, some things will still happen again under the arrangement of history! Shizaki shouted at Shen Ming as he sensed the spirit crystal of the same origin as himself.

“Smash Valudo!”

Shen Ming activated the time pause, except for the one spirit crystal corresponding to Mad San, the other nine spirit crystals were all fixed in place by time, Shen Ming waved his hand, and the nine spirit crystals flew towards him.

And Mad San finally intercepted the spirit crystal that represented the spirit spirit of time, and wrapped it in his own blood to make it stop.

“Fortunately, I still have your magic power in my blood, otherwise I really can’t get close to it with my own spiritual power alone!”

Mad San said happily, as soon as the spirit crystals entered her hands, she felt that she was in conflict with her spiritual power, and she didn’t even dare to directly touch this spirit crystal, and no one knew what would happen when the spirit crystals on different timelines collided together.

Shen Ming lifted the time pause and came to Mad San’s side, and the other nine spirit crystals were floating beside him at the moment, and then Shen Ming glanced at the three magicians with different minds on the ground, directly launched the time deletion, and took Mad San to a clearing.

“What’s next?” Shen Ming felt a little tricky looking at these spirit crystals, and he had a feeling that if he touched these spirit crystals, he was afraid that he would not be able to leave this world.

“Eight bullets!” Mad San shot herself, and a doppelganger emerged from her shadow, and then directly touched the Crystallization of Time.

The moment the avatar Mad Three touched the spirit crystal, the red spirit suit instantly turned white, and in the instant before the reversal was completed, the Mad Three body decisively shot and killed the doppelganger.

Sure enough, the furious aura on the spirit crystal decreased by a little, and then another doppelganger appeared, touched the spirit crystal again, reversed again, and then was killed by the mad three.

Shen Ming also understood that Mad San was using her past self to refine the spirit crystals, and she wanted to use this method to reverse the reverse state of all the spirit crystals.

In the past, her hands were stained with blood in order to collect time to collect spiritual power. And now she is going to use her past self to wash away the blood stained with her hands.

But how can the spirit crystallization be refined so easily, especially in the case of the crazy three card BUG, the pain of refining the spirit crystal is fed back to the body of the crazy three.

Shen Ming sighed and reached out to stop her when Mad San’s third doppelganger appeared.

Shen Ming directly punched all ten spirit crystals into his right arm in one breath, using his healing power enough to call time retrospection to forcibly suppress the pain caused by his blood refining spirit crystals.

“Shen Mingjun!” Mad San came to Shen Ming worriedly, she had felt that kind of pain, not to mention that now Shen Ming had refined ten spirit crystals at the same time, and the pain brought by it was ten times more than what she had endured!

Tokisaki hadn’t shed a tear since accidentally killing her friend, and now when she was finally able to declare victory, she shed painful tears again.

Mad San directly hugged Shen Ming tightly, a gunshot sounded, and a blood flower directly flashed on her shoulder, she wanted to use her own blood to relieve Shen Ming of some pain.

A complication flashed in Shen Ming’s eyes, and finally he lowered his head, and the blood containing spiritual power was inhaled into his body, Shen Ming’s pupils gradually turned blood red, and Mad San’s golden pupils engraved with a clock were also dyed red.

For a long time, Shen Ming reluctantly let go of Mad San, and he finally completely refined the ten spirit crystals, and Mad San looked up and saw a trace of blood at the corner of Shen Ming’s mouth, and subconsciously wiped his mouth, and sure enough, his hands were also bright red.

Shen Ming relaxed his control over the spirit crystal, and suddenly ten stars flew out of his arm and fell directly towards all parts of the world, perhaps they had already doomed everything.

And Mad San also felt the call of time, she had to return to the original timeline, but that summoning was isolated in Shen Ming, and what Shen Ming wanted to return to was not the same place as her.

Mad San’s eyes gradually darkened, but before disappearing, he didn’t even have time to say a word, so he could only stuff a golden classical clock into Shen Ming’s hand.

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