Ascension of the Silent Guardian

Chapter 36 – First Mission

Tian Ling’s eyes widened as he saw the screen in front of him.

“Missions? I remember hearing something about that when I first got the system, but... this is the first time a mission has appeared,” he thought, surprised. His gaze locked onto the mission tab as his curiosity grew. “Is this something important? Or just another test from the system?” With a light sigh, he opened the tab to check what was happening.

When the screen materialized again before him, his jaw dropped at what he saw. The information hit him like a wave, each detail more surprising than the last.

[Name: Lian Ziyue
Personal Disciple of Xue Yunzhi
Age: 235 years
Cultivation: Foundation Establishment Level 8
Spiritual Root: Medium Grade (Suppressed)
Lineage: Reincarnation of an Immortal Empress. She died after refusing to marry the son of a Sage from the Upper Realm and was assassinated. Thanks to a supreme treasure, her soul was able to fall into the River of Reincarnation and be reborn in the mortal world. Her lineage is so powerful that, despite cultivating a lower-grade technique, her Dao heart won’t allow her to break through without reaching perfection. Since the level of this mortal world is extremely low, no one can correctly perceive her cultivation.
Affinity: She has heard about your rapid growth and achievements within the sect and is very interested in you.
Mission: Help Lian Ziyue with her cultivation and protect her until she regains the cultivation of her past life.
Rewards: Unknown]

Shock consumed every part of his mind. “Lian Ziyue?” The woman he felt so much gratitude towards. She was the first to believe in him when everyone else saw him as a failure, someone with a mediocre spiritual root and no future in cultivation. And now, the system was giving him a mission to help her? “She... an Immortal Empress reincarnated?” He couldn’t believe what he was reading.

His heart filled with a mix of surprise and excitement. “So, she really has that kind of lineage... I always knew there was something special about her, but I never imagined it was something this grand.” Tian Ling thought back to the past, when she gave him the chance that no one else would. “I’ve always wanted to repay her for what she did for me. It seems like I’ll finally have that chance.”

As he processed all this information, a question arose in his mind. “If I already planned to help her anyway... why is the system giving me a mission? What happens if I fail? How exactly am I supposed to help her regain her former cultivation?” Tian Ling didn’t expect a clear answer from the system, as it rarely gave straightforward information. However, his surprise deepened when a new screen appeared before his eyes.

[To help her, simply teach her the flow of the Inner Path. If the mission is not completed, the system will leave the host and seek another candidate.]

The coldness of the response made Tian Ling clench his fists for a moment. “So that’s how it is? It would discard me so easily?” He shook his head, a smirk of disdain appearing on his lips. “Tsk, always so impersonal, huh?” he muttered, silently accepting the mission in his heart. “But if this means I can help her, then I have no choice.”

His thoughts turned to Lian Ziyue. “Where could she be now? If the system notified me, she’s probably nearby... It’s been almost forty years since I last saw her.” Tian Ling began to think back on the decades of isolation and cultivation. “She’s always been an impressive figure, even when she was at the Foundation Establishment... And now, this lineage of a reincarnated Immortal Empress. Unbelievable.”

He decided to act. Grabbing his sword, he flew toward the central island. The wind cut across his face as his thoughts swirled. “She’s always been someone who intrigued me. Even when everyone in the sect looked down on me, Lian Ziyue believed in me. Did she know something others didn’t?” His thoughts kept racing, but one feeling prevailed: gratitude.

Meanwhile, in the main hall of the sect, the Sect Master sat on his throne with a worried expression. Before him stood a figure of incomparable beauty: Lian Ziyue. She knelt respectfully, her white robes accentuating her delicate skin and graceful posture. Her presence dominated the hall, yet there was a certain melancholy in her eyes.

The Sect Master sighed before speaking, his voice heavy with concern.

“I don’t understand why you haven’t managed to break through yet, Ziyue,” he said thoughtfully. “You’ve been cultivating diligently, and your talent is undeniable. But time is running out. You’re nearly 250 years old, and it’s rare for someone in the Foundation Establishment to live beyond 300. You need to break through soon.”

Lian Ziyue kept her head down, her expression serene.

“I understand, Master. I will do my best to achieve a breakthrough,” she replied, her voice soft yet determined. However, deep inside, doubts lingered. “Why can’t I break through? Is my lineage blocking me? Is there something deeper stopping me?” She couldn’t express these uncertainties out loud, but they were ever-present.

The Sect Master continued, trying to offer options.

“You can choose to cultivate here, on the central island, or, if you prefer, you can search for another location. The decision is yours.”

She reflected for a moment. “Staying on the central island might be helpful, but... maybe I need a new stimulus. Something to break me out of this stagnation.”

“Master, I would like to speak with Elder Mei. Perhaps she can assist me when the time comes to break through,” Lian Ziyue said with respect, hoping this might be the key to her advancement.

The Sect Master nodded in understanding.

“Very well, go ahead. Take good care of yourself, Ziyue. Time is not on your side,” he concluded, with a slight tone of urgency.

She bowed respectfully and left for the central island. There, she would search for longevity pills, a crucial item for those nearing the end of their lifespan in the Foundation Establishment. “These pills... another reminder that time is running out.” She knew that after reaching 200 years, she would need to take them every ten years. Her reserves of vitality were already depleting, and she needed to extend her life until she could break through.

Upon reaching the central island, Lian Ziyue spotted a young man walking calmly through the streets. He exuded a majestic aura, his presence almost immortal among mortals. Dressed in a black cloak over white robes, he emanated unshakable confidence. “Tian Ling...” she thought, narrowing her eyes.

“Is he the same boy from back then?” She remembered when she took him under her wing as a disciple, when he was just a lost youth trying to find his place in the path of cultivation. But now... he was unrecognizable. “He’s become an elder... and I’m still just a disciple. How time changes things.”

Lian Ziyue paused for a moment, watching Tian Ling from a distance. Her heart was conflicted. She vividly remembered the young man from years ago, the one who seemed lost and without great prospects in the path of cultivation. “Back then, he had a mediocre spiritual root, but something in his eyes made me believe he could go beyond what others expected,” she thought, reflecting on her decision to take him in as a temporary disciple. “And now... he’s exceeded even my expectations.”

She hesitated to approach. “How can I speak to him now? Before, I was like a mentor to him, but now... he’s already reached a level I’m still far from attaining.” Insecurity filled her thoughts. “Will he still see me with the same respect?” A soft sigh escaped her lips as her mind searched for the right words.

Meanwhile, Tian Ling, lost in his own thoughts, also noticed Lian Ziyue’s presence. His eyes sparkled when he saw her. “She looks the same... but at the same time, something about her has changed.” His mind drifted back to the past, to the moment she gave him the opportunity to start his cultivation. “Without her, I might still be stuck in mediocrity. She was the first to believe in me.” A feeling of gratitude and respect welled up inside him.

He smiled discreetly as he watched Lian Ziyue slowly approach. “Even after all these years, she maintains that serene and imposing aura. But... there’s something in her expression, a shadow of worry that wasn’t there before.” Tian Ling could sense that, despite Lian Ziyue’s unshakable beauty, there was an invisible burden on her shoulders. “She’s carrying something within her... something that even the elders of the sect may not understand.”

When she finally reached him, Lian Ziyue made a slight bow, as if unsure how to address him. “Should I greet him as an elder now... but it feels difficult,” she thought, trying to organize her words.

“Elder Tian Ling...” Her voice was soft, almost hesitant. “It’s been a long time... I didn’t expect to see you here.”

Tian Ling furrowed his brows slightly, not out of displeasure, but because of the unexpected formality. “Elder? Is that how she sees me now?” He kept a soft smile on his face and responded, trying to break the distance that had formed between them.

“Ziyue... No need for formalities between us. I still remember who gave me my first opportunity to cultivate, and that’s not something one forgets.” His voice was calm, yet filled with sincerity.

Tian Ling’s words took Lian Ziyue by surprise. For a moment, she felt relieved, but she was also more aware of the gap between them now. “He’s grown so much... while I’ve remained stagnant.” Her thoughts were bitter, but she tried to hide any sign of weakness in her gaze.

“I... I’m glad you’ve progressed so much, Tian Ling. I’ve heard about your achievements in the sect, and many speak of your unparalleled talent.” She smiled slightly, but there was a hint of melancholy in her words.

Tian Ling noticed the tone in her voice, but decided not to press the matter. “She’s carrying much more than she lets on. And from what the system showed me, her powerful lineage might be both a blessing and a burden.”

“I only did what we all must do, Ziyue. I pursued my path in cultivation, like anyone else. But what about you? We haven’t seen each other in decades. How has your progress been?” he asked, gently but directly. He wanted to know more about what she was going through.

Lian Ziyue hesitated for a moment, thinking about how to respond. “Should I tell the truth? That I’m stuck, unable to advance?” She glanced at the ground briefly before lifting her gaze to meet Tian Ling’s eyes.

“My progress... has been difficult. I haven’t managed to break through as I had hoped, despite all my efforts.” Her voice was calm, but there was a depth of frustration there. “He’ll see me as weak now... a disciple who hasn’t achieved what she should have.”

Tian Ling watched her closely. “So, it’s exactly as the system told me. She’s stuck... her lineage demands perfection, and that’s blocking her progress.” He knew that, for someone with the latent power of an Immortal Empress, the simple act of cultivating wasn’t enough. Perfection, both in her technique and in her Dao heart, was the only key to her advancement.

“Don’t worry, Ziyue,” he said, his voice calm and full of confidence. “Some paths are more difficult than others, but I know you will break through. In fact... I’d like to help you with that.”

Lian Ziyue looked at him, surprised. “He... wants to help me?” It was unexpected. “Can he really?” But before she could question or respond, Tian Ling took a step forward, his expression serious and resolute.

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