As a Hokage, you don't dare to be a loyal minister of Konoha!

Chapter 70 Alliance.

"The focus of this trick is actually to stabilize attribute changes and delay explosions."

"The basic among the basics is the use of Rasengan, which is probably very difficult."

"Even among your Hyuga clan, I'm afraid there are only a few who can master it and apply it skillfully."

On the way back, Tsunade thought about it for a long time and gave her own evaluation.

"Roughly the same."

Hinata Issei was not surprised by this. After thinking about it, he told Niu Ma some essential parts.

"But the principle of this trick is actually not complicated."

"Using Kaiten as an example, the Hyuga clan can use the Byakugan to see every vein of their own body. When using Kaiten, they release chakra from all acupuncture points and spin at high speed."

"On this basis, the leader of the clan fixed the Rasengan on the acupuncture points of the fist. This requires very fine chakra control."

"After you go back, you can let the clan members practice. Start by releasing chakra from the acupoints."

Improving the strength of a clan is a long process.

Everyone's talents are different, and the time they spend is also different.

This is also the reason why Hyuga Issei hired Mr. Orochimaru.

With him and Orochimaru here, it is easy to simplify ninjutsu and improve the soft fist method, which can save the clansmen from taking a lot of detours. When the time comes, combined with the special genetic medicine to increase the blood concentration, it will not be difficult to completely change the Hyuga clan.

He didn't expect to learn a move by himself and force his tribe to learn it.

You can’t learn the formal version, just teach the simplified version.

Even when using Baguazhang, kicking out a Rasengan is still innovative.

"By the way, come back and lend me the Yin Seal."

After thinking about it, Hinata Hicheng's gaze became intense as he stared at Tsunade.

No man who is cheating and strong will refuse to let his wife stay young forever.

And he always feels that if there is a chance in the future, he will find a moment of enlightenment to analyze the Yin Seal, and he will definitely gain a lot, and maybe he can make improvements based on the original version.

"There's no need to look back. If you want to study it, just study it."

Tsunade clapped her hands cheerfully, channeled a seal scroll and threw it to Hinata Issei.

Even though she was so careless, she really didn't forget when Hinata Richeng saved her life, and this time she didn't go to the front line with her teacher. Instead, she followed Hinata Richeng, who also had her own plans.

On this trip, she was rushing to completely overcome the anemia and play a role in saving lives and healing the wounded.

If the teacher is sick, he will probably be regarded as a burden and will not be of much use.

But with the Richeng clan leader, she could overcome these problems with peace of mind, because she knew that even if she was holding back, the man would not leave her alone.

This feeling was very subtle. It seemed that the only person trustworthy in Konoha was this man. Her intuition told her that she should get closer to this man.

It's quite outrageous.

But now is not the time for her to think about this, just do whatever she wants, just give the Yin Seal to Hinata and Hinata as repayment for saving her life.

"But then again, there's something wrong with the number of enemies we encounter."

Return to the base.

With her keen experience, Tsunade discovered something strange.

She had experienced the Second Ninja War. She admitted that Hyuga Hicheng's plan was good, but in such a large-scale war, there were not many opportunities to capture the opponent's small forces for encirclement and reinforcements.

Moreover, the number of people from the other side who came to support was also very small.

"They are concentrating their forces."

After thinking briefly, Tsunade's expression became more serious, and she only thought of this possibility.

Thinking of the Iwagakure Village who traveled a long distance to the Land of Fire, and the Kumogakure Village who wanted a quick victory, once Nara Shikaku's side is defeated, the Raikage and Tsuchikage will probably gather all the scattered troops, and then One wave pushed to the entrance of Konoha Village.

"The war is coming."

Hinata Hinata spoke leisurely.

This is a disaster that Konoha cannot avoid, when two major ninja villages rush into the Land of Fire.

There is no way to avoid an absolutely bloody head-on battle. When someone points their sword at the Leaf Village, you have to stand in front. Any strategy will have minimal effect.

Konoha withstood this battle, but it did not mean that the war would end. It just meant that Konoha would have a chance to take the fight again.

If the village can't stand it, it will disappear, and the Fire Nation will probably be destroyed!

But these have little to do with him. As a member of Konoha, he has done his best.

Thinking of this, Hinata Issei gave another order.

"Tell the tribesmen to clean up those trash fish as quickly as possible, and then seize the time to rest. There is not much time to use our advantages."

"What did you say?!"

In the hinterland of the Fire Country, the endgame of the frontal battlefield has been wrapped up, and the ninja coalition forces of Yunyin Village and Yanyin Village are recharging their strength.

A violent roar suddenly erupted from the temporary command post in Yunyin Village.

"Since you gave the order, our elite teams who were looking for supplies from outside have begun to return."

"My team is not far from the area where Yumu is. I wanted to come back together, but there has been no news from Yumu."

Next to Raikage's secretary Mabuyi, Samui, who was only sixteen but was already able to stand alone, said calmly.

"After discovering something was wrong, my subordinates spent some time finding witnesses."

Speaking of this, Samyi frowned, with a tone of incomprehension and confusion in his tone.

"According to the witnesses, Yuki's team met Tsunade-hime from the Land of Fire in the town, but Tsunade-hime seemed to be unable to exert her strength for some reason. Seeing that Yuki was about to arrest her, she was driven away The handsome male ninja who came to support grabbed him with his backhand."

As one of the few best friends of the two Yumu people in Yunyin Village, Samyi knew very well how strong Yumu people were, so he didn't believe in such things as backhand captures.

How could he, a mere man, defeat Yukito, who was a jinchūriki?

But the witness did not lie after testing, which is very intriguing.

"According to eyewitnesses, the man's pupils alternated between blue and white. After punching Yumu away, he turned into a fireball and knocked Yumu unconscious."

Blue and white?


Raikage was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to think of something. He didn't know the blue eyes, but he knew the white eyes. He knew Tsunade again.

"Long hair? Wearing a robe?"


Samyi raised his eyebrows and nodded after recalling.

"That's right. There is a high chance that he is from the Hyuga clan."

Lei Ying's frown finally relaxed, with a hint of surprise on his face.

If Yukito is really a member of the Hyuga clan, wouldn't it prove that in addition to being strong in detection, the Byakugan also has actual combat effectiveness?

Didn't you hear Samyi say sometimes blue and sometimes white?

No matter how powerful your ordinary taijutsu is, can you be stronger than a jinchuriki wearing a tailed beast's coat?

The move used to defeat Yumu Ren was definitely not the rumored soft boxing technique!

I have never heard of giving acupoints to tailed beasts.

After all, he underestimated the strategic position of Baiyan!

After thinking for a while, the thunderous shadow with twinkling eyes slapped the table and stood up immediately.

"Pass my order! Everyone, follow me and rush into Konoha from the flank! Set off immediately!"

Can't wait any longer!

If that old fellow Onoki discovered that Byakugan was so powerful, would he still be willing to let Kumogakure take the lead?

Absolutely not!

Mabuyi was stunned as she avoided the saliva that the Raikage sprayed when he drank.

Isn't it the agreed time for the general attack?

After thinking about it carefully, she seemed to understand Raikage's thoughts, and then nodded and went to deliver the order.

But the Raikage obviously didn't know.

At this moment, Onoki, who was leading his men on the other flank of the coalition camp, was sneering.

"The Raikage boy doesn't know how powerful the Sharingan's potential is. He will give me whatever I want now. Who knows if he will change his mind?"

He Ohnoki never relies on charity from others for what he wants!

He wants to get it himself!

Who the hell has the patience to do it when the time comes?

If you don't seize the opportunity now and attack Konoha directly, why are you waiting?

His arrangement was behind the scenes of the Fire Country, but he was told early in the morning that the Uchiha clan had been ordered to move to the outskirts of the village because of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and he even had a plan in his hand!

Striving for benefits has always been achieved with quick hands and lost with slow hands!

Taking a deep breath, Onoki raised his arms and shouted.

"The whole army speeds up and goes straight to the Uchiha clan!"

The Uchiha clan?

The Hyuga clan next to the new Uchiha clan?

Ohnoki wants them all!

Thanks for naming is a constant problem, Seven-Clawed Cat, 2021535, 2019475, the boss’s monthly ticket! !

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