As a Captain, You Must Be Cold

Chapter 41

Chapter 40

Yu Zhaohan still called the front desk. After Shi Du took a shower, alcohol, cotton swabs and bandages were also delivered.

Yu Zhaohan said, “Shi Du, I put the things on the table.”

Shi Du walked out of the bathroom, wiped his gray hair with a towel, and asked, “Aren’t you going to help me?”

“Do you want me to help you?” Yu Zhaohan became nervous, “Your wound is a bit close to the eyes, and I’m a bit stupid. But if you really want me to help you, I’m willing to give it a try.”

Shi Du thought that Yu Zhaohan would drip barbecue oil on his clothes, so he said decisively, “No, just stay and go.”

Fortunately, Shi Du’s scratch was not deep, it was thin and short, like a cat scratching it. After treating the wound, the boy had a Band-Aid a few centimeters below his eyes, more like a student who was fighting and causing trouble outside the school.

Supper can not live up to. Yu Zhaohan ate duck and then chicken, holding a beer can and listening to Shi Du talk about his family.

“It was agreed to play professionally for two years. No matter what my grades are, I will retire and continue my studies. Now they regret it again and let me enroll on time in September this year.” Shi Du said “fuck”, “September, the playoffs are all over.” If you haven’t finished beating, I’m going to learn ass.”

Yu Zhaohan accidentally dropped the chicken leg in his mouth back into the lunch box. He didn’t have time to take it back to eat, so he said: “After the playoffs, there will be the World Cup. Don’t they give you the opportunity to win glory for the country?”

The World Cup in “Destination” is a large-scale event with a country as the unit. It is the most glorious honor for every professional player to be selected for the national team and win the championship on behalf of his country.

“They probably think that studying abroad and getting a scholarship will win more glory for the country.” Shi Du stuffed the chicken leg back into Yu Zhaohan’s mouth and sneered, “Anyway, they violated the agreement first, so don’t blame me for hitting sixty.” Retire at the age of one.”

Yu Zhaohan said honestly: “You should not be sixty years old.”

Shi Du said helplessly, “I’m exaggerating, big brother.”

Yu Zhaohan thought for a while and said, “If you really don’t want to retire at eighteen, you can elope with your big brothers.”

Shi Du was startled, and his tone was complicated: “Who am I going to elope with—Big Brothers?”

Yu Zhaohan nodded: “After you become a professional, your parents may not be the same as before, but R.H’s big brothers will always be your big brothers.”

Shi Du said expressionlessly, “I’m so touched.”

Look, my younger brother has learned to [expressionlessly] after [said coldly].

On the second day after the competition, Lao Tan did not rush everyone back to the base, but booked tickets to Universal Studios, thinking about relaxing for a day before going back. For this reason, he and Lu Youshan almost got into a fight on the hotel bed.

At nine o’clock in the morning, all R.H members gathered in the hotel lobby. Cheese was sleepy like a dog, wishing to wriggle on the ground: “So this is the air at nine o’clock in the morning. I haven’t felt it for many years—huh? Brother, why did you put a Band-Aid on your face?”

Shi Du asked, “Handsome?”


“By the way, it’s just for the sake of being handsome.”

Cheese said enviously, “Then I will post one later.”

Yu Zhaohan looked around his harem and found that the noble Splendid was not there, so he asked Jiang Luo, “Where is Splendid?”

Jiang Toad said, “He didn’t come back last night.”

During the celebration banquet yesterday, Yu Zhaohan noticed that Splendid spoke very little and his face was not very good-looking. Splendid and Jiang Di are also substitutes. Now that Jiang Di has the opportunity to prove himself on the field, he is the only one left to guard the drinking fountain for a long time. It is understandable that he feels uncomfortable.

Old Tan said: “I asked Splendid, and he said that he and those anchors in Beijing are going to get together, and then he will return to Shanghai by himself.”

Before setting off, Lao Tan wanted to bring a photographer with him and take some footage as a fan benefit, but Yu Zhaohan vetoed it: “This time there are not enough people, next time.”

R.H played in Universal Studios for a day, and flew back to Shanghai the next day. Upon returning to the base, Lu Youshan quickly threw himself into preparations for the next regular season game. A week later, they will face the Shanghai Thrones.

The strength of the Thrones is already at the bottom of the league, and the main force, Caps, was suspended because of the recording of insulting Yu Zhaohan. The Thrones have been beaten 3:0 in two consecutive regular season games, and many upstream teams will not make appointments with them for training games. When it came to R.H, the coach was as serious about preparing for Thrones as he was when playing TCO and IPL, and even the players followed suit.

For the evening training match, Lao Tan invited them to two teams from the Western Division. One of the European teams’ newly recruited short-gun players made their debut in the Western Division. The two-handed ninja and gladiator played so well that even Lawman, the big devil, almost fell into his hands.

“Today’s training match let Splendid play,” Lu Youshan said, “just to see how his virus is doing.” For a strong assassin, the virus is the best choice.

Old Tan looked distressed: “Splendid just asked me to take a one-night leave, saying that he has an offline fan meeting…

Lu Youshan immediately became angry: “Skip the training match for the fan meeting? Is he an anchor or a professional player!”

“It’s not a conflict.” Qi Xian smiled gently, “Is there any professional player who doesn’t work as a part-time anchor now? Cheese and I also broadcast.”

“If you delay the training match because of the live broadcast, I will still scold you.”

Yu Zhaohan said: “Prepare for the training match first, and talk about the rest later.”

Lao Tan and Yu Zhaohan winked, and they walked out of the training room. Lao Tan said worriedly: “Recently, Splendid’s state is not quite right.”

Yu Zhaohan said, “You can see it too.”

“Only Lao Lu’s stunned young man can’t see it. How can I find a chance to talk to him?”

Yu Zhaohan said: “Yes. But in his situation, I’m afraid it won’t be resolved just by talking about it.”

Lao Tan spread his hands together: “Then what do you say?”

According to Yu Zhaohan’s experience, as long as Splendid is given a chance, a chance to prove his worth, all problems can be easily solved.

Splendid is not here, so Shidu can only play the virus in the training match. Shi Duwan is good at playing, but his level is still not at the top of the league, and he has a little difficulty against the top assassins in the Western Division. After losing two small rounds in a row, he couldn’t help but use the Ninja back, and R.H only recovered one point.

At the end of the training match, Lu Youshan repeatedly watched the several rounds of team battles that R.H lost, and his head almost broke: “It can’t go on like this.”

R.H can have the system they are best at, but they cannot have a system that pulls the hips, and the control lineup that uses the virus as the starting point is obviously their shortcoming.

The others went to bed after the training match, and only Yu Zhaohan and Lu Youshan were reviewing the game in the conference room. Lu Youshan bit his nails anxiously: “I also thought about cultivating Timeless to become a top virus, but ninja’s style of play and virus are two different concepts, and I am worried that practicing too many viruses will affect Timeless’ understanding and judgment of ninja.”

Yu Zhaohan pondered for a long time, and said, “For the next match against Thrones, Splendid can play.”

“No,” Lu Youshan said without thinking, “Splendid is not ready at all right now.”

Yu Zhaohan said: “When I competed for the first time, I wasn’t ready either.”

“You are different. You may be unprepared in your heart, but your state and statistics are up to standard. And Splendid’s current virus statistics haven’t reached the point where I think he can play.” Lu Youshan seemed to have thought of something, his face pale Changed, “Do you think Thrones is too weak, so it’s okay to be on the bench? Shine, you don’t think so.”

Yu Zhaohan knew that Lu Youshan had thorns in his heart. The game Wanfeng lost in the end also made him cry for a long time, but after crying, he still carried it through. He didn’t become neurotic because of self-blame, Wan Feng also praised him for being strong.

“Taking official games as a way of training is very common in professional games no matter which game it is.”

Under the condition of ensuring that you have already qualified, and that winning or losing the game has no effect on other people’s qualifying situation, many teams will use the game as a substitute for training, and try new lineup styles in the official arena, and many substitute players can also get on the field. Opportunity.

But Lu Youshan still refused decisively: “No, I can’t take this risk. Unless Splendid’s data and operations are approved by me, he can only be a substitute.”

Yu Zhaohan said: “I understand. As long as his virus data reaches the standard before playing Thrones, he can play, right?”

“Except for the virus, at least one short-spear hero who can play the core can be used, otherwise the lineup is too fixed and will be controlled by the opponent.”

Yu Zhaohan wasn’t too worried about this. He has been practicing ninja with Splendid on the trumpet, and has saved the video of each round. In his opinion, Splendid’s ninjas have reached the middle level of the league.

Yu Zhaohan returned to his room, called up the video and data of Splendid playing ninja, and planned to organize and send it to Lu Youshan.

At three o’clock in the morning, Yu Zhaohan heard the sound of the door opening from the first floor. Splendid was the only one out of the base today, probably him.

Yu Zhaohan went downstairs and saw Splendid staggering towards the sofa. His face was very red, and he smelled of alcohol, obviously very drunk.

Splendid squinted his eyes, watching the beautiful sniper he had admired for so long walking towards him step by step, standing in front of him, and condescendingly said to him: “R.H can’t drink during non-offseason.”

Splendidi closed her eyes, and said with restraint: “…I’m sorry.”

“You pay the fine yourself.”

Splendid looked down at his hands: “Okay.”

“Also, if you have time these two days, practice the virus more. I’ve seen your stats, and it’s just short of the coach’s standard.”

“Virus. Ha, it’s a virus again!” Splendid raised his head abruptly, locking Yu Zhaohan with a pair of red eyes, “Shine, what do you mean!”

What a beautiful captain, why can’t you just look at him more.

Yu Zhaohan was frightened by Splendid. He has won the respect and awe of others by virtue of his cold appearance, but he is still naturally timid, and he is born afraid that others will attack him, and he doesn’t know how to attack him back.

But in Splendid’s eyes, Yu Zhaohan’s expression and eyes are still so superior: “I’m only fit to play this kind of tool man, and Shi Du is born to show off, do you think so!”

Yu Zhaohan was slightly stunned, and said, “I never thought so.”

“You didn’t?” Splendid let out a sneer from his nose, “You didn’t, you only practice ninja with Shidu, and you, a sniper, don’t hesitate to play virus to accompany him solo! Have you ever accompanied me? Even for one round?!”

Yu Zhaohan lowered his eyes and said softly, “You know I’ve never been with you?”

Splendid couldn’t hear Yu Zhaohan’s words, he was completely immersed in his emotions: “You know. Do you know that I entered R.H for you?” Splendid pulled out an ugly smile, “I like watching you shoot, I always want to Playing with you, I dream of being your real teammate. I gave up more than half of my live broadcast income, I practiced hard, and I came earlier than Xiaojiang! Why. Why am I still not qualified to stand by your side on the field? “

Yu Zhaohan stared at him, his Adam’s apple rolled gently.

“Now I understand.” Splendid stood up. He was about the same height as Yu Zhaohan, and he could finally look at him. “It’s not that I’m not qualified, it’s that you are not. You are no different from those who only focus on grades. You see Without the hard work of the team members, teammates are nothing more than a few rows of statistics in your eyes. As long as there are better ones, we can be replaced immediately—you are not worthy of being my captain at all, and you are not worthy of me liking you so much!”

Yu Zhaohan opened his eyes wide. His eyes were filled with mist, but they hadn’t turned red yet, and he had the ability to keep them from turning red. If you take off your fans, you will take off your fans, why do you say it so ugly.

“You’re quite drunk.” Yu Zhaohan pinched his palm and said calmly, “We’ll talk about it when you sober up.”

Yu Zhaohan kept his composure and went all the way back to the room. Knowing that he couldn’t fall asleep, he simply stayed awake and continued to sort out the data for Splendid.

But after tidying up, the screen became blurred, and water droplets fell on the keyboard, one after another.

Yu Zhaohan told himself that this was nothing. When I first became the captain of R.H, and the year when R.H was botched, life was much more difficult than it is now. Splendid was drunk, how could he take what he said when he was drunk seriously.

He also said that he is not worthy to be the captain of R.H. Why do you say that about him? He obviously… obviously worked hard.

He wanted to hide under the quilt and call his mother like when he cried countless times in the past. But at this time, my mother must have fallen asleep.

Fortunately, he still has time.

Yu Zhaohan walked out of the room again, and confirmed that there was no light in Shi Du’s room—even Shi Du was asleep.

As the captain, how can he disturb his teammates to sleep.

Yu Zhaohan stood at the door of Shi Du’s room like this, and sent him a WeChat message.

【Shine: Shi Du, I was misunderstood. I do not feel good. 】

He waited for two minutes, but did not wait for Shi Du’s reply.

【Shine: Good night】

Just when he was about to go back to his room and wrap himself in a quilt to coax himself, the door opened.

The boy was only wearing pajama pants, with short messy hair, and said anxiously, “Fish?”

“Shi Du,” Yu Zhaohan said with a tear in his voice, wrapped his arms around Shi Du’s neck, and slid his whole body into the boy’s arms, “hug.”

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