Arknights Welcome to Terra Continent

Chapter 19 Above the Wasteland

After leaving the game room, Beichen came to the cafeteria. After a simple meal, he was ready to go to Longmen first.

First, he took out the dedicated communicator that Kelsi gave him and called Kelsi. Within five seconds, Kelsi over there answered the phone.

"Hello, Kelsey? I'm ready to go."

Kelsey on the other side of the phone said: "The frequency band of this communicator is special. Currently, only elite operators, Dr. Amiya and I can communicate. This time, you are included."

Beichen laughed and said, "So I can be considered half an elite operator now?"

Kelsey said calmly: "Elite operators are not entirely divided based on their strength. What's more important is the degree of trust Rhodes Island has in you. Maybe if you stay here for two or three years, you will be able to receive my trust in you." Invited."

"Okay, enough gossip. If there are any new instructions or information, I will notify you in the communication. Finally, your personal safety is higher than the priority of the task. If necessary, abandon the task. It's over."

As soon as Kelsi finished speaking, she immediately hung up the phone. Beichen put the communicator in his pocket and put it in his personal warehouse. He didn't know if anyone would call.

Beichen walked onto the deck, and Warfarin was still hanging on it.

She saw Beichen walking onto the deck and began to twist wildly, trying to break free.

Beichen smiled and said hello to Warfarin, turned around and jumped off Rhode Island.

Watching this scene, Warfarin twisted harder and shouted: "Kelsey, someone has escaped, come and catch him!"

Beichen jumped off the Rhode Island main ship and looked back, what, is it so big?

I remember that there is still a large part of the area in Rhode Island that has not been excavated. The bottom few floors seem to be unknown areas, so when can infrastructure be expanded?

Rhode Island's movement speed is not fast, not even as fast as Beichen's normal running speed.

It can only be said that Rhode Island is still too poor to save even this little fuel money.

Kelsey didn't equip me with a vehicle or anything, so I had to run on my own.

Beichen sighed, and his figure immediately disappeared.

After only half an hour of running, Rhode Island became a small black dot in Beichen's sight.

Although Beichen still had some energy left, he still felt better walking.

Beichen looked around while walking. It was really similar to the maps in the game. It was a monotonous and boring wasteland.

There are some drought-resistant green plants. Geographically, this area should be classified as a desert steppe vegetation zone.

It’s too far off topic, let’s just concentrate on our journey.

The weather was sunny, not windy, and not too hot due to the latitude.

Suddenly, Beichen saw what seemed to be a figure in the distance.

Not one, it seems like a group.

Beichen took a closer look and made a brief observation. To be precise, there were two groups.

There were about a dozen people in one group, and only three or four people in the other group.

Beichen followed and observed carefully, and after confirming that there was no danger, he approached the larger group of people.

The group of people also noticed Beichen. Beichen didn't pay attention to their appraising eyes or the hands reaching their waists. Instead, he kept a safe distance and asked: "Where are you from, are you going to Longmen too? "

The leader felt relieved when he saw that there was no Origin Stone crystal on Beichen's body. He inserted the dagger in his hand back into his waist and said, "We are coming from Chernobog. We really want to go there." Go to Longmen.”

After talking to them, Beichen learned that the integration movement was attacked in different areas, and Beichen's area happened to be the last to be attacked.

There was actually a week difference in time between Beicheng District, which was attacked first, and Nancheng District, which was attacked last.

During this week, Beichen didn't even hear any information, only the radio saying that the thugs had been taken down. Please rest assured, citizens, it's just bullshit!

An entire area has been lost and the residents are still hiding it. Do you want to drag the whole city along with you?

I said that all the people who had fled came here, co-authored a week earlier than us.

Beichen asked again: "What's going on with those people over there?"

The leader sighed and said, "Those are a few infected people. I wanted to pull them into the team and go together, but there were a few people in our team who firmly disagreed, so I had to let them follow behind."

"If you ask me, who cares whether you are infected or not at this time, maybe everyone will die. Fortunately, the weather has been good these days, and there are no sandstorms or low temperatures. Look at the few people behind the team, they I don’t even want the infected people to follow me, and I’m always cursing about bad luck and the like.”

Beichen saw that the leader was quite kind, so he left him some supplies and told him some things he needed to pay attention to about Longmen.

He accepted these things and was about to express his gratitude to Beichen in front of him. When he looked up, Beichen had disappeared.

Beichen had already left. He continued to rush towards Longmen. Looking around, he saw several similar teams on the wasteland. They should all be civilians fleeing from Qicheng.

The nobles have long since returned to the north to enjoy themselves.

Continuing on the road, the outline of a city gradually appeared in front of Beichen's eyes.

Going further, the blurry outline became clearer.

Tall and big, this is Beichen's first impression.

Beichen saw a modern city on the continent of Terra for the first time. Qicheng was nothing like a 20th century industrial city. It was completely incomparable to the Longmen in front of him.

Beichen had already seen the city wall of Longmen, and after a short circle, he came to the gate of Longmen.

Looking from a distance, there is a large queue of people lining up at the city gate. It seems that they are all people who want to enter the city. Judging from the proportion of bear ears among them, most of them are fleeing from Qicheng.

Beichen observed that the first thing people entering the city had to do was to check whether they were infected, so Beichen had no choice but to give up entering Longmen through normal channels.

Who knows if something strange will be detected and he will be locked up. Beichen doesn't want to spend his first day in Longmen in the detention center.

Was he finally bailed out by Kelsey?

It would be better to escape from prison yourself and be brought to justice by Sir Chen on the spot.

Then we have to wait and sneak in at night.

You ask why not fly in or climb the city wall?

Please, look at what's on top of that city. It can't be bird hunting, right? Wouldn't it be possible to get set on fire if you go up there?

Although it was true that Beichen could not be hurt, if he made such a big noise, he would not be able to enter the city.

Beichen watched the queue entering the city shrinking and growing, growing and shrinking again. He had nothing to do and chatted with the guard from the Guards Bureau who was responsible for inspection next to him.

Beichen asked: "Brother, why are so many people coming to the city today?"

The guard didn't want to talk to Beichen at first, but when he heard Beichen's accent sounded familiar, he thought he had met a fellow from Yan State, so he started chatting with Beichen. The most important thing was that the inspection was really boring.

"Don't mention it, there are quite a lot of people these days. I heard something happened in Chernobog. Look, these are Ursus people. There are so many people who have escaped. I don't know what happened. What's the matter?"

Beichen chatted with the guards like this for a long time, until one person arrived.

The guard suddenly looked panicked and said, "Brother, please turn away and don't talk to me. My boss is here."

Then his expression immediately became serious and his back straightened.

Beichen was happy when he saw it.

Oh, isn't this the famous Superintendent Chen? He's here to inspect.

Of course, Beichen didn't dare to say it out loud, he just thought about it in his mind. After all, Chen Sir was looking very embarrassed right now, and Beichen was going to do something illegal later.

Originally, the team was still moving forward normally, but suddenly a person struggled and ran away from the inspection equipment and rushed into the city.

Before he could even take two steps, he was caught by the guard and pinned to the ground.

The infected person was pressed to the ground and still struggling and shouting: "Why don't you let me in!"

Chen Sir's face was visibly darker. She said to the other guards: "(Longmen expletive) first check whether you are an infected person, and separate the infected people from ordinary people for subsequent identity verification."

"According to the standards, those with a mild infection level are allowed to enter, but they have to wait in the waiting area for further inspection. Those with a higher level of infection are not allowed to enter!"

"Yes, sir!"

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