Are You Sick? As Soon As We Broke Up, The School Flower Called

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Mom, Why Are There Two?

When the door of the ward was pushed open again, she saw Mother Chen greeting her with a smile.

“Your name is Fu Jiaer, right? I’m Chen Jinfeng’s mother. I’m sorry, I thought I went to the wrong ward just now.”

Chen’s mother is only in her forties. Chen Jinfeng was born early, and she can take care of herself. She looks very young.

He smiled and frowned, looking at a woman who was very easy to get along with.

Fu Jiaer hurriedly said hello, and Chen Jinfeng brought the bench over.

“Hello, Auntie Chen. Are you tired from the sun? Do you want to drink water? There is water here.”

Mother Chen sat down and looked at Fu Jia’er with an elated expression.

Yo, this girl is not only beautiful, but also very caring.

Turning his head, his face sank slightly, and he blamed his son, “Look at you, no one cares about people yet!”

Chen Jinfeng, who was about to hand over water, “???”

Along the way, Mother Chen did not rest.

I was nervous and anxious and got on the air-conditioned bus again, with flatulence and dizziness along the way.

Before his emotions were relieved, he was shocked by a heavy news and had no response, only thirst.

After Gulu Gulu finished drinking a glass of water, Mother Chen asked about Fu Jiaer’s situation.

“The milk is on, that’s good, the baby is safe and healthy to drink breast milk!”

“I haven’t exhausted yet, haven’t I? Don’t worry, it’s still too late to eat after filming.”

“After giving birth, it is equivalent to confinement. You have to take good care of it, otherwise the root of the disease will fall.”

After chatting with Fu Jiaer, Mother Chen turned the topic to the babies.

“Then, this is a child, let me see…”

“Oh, this, why are there two?”

All in one ward.

The family next to the bed already knows about it, so it’s not surprising that this kind of thing is not surprising.

The aunt said hello when Mother Chen came in, which would be a joke.

“Yo, you don’t know yet, your daughter-in-law gave birth to a twin, you are lucky!”

Mother Chen couldn’t close her mouth in surprise, “Oh, this, this…”

He turned his head and punched his son’s arm.

Chen Jinfeng was in pain, “Mom, what are you beating me for?”

Mother Chen laughed angrily, “You gave birth to a pair of twins, why didn’t you tell me!”

Chen Jinfeng also laughed, “I’m not trying to surprise you!”

The interaction between mother and son made Fu Jiaer laugh on the side.

Mother Chen hummed twice and happily hugged the child.

“Is this a brother or a brother?”

“elder brother.”

“Did you take a name?”

Chen Jinfeng looked at Fu Jiaer and asked if she had thought of a name before.

Fu Jia’er naturally thought about it, “I made up a few names. I wanted to call it Ping Ping An, but I didn’t think about it.”

Mother Chen held her soft grandson, and her smile never disappeared.

“It’s good to call it Ping Ping An, it is also a great blessing to grow up in peace.”

“But what is it called, it’s up to you young people to make up your mind.”

Chen Jinfeng also felt safe and sound, and Fu Jiaer had no objection.

So, the baby’s name is so finalized.

Mother Chen picked up Xiaogong again, and all of a sudden she had two grandchildren, complete with grandchildren.

If it was anyone else, they would be happy to close their mouths!


A sound P sounded in the ward.

Xun Sheng looked, and saw Fu Jia’er with an embarrassed face, and Hong Xia with an indelible face.

The goddess school girl who used to be unattainable in the past is now shy like something…

Chen Jinfeng smiled, “After exhausting, you can eat.”

Mother Chen put down Xiao An’an, turned her head and told her son.

“You go to the cafeteria to buy some food, and I’ll bring it back to your rental house to cook.”

Chen Jinfeng asked Fu Jiaer while holding his mobile phone, “What do you want to eat? The nurse said that it is best to eat liquid food.”

Fu Jiaer chose to have a cesarean birth because she could not give birth.

The production has consumed a lot of physical strength.

After the caesarean section until now, I haven’t eaten anything, and I’ve been hungry for a long time.

I can’t eat what I want now, “I can do whatever I want.”

Mother Chen obviously has experience in this area. “Buy some millet porridge, and let them boil some with brown sugar water.”

Chen Jinfeng nodded, “I’ll go first, I’ll be back soon.”

After her son left, Mother Chen said a few heartfelt words to Fu Jiaer.

“Don’t let Xiaofeng be idle during this time, let him do everything he can.”

“This woman has given birth to a child. If he doesn’t do something, how can he feel sorry for his wife in the future?”

“You can’t let him pick up a father for nothing, how can there be such a good thing in the world?”

Fu Jia’er felt warm and nodded.

She didn’t know what Chen Jinfeng said, and she couldn’t speak some words.

Mother Chen smiled, “You rest first, you must rest well after giving birth.”

Then I started looking for things, the child’s diaper, the child’s bottle, milk powder, etc…

Ten minutes later, Chen Jinfeng brought a bowl of hot, freshly boiled vegetable porridge.

There is also a small bowl of brown sugar water.

He asked the boss for an extra box for drying the brown sugar water.

Put the vegetable porridge aside.

Chen Jinfeng turned it upside down, and the brown sugar water was ready to drink in less than a minute.

Chen Mubai’s unsightly son.

“It’s inconvenient for people to lie down, don’t you know that little spoon to feed?”

By the way, I brought the stool to my son, “Sit and feed, and be careful to spill it while standing.”

Only then did Chen Jinfeng react, and he picked up the small spoon to feed Fu Jiaer one bite at a time.

Fu Jiaer tilted her head shyly and sipped her drink.

Chen Jinfeng reminded with concern, “Is it hot or not, do you want to let it dry for a while?”

Fu Jia’er shook her head, “It’s not hot, the temperature is just right.”

Mother Chen asked, “Where is the key, I’ll go back to buy food and cook it.”

Chen Jinfeng replied, “Wait a minute, Mom, wait for the babies to take a bath before going back, I have to leave someone here to watch.”

Mother Chen snorted, “Why don’t you feed and I’ll take the babies to take a bath?”

Chen Jinfeng thought for a while, “Alright, do you know the place?”

Mother Chen rolled her eyes. She used to think her son was very smart, but how can he be so stupid now?

Mother Chen asked, “Who do you look down on? I don’t know, I don’t know how to ask?”

After all, pick up the small clothes rewarded by the system and push the baby carriage away.

“Jia’er, you eat first, I’m going to bathe the babies.”

Fu Jia’er nodded, “Okay Auntie, thank you for your hard work.”

Mother Chen waved, “It’s too outrageous to say this.”*

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