Archon of Danmachi

Second Dungeon Dive

Training with Finn was hard but then again, any good and effective training was. He did learn a fair bit however despite it being only one session, his skills were indeed helping him a whole lot. He was quite sore and even bruised from the training but thanks to his Mind Veins, he was already good to go by the time he arrived to the dungeon.

He had passed by the Hostess of Fertility like he promised Syr and took the opportunity to chat with Ryuu leaving the the bluish gray haired girl a little jealous and the elf not quite sure on what to do. As he received the bento Syr had for him he said in a teasing tone as he headed off.

"No need to get jelous Syr-chan! Although I find Ryu-san very attractive you're quite the cutie yourself~!" Leaving the two girls blushing, Syr more than Ryuu.

'Uh? Did I just tease a goddess? It's so easy to forget Syr is Freya in disguise.' Nox thought as he moved towards the dungeon.

Before entering he focused within himself to check the spells in his slots. By now he had become skilled enough that a minute or two was all he needed so long as he wasn't in a stressful situation and he still needed to close his eyes but he could do it standing which was a plus.

Now that he didn't need to have a self strengthening spell in his slots he filled them with Mind Bullet, Mind Missile, Mind Boon and Mind Pulse. He decided to use what he practiced in the mornings in the dungeon the very same day so he would switch weapons every single day.

Today he was wearing armor very similar to what he had started with with some minor differences in style but the pieces were of the same type for weapons though, he carried two spears one long and another short. Finn said he would teach him the dagger tomorrow. Nox had thought they would split the time in the same day but apparently not.

It seemed the Loki Familia was quite taken with his talent and were putting in considerable effort into making him as strong as he could be, something that greatly pleased Nox.

After trying his luck and seeing if he could catch another Jack Bird in his Mind Pulse while on the first floor without success, Nox went down to the sixth floor and got to work. He still killed everything that was unfortunate enough to be detected but this time he prioritized moving down until he reached the sixth.

Nox felt a little unprotected without his trusty shield but the reach of the spear certainly helped him. That combined with his increased status and greater boost provided by the Mind Veins helped him have a much easier time than before.

He could now easily react and dodge the tongues of the Frog Shooters and had an easier time handling the War Shadows even without resorting to Magic. He went around the sixth floor killing everything in sight and collecting magic stones a couple of drop items.

The fact that he was killing so many monsters certainly meant that a few drops would come his way but it was still a fair bit higher than usual.

Taking a quick two minutes to stash his gains in his Item Box, Nox decided to advance to the next floor. From the seventh to the ninth floors there would be four new types of monsters. Killer Ants, Purple Moths, Needle Rabbits and Blue Papilios with the last being quite rare.

As he treated through the seventh floor, Nox spotted a Needle Rabbit. Its attack patterns are quite simple, they just jump with a speed greater than a Frog Shooter's tongue and try to impale their targets with the horn of their heads.

Honestly, Nox found them far less troublesome to deal with when compared to the War Shadows since the Needle Rabbits' attacks are very straightforward. As for the Killer Ants, they were even easier.

They have hard shells and high attack power with their mandible, causing them to be called the newbie killers but thanks to Mind Boon, Nox could enhance his weapons to the point it became fairly easy to pierce through their carapace.

Since their strong defence was useless and they were not very fast to begin with, it became fairly easy to deal with them. Nox purposely let himself be hit with the poison powder of the Purple Moths so he would gain the Abnormal Resistance development ability and even managed to find a couple of Blue Papilios.

Nox decided he wouldn't go further for now and grinded his stats and farmed for drops from the various monsters. The occasional adventurer saw the sight of a young boy fleeting about killing anything he detected in his Mind Pulse radar leaving him quite scared despite not being a target because he thought he had found one of those bloodthirsty perverts that enjoyed killing too much.

Good thing Nox didn't pay attention to his expressions otherwise that adventurer truly would have a reason to be afraid. Nox also realized that he didn't need as much food. He still felt hungry and thirsty but it took a lot longer until it started to affect him.

And so, the boy ran around in the dungeon for the entire day like a bloodthirsty pervert killing any monster in sight until it became late, he then went back up through the floors once again going on several rampages until he reached the surface.

As per his agreement with Eina, he went to see his advisor before heading off to do something else well, even if there was no agreement, Nox wouldn't miss a chance to chat with the beautiful half elf anyway.

As he told her what he did today, she wanted to go on another endless tirade of lecturing so he just revealed some of the details and his growth from the status update which dumbfounded the girl but left her more relieved. She still advised him on dos and don'ts but Nox actually appreciated her nagging and told Eina as much making her blush.

But then her embarrassment turned to mock anger as she held Nox in a headlock with a single arm while saying.

"Teasing onee-san? I'll teach you what's what!"

Meanwhile, Nox who was being squished in the side of her breasts had no complaints whatsoever. Eventually she let him go much to his disappointment which Eina noticed making he confused but then seeing his sly grin she realized why he wanted more so he bolted before she could say anything while saying "Love you Eina-san!" Leaving her blushing again.

He swung by the Twilight Manor to wash up and change his attire to a casual one before heading to the Hostess of Fertility for a late dinner and some merry drinking while appreciating the beautiful waitresses.

As he arrived he noticed the place seemed less packed than usual but he didn't know why. Today, Nox was received not by Ryuu or Syr but by Chloe Rollo a Cat Person with green eyes and black hair with cat ears and a tail of the same color, wearing the Hostess of Fertility uniform. She looked at Nox with shining eyes as he she greeted him.

"Nox-kun right? Welcome again! I'm Chloe and I'll take you to your table!"

"Thank you, Chloe-san!" Nox responded.

After he was seated and made his order Nox saw Chloe and Syr chatting furiously with one another while Syr watched on from the side. While it didn't seem like they were arguing, clearly something left Syr unhappy.

Nox could hear them due to his enhanced senses but it was hard to understand them due to the surrounding noise. It seemed it was pre-arranged that either Syr or Ryuu would welcome me depending on who got the better chance when I arrived but Chloe jumped the gun and did it before them. Nox thinked up a possible reason for it.

'If I remember right . . . Chloe-san was a shotacon right? And since I'm a, although I loathe to say it, beautiful thirteen year old, I'm in her perfect range I guess . . .'

After a little while, Chloe brought me my food and drink and sat down on my table, with Syr and Ryuu following right behind.

'What's this!? Don't you girls have any work to do!? I know it's a slower night but there are still plenty of customers!' Nox thought as he said.

"Although I really do enjoy eating dinner surrounded by beauties like yourselves . . . Are you sure it's fine for all three of you to take a break at the same time?" Nox asked and the response he received was the same for all three.

"Let us be the ones to worry about that!"

"Let us be the ones to worry about that!"

"Let us be the ones to worry about that!"

They said in tandem.

"Alright, Alright! I just don't want you to get in trouble, that's all." Nox said earning the gratitude of all three ladies.

They chatted for a while and Nox bought a few more drinks and was getting a little tipsy when Chloe threw out a question.

"So Nox-kun . . . What kind of girl is your type?"


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is:  without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Kage of Kages, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.

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