Arcane Journey

Chapter 17 Flash Burst

Chapter 17 Flash Burst

Brian came to the eastern end of the dark city, and the entrance of three narrow tunnels blocked his way.

Three giant glowing spiders carved out of dark green stone guard a hole each.

Looking at the cold magic stone statue, he recalled how this round magic spider used its smooth legs to knock on the stone floor and fight.

This is a jasper spider similar to a construct, specially designed to defend against strangers breaking into the forbidden area or slaves fleeing in panic.

If he expected it to be correct, their challenge level was at least 10, and they had strong magic resistance and defensive power. As long as they blocked the entrance of the cave, with his current strength, there was no way to break through it.

As a guardian, the jasper spider also has detection magic. Under normal circumstances, when an intruder appears within the detection range, it will immediately become active and launch a swift and deadly attack.

Brian stared at the spider sculpture from a distance, its empty, glassy eyes looking like faceted gemstones in pitch black.

A shiver ran up his spine, causing him to look away quickly.

He stood there thinking for a moment, then patted the dimensional bag on his belt.

This was given to him by Santilla before leaving. The items inside were mainly spell-casting materials, some daily necessities that he specially asked her to help prepare.

This cunning and fickle drow girl is actually pretty good in other places except for the relatively strong possessiveness inherent in the matrilineal society of the dark elves.

Of course, the most important thing is that he can feel that the other party has no malice towards him.

That's why he chose to cooperate with her when he ran away.

Although he was quite satisfied with the pleasant exchange before he left, the interlude of fighting for dominance was a bit too disruptive to the atmosphere.

Thankfully it's all over, and he's about to return to the surface world.

A tiny black onyx spider appeared in Brian's palm, and he murmured the activation spell Santilla had taught him.

The amethyst inlaid in the spider's belly immediately shone with violet light.

Then, the little spider twisted its eight legs and circled in his palm, spreading almost invisible ripples of aura in the air.

Brian suddenly felt that the terrifying power emanating from the spider stone statue disappeared, and it returned to its original polyhedron shape again.

He thought about it for a moment, deciding which way was the right one.

Finally, lift your feet and continue down the smallest tunnel.

When he entered the tunnel safe and sound, he immediately clenched his fists, crushed the agate spider that helped him avoid detection, and threw it into the inconspicuous tunnel.

Although this approach is a bit inappropriate, he must do it just to be on the safe side.

This is out of careful consideration, because he has already sent all the items that Santilla gave him in advance, and used the detection spell to check them carefully.

Except for things that he thinks have no problems, such as agate spiders, which are held by almost every priestess of Rose, he naturally dare not carry them all the time.

After entering the narrow tunnel, the passage gradually widened and soon turned into a series of criss-cross tunnels.

According to the marks on the map, Brian headed towards a familiar place firmly.

More than an hour later, he came to a road bridge overlooking the darkness without any risk.

Below the bridge is a lake of dark green sulfuric acid, and a thick, pungent mist floats in the air.

Vaguely, the grotesque prayer songs of the priestesses of Rose passed into Brian's ears from the cave on the other side of the bridge, reflecting some kind of painful scream echoing in the cold grotto with extreme sharpness.

This is the forbidden area of ​​the ancient city of Orens: the Cave of Resentment.

A place of exile to punish those drow whose faith is not firm.

All the drow who are escorted here will be transformed into spider elves.

There are even rumors that there is an abyssal rift leading to the "Deep Pit and Magic Web", the kingdom of God after the Spider God, in the Venomous Cave.

As for whether it is true or not, no one can guarantee it, because no one has ever been confirmed.

Or rather, the confirmed person is dead.

Brian walked cautiously to the other side of the bridge. The destination of his trip had to pass through the ritual place where the priestesses of Lolth transformed the drow.

The screams from the cave let him know that a terrible transformation ceremony was probably going on on the altar in front of him.

He had to judge the specific situation ahead before he could make a decision on whether to force his way.

Brian hid far away in the shadow of the stalactite pillars, gazing at the evil scene ahead.

He saw eight priests of Lolth gathered around an altar strapped to a writhing and writhing object.

In the copper basin directly in front of the altar.

A group of dazzling green flames is condensing the figure in the circle.

Curly green flames rose from the ritual fire ignited by the priestess, exuding a strong and sharp aura of fear, lingering in the oppressive cave.

As the chants of the priestesses rose to a frenzied level, Brian had a glimpse of a heart-pounding sight.

A pillar smeared with yellow ooze, with a bulbous, one-eyed malevolence, came into view a demonic creature shaped like a half-melted candle.

Melting Wax Demon!
Handmaidens of the spider queen Lolth, extensions of the evil will, their main role is to guard the shrines of the material world and provide help to the most pious priestesses of Lolth.

The priestesses raised their arms in ecstasy, culminating in piercing chanting as the waxmelt emerged from the abyss into the ritual copper basin.

The Waxmelt stretched out a serpentine tentacle, wrapping the victim's head.

The helpless drow kicked its legs in terror and let out a final shriek, and the change began with terrifying rapidity.

Eight creepy spider legs twisted like buds to tear through the trousers, and drilled out of the drow's waist. The abdomen was also like an inflated ball, twisting in a strange shape and gradually expanding.

His cry also gradually turned into a weird whine, as if caught in the entanglement of pain and pleasure.

When the ceremony was over, the priests withdrew.

Without the occlusion of the crowd, Brian could clearly see the new form of the transformed drow.

If you only judge from the waist up, you can think that he is a drow elf.

The only difference is a little puffiness and paleness.

But his lower body was completely in the shape of a spider, with eight hairy legs supporting its whole body weight.

Work in a while.

The evil chants and drow screams of pain sounded again.

Followed by emerald green flames penetrating the darkness of the cave, and the half-melted meat slime and soft tentacles of the Wax Melting Demon that will emerge from the copper basin.

From their costumes and the difficulty of performing the transformation ceremony, Brian judged the approximate strength of this group of priestesses, and realized that he couldn't wait any longer.

Because at this time, the transformation ceremony of the spider elves has reached a critical moment, and the melted wax demon summoned from the bottomless abyss has not yet formed.

This also means that now is his best time to attack.

So he patted his dimensional bag, and a small piece of translucent waxy white phosphorus and a silver coin appeared in his palm.

Then he deliberately lowered his voice and chanted the spell quickly.

In an instant, the spell-casting material 'White Phosphorus' in the palm of the palm completely melted into the shining silver coin in the surge of arcane energy following the chanted spell.

The shimmering coin melted rapidly until it shrunk into a small round sphere.

With a thought, Brian used his telekinesis ability to carefully control the coin shaped by the extremely unstable magical energy, and quickly threw it into the summoning ceremony of the eight priestesses.

The eight focused priestesses focused their attention on the copper brazier from the beginning to the end, on a melting wax demon that was about to condense into shape, so they naturally didn't pay attention to any falling objects.

——"Third Ring Spell: Flash Explosion!" [Powerful]

The moment the distorted coin fell to the ground, with a low, inaudible sound, the cave shrouded in emerald green flames erupted without warning in a dazzling, dazzling white flash.

At this moment, the group of priestesses who were dedicated to performing the transformation ceremony suddenly felt as if their eyes had been stabbed deeply by thousands of hot and sharp daggers, and they were in agony.

At the same time, the surrounding scene became a vast expanse of whiteness, and they couldn't see anything, only hot, dazzling tears continuously oozing from their eye sockets.

From the standpoint of Brian, who was on the sidelines, the good show of this spell has just been staged.

So he gripped the hilt of his sword tightly, ready to launch a surprise attack at any time.

As the flash burst exploded, a pungent garlic-like smell filled the air.

The group of priestesses covering their eyes with panicked expressions quickly ignited yellow flames like maggots attached to their bones, burning their clothes and flesh mercilessly.

The short-term blindness of both eyes and the burning flames made these priestesses scurry and collide in the cave like headless chickens in unknown fear.

A priestess slammed into the stone pillar head-on in panic, her body staggered and fell to the ground as if she was drunk, blood gurgled down her broken forehead.

There were angry screams and vicious curses as the two priestesses bumped into each other in panic.

The others were either tripped by other fallen companions, or simply rolled on the spot, or calmed down and tried to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

As for the sacrifices tied and fixed on the stone platform, they were not so lucky.

While screaming and struggling crazily, the unlucky guy ignited a raging fire all over his body, and soon he died.

(End of this chapter)

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