
Chapter 28

The next three chapters are presented by Saril, who provided the initial idea. (Yeah, I'm sometimes taking up good propositions.)


After my little episode, things might've gotten better for me.
Masiabi is currently trying very hard to please me.
Which is still worrisome, considering I know what she is, and I barely can fathom how many people she has already killed.
Still, she's trying to make time for me and spend it the way I like it.

Last time, we even went to the surface together and encountered a deer.
I could see how much she had to fight the urge to hunt it down, but she prevailed and stayed by my side.
I... Sometimes I think she really likes me as a person.
On the other side, she’s starting to get a little too pushy.
I mean, it's nice to have someone comforting you, but once this need is satisfied, you also want to have time for yourself.


"Uh, Masiabi, it's not like I don't appreciate that you're there for me, but don't you want to spend some time by yourself? What about your hunting?" (N)

"Well, we don't really need to hunt much right now. It depends on your age, but if you're not very active, you can go quite a long time without food. But I need to admit that I was never in human form for so long. I’m kinda itching to get back to my normal one." (M)


Normal... right.
Giant terrifying spider.


"Not to forget, your familiars just completed their last hunt. So the storages are full." (M)


Right, there was "that".


"With the last hunt you mean..." (N)

"Well, the baddies we caught for you. To be honest, I hoped you'd be a bit happier about their deaths." (M)


I seriously don't know how to answer this.
It's not like I want to be ungrateful, but I now had time to think about it, and I need to say that the knowledge they died isn't giving me much.
I could barely process what happened to my family.
When I think back to what they did, it's sad, and painful, and I am troubled to dwell more on this event.
Though, I suppose it's a good thing that people such as these won't be able to harm others anymore.
Also, maybe I won't have as many nightmares regarding that in the future.
But my number one fear is still about spiders, and the fact that number one gruesomely killed number two isn't all that soothing.

Wait a moment!
Masiabi was talking about our food reserves before.
If the spiders caught them...
Oh my god!


"M-Masiabi, h-how are they going to be processed?" (N)

"We just finished with them today. You know, same as we usually... Ohhh! Ehm, sorry. We already mixed some of them into today's meal. I kinda forgot. Would it really be that bad to eat those who were mean to you?" (M)


I knew it!
My face instantly contorts in horror and disgust.
I'm certainly not willing to eat humans.
Not if I can help it.


"Well, I don't really know what to do about it now. Maybe I could go out again and hunt something else? Yet this may take a while." (M)


I, I think I have another solution.


"Masiabi, could I please go out alone for today?" (N)

"Uh... Okay... If you want to. But you know the drill. Only if you take your familiars with you. I couldn't forgive myself if something were to attack you." (M)


She seems slightly disappointed about me leaving her behind.
But my familiars...
She means the murder spiders who just proved that they live up to that name.
However, as things stand I don't have much of a choice.
At least, I could tell them to keep some distance.

The thing is, I think it's time to try cooking something today.
It's not like I got anything against our organ soup.
Well, aside from knowing about its contents.
Or that it's basically innards mixed with acidic spider saliva.
Well, aside from this, I got used to the taste.
It's even weirder if I consider that I'm not even getting the slightest bit tired of it, no matter how long I keep on solely consuming this stuff.
However, once in a while having a normal meal would be nice instead of the soup.
Especially, since Masiabi just told me that they put the murderers of my parents into it.
So yeah, I need to find a way to get my own meals for times like this.
But first things first.


"Masiabi, could you please guide me to the room with all the human stuff?" (N)

"Sure. But why would you want to go there?" (M)

"To get stuff? I thought I could find something useful for being outdoors." (N)

"I still don't understand what an Arachne would need." (M)

"Could I please just look around there?" (N)

"Okay. It's not like there's a rule against it. Mostly, it’s just stuff we took from trespassers." (M)


Along with the trespassers themselves, I guess.
However, I need to hand it to Masiabi that she's dutifully leading me to the place.
I do my best to memorize the way as well, so I won't have to rely on any of the sisters in case I want to fetch something.
If I’m going to live here, I should at least know how to get to the rooms I may use.

I step in there and rummage through the contents.
It might look like a huge trash pile at first, but it's almost ironic how many valuable treasures are mixed in here.
Ripped fabric next to a perfectly pristine tent.
Though, I'm sure Talisa could make a better one.
Also, broken and rusted pieces of metal next to weapons that look as if they consist of high-grade materials.
Or some nice-looking trinkets next to artifacts I can't figure out yet.

However, while I'm sure that this place might be for some adventurers the big treasure room at the end of their quest, I'm looking for something different here.
All the treasures in the world and I fetch for myself a camping pot and a fire striker.
These are also found in the kitchen, but it needs to be of a size where I can transport it in a bag.
Speaking of which, I just saw one that might be only slightly too big for my size.


"Huh!? Why are you taking that?" (M)

"Because I wanted a bag?" (N)

"Why don't you just ask Talisa? I'm sure she would make you one. And it would be much better than this." (M)


That's probably true.
But Talisa was recently kinda hard on me.
I mean, I know she may have good intentions.
I'm, for example, probably not freaking out as much about my familiars anymore as I did at the start, yet on the other side, she's always forcing her point.
Sometimes, I wish I could just ignore her.
But then I'm reminded again that she's a spider of unfathomable size.
At least, I'm rather sure that the leg length of five meters wasn't her all yet.


"Uh, for today I'd like to use this." (N)

"Well, suit yourself. But don't complain if it rips. Human stuff is so fragile after all." (M)


That might be a specific issue that entirely revolves around Masiabi.
As far as I know, she kinda possesses super strength.


"Okay. But I think with this I'm ready." (N)

"Alright. Then all that is left for you to do is to call your familiars." (M)


She's phrasing that a bit weirdly.


"Call? You mean I should go to their room and ask them, right?" (N)

"No. I meant you should call them to your side through the link you share with them. I mean, this is a prime example for what it's there for." (M)


The mental link...
I'm not too sure about that.
Until now, I only used it to keep track of their location or to make them stay away from me.
Calling them here seems like the total opposite of that.
What concerns me most about it would be that I worry that I might open up some kind of door by doing so.
If I use the mental link to call them that's like asking to speak to them.
I'm certainly not ready for continuous talks with spiders through my mind.
That would be a bit much.


"Is there a problem? Do they not answer to you?" (M)

"Uh, if I call them, will they as well want me to hear them out through the link?" (N)

"Huh, good question. I think Eritu can do this. It requires you to closely listen in on them with concentrated focus, but yes, it should be possible to receive more detailed information from them. Naturally, in correspondence to the complexity of the thoughts they're even able to perform. Mine usually only tell me stuff like if they're hungry or bored." (M)

"And mine will talk to me too?" (N)

"You don't need to worry. They love you, but they would never selfishly force themselves onto you. Rather, I think it's the opposite. From what I observed they seem very inclined to do everything they can for ya. You have very good familiars, Nerys- Neri." (M)


For a moment, I look at her with astonished eyes, gathering myself again and thinking about what she told me.
I guess she means I should just call them.
It would be unfair and mean of me to constantly ignore them if they on the other side care so much.
Also, from the explanation it seems like I don't need to worry about them trying to talk with me if I can't deal with it.


"So, what are you going to do now?" (M)

"Alright. I'll... try." (N)


Naturally, I'm still reluctant, but I want to go out and cook.
So this is a necessary step.
Also, I should be aware that we're here in a monster forest.
It would be stupid not to think the slightest bit about my safety.
Especially, if my familiars already freak out because I'm such an easy target.
But it's still hard.
I'm not sure if I can bring myself to call them.

While I mentally focus on the link, I notice how all of them perk up.
However, I hesitate to truly send anything through the connection.
It's like I'm standing in front of someone, they're eagerly waiting for me to speak up, but I just can't say a word because I'm too nervous.
Alone the thought of calling them to me...

Oh, forget about it!
They're already on the way.
It seems they were so on edge to hear from me that already the thought of calling them to me was enough to serve as the real deal.
A bit like reading my wishes from my mind.


"They, they're coming." (N)

"Good job, Neri! Then I'll be on my way!" (M)

"Wait, you're going?" (N)


There's a spider horde rushing here!!!


 "Didn't you tell me you wanted to go by yourself? I think that's good for you. Also, I feel like your familiars don't appreciate me very much. I think they don't like how close we are." (M)


With this, she gives me a tight squeeze and leaves through the doorway.
Meanwhile, I am left to wait for the horrors which I know are right now swarming in my direction.






- Masiabi -


Oh my!
Nerysi is doing something of her own volition!
This is such a big step for her, I'm sure it will do her much good.
However, we shouldn't forget to take some precautions.
After all, we need to make sure that she'll have a pleasant time.
And that while I'm rather sure that she has a thing for drawing trouble.
So yes, this is important!

With this thought, I send my familiars in all directions so they may contact my sisters, and I walk to the meeting hall.
We have an efficient system, thanks to Talisa, so it doesn't take long for them all to arrive.


"Why did you call for an assembly today, Masiabi?" (T)

"Neri is going out today!" (M)

"Oh, she is!?" (T)

"With her familiars!?!" (E)

"I'm so proud of her." (A)

"Well, whatever." (K)


Okay, what now?
I honestly didn't think further than this.


"We should make sure that our dear sister is safe on her excursion. Who knows what she may encounter?" (A)

"Should we look after her? She could be attacked! What if she meets humans?!" (E)

"We don't have the time to always look after her. Also, it would counter the point of encouraging her to go by herself." (T)

"Learning a bit of independence will be good for her." (K)

"But what if she's attacked? There are so many dangers out there!" (A)

"She has her familiars with her for this very reason." (T)

"You might be right. They're capable. But still so young." (E)

"How about this? We send our familiars out to help her in case she needs it?" (M)


This sounds like a good compromise to me.


"Naturally, I already have my scout brood out. They'll tell me every little thing they know about what happens out there." (E)

"And I have my web system. The strings will tell me about all the movement in the forest." (T)

"Then my acid throwers will stay ready to help if needed." (A)


That sounds like a plan!


"Good, so I'll let my familiars scout in a wide area around her, to intercept the more dangerous prey." (M)


This leaves one.


"You're so ridiculous! As if I don’t already have my familiars shadowing her." (K)


She has problems showing her true feelings, but Kyroki cares just as much about Nerysi as each of us.
With this, it seems like we have formed a strategy.
Together we will make sure that our sister has a pleasant time!


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