
Chapter 20


The next day eventually starts and I'm once again in for another round of facing my worst nightmares, no matter if I want to do so or not.

As usual, I don't have much of a choice but to get dressed for the day.
For that purpose, there's another light dress in my room.
This time in bright pink.
I should probably be more at odds with the fact that Talisa apparently always enters here to bring me new clothes.
Also, by now, the wardrobe threatens to become overly full.
And to add another point, I know where the fabric comes from, but where the hell is she getting the dye?
Do I want to know how the pink was created?
Please, let it be flowers.

Anyways, like the other times I don't have much of a choice but to wait in my room.
I'm still not ready to wander aimlessly through the sanctuary, dealing with all the giant spiders from the others I'd meet along the way.
Though this means I don't have much to do during the day.
However, this doesn't mean I appreciate the terror waiting for me in that room as a change of pace.
Eventually, the dreaded moment comes and I perceive someone outside the web door.


"Heyah! Nerysi! How are you?!" (M)


She's already running in my direction when I see Eritu behind her.
What is going on here?
That's all I can think before Masiabi tackles me onto the bed.


"Umph!" (N)


At least, she was careful not to hurt me, with the way she jumped, but now she has wrapped her arms around me so I'm completely unable to wriggle myself out of her grasp and escape.


"Oh, my sister! Did I already tell you how nice your hair is?" (M)


Did I already tell you that you're too pushy?!


"Masiabi, we agreed to go easy on her." (E)

"Wasn't that just for you?" (M)

"Sigh. No, it goes for everybody." (E)


It's certainly not working out for me, the way she's fiddling with my hair!


"What are you doing here?!" (N)


That was quite the outburst for me, but it's absolutely too much for the morning.
Is this the retort for saying I was bored?


"Naturally, this is about your assignments for today." (E)


The dread I feel at this makes me directly go meek again.


"You mean the spider room?" (N)


At this, Masiabi frees me from her grasp and quickly circles around me, as if she's intending to present something.


"Nope, not today. We have a surprise for you." (M)

"A surprise?" (N)


What are they planning?
Now I feel uneasy about my prospects.


"We... discussed yesterday's events and came to the conclusion... that maybe I went somewhat wrong about my approach." (E)

"You were far too forceful! The exercises aren't supposed to harm her!" (M)

"Yeah... Anyway, for this reason, we thought about trying something else today. Something that hopefully won't cause such a reaction." (E)


Should that soothe me?

The way Masiabi grins is probably supposed to assure me and she might be much, but not dishonest.
Nonetheless, I am very concerned, having no idea what could make forced interaction with my familiars even the slightest bit more positive.


"What do you have in mind?" (N)

"We're going on a stroll." (E)



Are they for real?
I mean, being outside is nice, even if the sun stings my eyes.
But how is this supposed to work?


"It was all my idea!!!" (M)


Did she have to jump with waving hands at this?


"Masiabi said that you had a positive reaction to being outside, so rather than lock you in a room with them where you'll feel oppressed, we're going for a way that grants you the space you apparently need." (E)

"I don't really understand." (N)

"It's quite simple. Last time, I tried to push you into relying on your familiars for protection." (E)

"That didn't work!" (M)

"Yeah... So this time, rather than forcing you we're going to just have you and your familiars outside. You'll have the space you need, interact with them in a more practical environment, and learn to rely on them for protection. They don't have to be close to you, but you need to make them stay in the vicinity. It would be a problem if they scatter too far. This will require you to control them. Do you think you can manage?" (E)


Actually, I don't know. But I need to say, it sounds far more achievable than my forced stay in the room.
Knowing that there are oversized spider monsters in the woods, stalking me, won't be great, but still far better than seeing them all close to me without any chance to escape.
Aside from this, being outside is nice.


"I'll give it a try." (N)

"See?! I told ya!" (M)

"It's encouraging to hear that you're open for this. It makes me happy that you're willing to put in some effort." (E)


Basically, I mostly want to avoid the cramped spider room.


"Uh, when are we heading out?" (N)

"After breakfast! It's important to eat enough and have some energy before you're going to move." (M)

"Breakfast?" (N)


I barely know the time inside this cave.


"Yes, I brought some with me, so we can all have fun together here while we eat together!" (M)


Did she just invite herself to share a meal in my room?


"Uh, here? Do you intend to eat with me at my table?" (N)


At this, Masiabi grins at me.


"No, not there!" (M)

"What?" (N)


Masiabi runs outside and seems to argue with someone.


"No! Give it to me! She'll be afraid of you, so this is the better solution!" (M)




Am I right in the assumption that there's currently a giant spider that made this respective terrifying hissing sound?
Yet whatever dispute Masiabi has with her, it apparently settles.

Then she returns.
And leaves me stunned.
She's carrying a round black stone tea table that looks like it was etched into form from a single solid block.
It has a flat plate, then a narrow pillar, that ends in four even standing legs.
It must be unfathomable heavy, that thing, but Masiabi simply carries it to the center of the room without even looking strained.


"Not done yet!" (M)


She leaves again and returns a short time later with a small boulder, prepared with acid so it stands stable and provides a seat with a shallow dent for the buttocks.
That one was as well decorated with intricate etched carvings and seems to be intended to pose as a stool in a set with the table.


"The first!" (M)


This she repeats three more times till there are four boulders around the table.


"And here it is! Akasia sends it for you as a 'get-well' gift. She was very worried about you." (M)


I look at the setup.
Just from a short glance, I can tell that this must've taken an incredible effort to create.
The general form is already difficult enough, but the many intricate carvings with their complex patterns are simply too much.


"Now let's eat!" (M)

"Fine, if Neri doesn't mind." (E)


It's thoughtful of her to ask me if I'm fine with sharing a meal in my designated room.


"I-I don't mind." (N)

"Great! Then let's have some! I brought enough for everyone! This is gonna be great! I don't even know when we ate together the last time, Eritu." (M)


With this, she puts three of the usual sacs on the tea table.


"There's much more where that comes from!" (M)


Eritu slowly, but gracefully takes a place on one of the boulder stools.


"It's been a while since we sat together like this." (E)

"And naturally you too, Nerysi! I'm so happy to be with you all!" (M)

"I guess it's nice." (E)

"We really should invite the others next time! I'm sure they'd be totally happy to join!" (M)


I'm pretty sure at least Akasia would do everything she can to join the next time.
Which sounds just fair, considering she provided the furniture.
Talisa might also agree to partake if asked nicely.
Though, I'm not sure about Kyroki.
Or if this would even be a good idea.
On that line of thought, if I prepare some tea this could become a real tea party.
If I'd then switch this organ soup with cake it would be even better.
This doesn't sound too bad.
It might even become something regular.


"And how is it for you, Nerysi?" (M)


Even with all the bad things that happened to me here, I need to admit that I can't deny their positive feelings for me.
I feel somewhat welcome here.
Sometimes, it's almost comfortable.


"I guess it's fine." (N)


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