Meeting Aqua

Arya's pov 

Waking up by 07:00 was a bit late but that did not stop me from doing my daily routine. It was already 08:00 by the time I was done and completely refreshed I went downstairs. Unsurprisingly my mum was home as she always is every Saturday, what I was curious about though was seeing her currently engaged in a passionate kiss with Miss Chanel. Safe to say I interrupted them.

"Hasn't it been barely one week since you both met?"

They hastily broke apart at my voice as Miss Chanel went into the kitchen and my mum simply glared at me. I chuckled at that before telling her my reason for coming down, well she knows but I should tell her before she goes crazy with worry that I'm not home.

"Going to Starr today mum. Do I eat here or there?"

Her glare fucking intensified!

"You don't always have to tell me when you're going you know!"

"Sure till you get your ass all twisted up because I'm not back. Do I get to eat mum?!"

"No. Get lost."

I laughed at that as I ruffled her hair to which she sharply smacked my hands away, and with her being rightfully annoyed I went to change out of my clothes before leaving the house and driving over to the Starr estate.

'Mum should know about the marriage right?'

Liliana's pov

I've always loved my baby sister, I've always wanted her to be happy which is why when she first wanted to enter the entertainment industry I was the first to support her, but sometimes I feel like I neglected her. I mean, if I had decided to be her manager early on this would never have happened so I just have to fix it or try to anyway.

I looked at her as she ate breakfast as I contemplated how to tell her that she already has a spouse. Honestly, I was a bit mad when Dad told me of this woman who was to marry my baby sister but with my Grandma's guarantee I could ignore the fact that I wasn't brought to see her. My problem currently stemmed from the fact I was to tell her of this woman who she was to get married to and who we were meeting today. I didn't want to do it. It's hard to read her at times.


She looked up from her food, her face soft with emotion and curiosity as she egged me on

"Well um, Dad has already found you a um wife."

I don't know what I was expecting, maybe surprise or sadness I don't know, but I couldn't read her at that moment, it was like I was looking at a pretty doll, a doll that has no emotions. That was how fast her emotions wiped out from her face.

"Then how's she like?"

I looked to Dad to speak as like I said, I do not know this woman. Thankfully he seemed able to take it from here

"Don't worry Aqua. She's very respectful, extremely talented and a good girl. From what I've seen anyway."

"I'm not worried Daddy, I know it would happen. When is the wedding?"

"That would be decided by you both when you meet."

She was finally curious, her head tilted to the side as she looked at Dad before Mum and then me and she spoke 

"I'm meeting her?"

"Obviously. You think I'd let you get married to a total stranger!"

That was my Dad. That was my Dad telling her she had a choice, that if she didn't like her we could still find another person.

"We're hanging out with the Starr family today for their Saturday activities."

I inputted. Honestly speaking it was still weird to know that my future sister-in-law was the next chairman of the family, and even weirder to know that we were being invited to their monthly Saturday activities which are usually just for the Starr household but at this rate, I just take everything as they come. After all, I still have to assess my future sister-in-law.

"Starr? Aren't they the ones who robbed their company for fun? She's a Starr?"

"That's what Dad said so yes I guess."

"Then is it Miss Lynn?"

"No way! The youngest Starr of this generation."

"I'm confused. Isn't Miss Lynn the only female of this generation?"

My Dad talked at this point cause what she said was legit. Everyone knows there's only one female in the Starr family for this generation and suddenly there's another? And she's the heir?!

"Well, not really. Arya is a Starr but she doesn't live with them but her mum so the media don't know about her."

"Did her parents get a divorce?"

"No. They were never married, it was a drunken mistake and Arya was born."

"Oh. Ok then. When do we leave sister?"

With the conversation brought back to me I quickly answered 

"In an hour, we're meeting them at their estate."

"That's okay I guess. But, won't my fans find me and well you know."

I laughed at that. Yes, it's hard for Aqua to go out as well, everyone's her fan but the Starr family might be rowdy but they know how to prepare, from what I've seen anyway.

"Lynn said they've rented out the whole areas we're going to today cause of you so we're fine."

"Right. Dad, when did you get to know the chairman of Azrath? I thought you all don't have dealings with each other."

I hurriedly asked Dad as I was really curious about this, there was no indication they knew each other and suddenly the two houses were marrying?! Even getting acquainted with Lynn wasn't that shocking but how?!

"Oh, that. My mum and the head of Starr are friends apparently so she told him of the problem and he pushed his granddaughter out."

We were shocked, Grandma hid it well and with all inquiries answered we ate finished and were on our way to the Starr estate, it wasn't that far from the Charming estate either way so we got there quick enough. Expecting us, we were able to drive into the estate and once the car was parked I stretched out to hold Aqua's hand 

"Aqua. If you don't like Arya we can end the engagement, don't force yourself ok?"

"Sister. I know but currently, I don't think there's anyone better than her that would appease the family yes?"

"Doesn't matter. If you are not okay with her, we'll cancel it. Just tell me!"

She smiled and simply nodded and we got out of the car and went in

'I hope this Arya is good enough!'

Lynn's pov

A lot of things happen, sometimes good and other times random. The most random shit that probably happened was Arya getting engaged to Aqua. I'm still really lost as to how that happened. The confusion was really annoying but that doesn't matter as the young ones of Starr were all seated at the rest area waiting for Arya to fucking get here. 

You see, Starr is a big household, counting the previous generation that consisted of our parents, we were twice their numbers cause how did seven couples plus one single man that doesn't plan on getting married have twenty-four children!! Are they fucking rabbits!

Having twenty-two cousins and one brother and being one of the two girls not to mention I was the fucking oldest was annoying at times but normal. We've always been close from birth, even Arya who lives with her mum was extremely close to us but it is still confusing how only, and I mean only two girls were born!! The fuck!

"When is Arya getting here!"

Jet, the seventh cousin groaned out as we all lazily sat on the chair 

"She said twenty minutes! Why didn't we send a jet to pick her ass up!"

Avill, the third cousin complained and the rest simply groaned, obviously tired of waiting.

I rolled my eyes at their antics as I looked at my twin brother Wei who was currently on his mobile, definitely talking to his boyfriend 

"Have some fucking patience. Our guests also haven't arrived."

That seemed to rile them up as they all locked their eyes on me, Marvin, the twenty-third cousin was the first to speak 

"We have guests?! Guests that are hanging out with us today?! Huh?!"

"Isn't today family only?"

That was Daya, the twentieth cousin, he was surprisingly the shortest, by an inch anyway 

"Technically they're soon to be family. Arya's spouse and her sister."

Yeah, I just dropped a bomb as they started interrogating me about matters about Arya. Did I mention that Arya was the favorite cousin cause she is

After being loud for over five minutes they finally shut their asses up and I decided to answer them

"Parents met and decided to get them engaged. Coming here to be acquainted with Arya and it's Aqua."

They were all listening seriously till they heard what I said last, they became speechless, surprised, flabbergasted, confused and all of the above. Wei was the first to break the silence 

"So... What you're saying is that Starr and Charming are going to have a marriage? Is that correct?"


"Who the fuck cares about that! Aqua is joining our fucking family!!"

That was the start of a mess as Marvin exclaimed 

"You all agree to beat up Arya if she makes Aqua sad yeah?"

There was a resounding fuck yeah to Daya's question and with that the men, well most of the men were talking about their soon-to-be favorite family member as things were being moved around like they were air and soon enough, the fucking room was a mess 

"Fucking clean this shit up before our guests arrive and calm the fuck down!"

I was the oldest, so they listened to me severely and quickly cleaned up their mess and resumed talking excitedly, without fucking moving shit. With that, I sighed as I looked at the entrance and waited for the three to finally get here

'Bunch of muscle-headed cousins!'

Arya's pov

The apartment was far from the estate so it did take me a while to get there but I still arrived. Hungry by now I drove in and after parking the car I moved to go into the huge fucking house when I stopped. I might have only seen one picture of her but her image was very much seared into my brain 

'Miss Aqua? What is she doing here?'

I didn't question it much though deciding it was the elders' decision as I approached her, well them.

They were walking slowly while conversion and soon I was beside them and I blocked their way and with a smile, I stretched my hand to her as I introduced myself 

"Hello Miss Aqua, I'm Arya. A pleasure to meet you."

Hearing my name she quietly held my hand as her eyes explored my face before a blooming smile erupted from her lips 

"Pleasure meeting you Arya"

With that I separated my hand and introduced myself to her partner who turned out to be her sister with introductions done I led them into the house, waving away the workers that were leading them, though I was very much curious as to why her eyes were locked on my face I didn't think much as I just wanted to eat right now and we entered.

It was always annoying to see twenty-three of them waiting for me but this time they didn't shout out my name but something very different!

"""Welcome sister in law!"""

I burst out laughing at that as I locked eyes with Miss Aqua whose face was surprisingly red

"Thank you for the welcome!"

'Well, that was surprising.'

I mused as I left the ruckus that had become my cousins surrounding her as I went to the kitchen to fucking eat.

"Surprised to see her here?"

I looked at Lynn who appeared beside me as we looked at the lively scene happening as I ate

"Maybe. She's prettier in person!"

"Treat her well alright"

"Naturally, she's my future wife."

"You are a lucky bastard."

"Ha... Maybe."

This is just the names of the cousins though not sure how useful it is 🥱


  Nah Vera strong TF!

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