Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Condensed Essence

Su Su got up with water all over, put down a bowl of noodles, covered the noodles with an egg, sat at the kitchen table, after eating slowly, he paced onto the sofa, sat down cross-legged, and the coffee table in front of him. Put an empty bowl on top and start to feel the water power in her body with her eyes closed.

At this stage of her, her abilities are still in an uncontrolled state, so she often wakes up covered with water. This is the result of the slow release of energy in her body during her sleep. Second After getting up in the morning and being full, the energy will be slowly refilled back into the body.

What Su Su has to do now is to control it and condense his spirit!

Such a thing, in the twelve years of the last days, Su Su was very familiar with it, maybe because of the relationship between her mind, thinking of her little love, thinking that she will not be strong, can not find little love, she can calm down faster than ordinary people. , It is the state of complete silence in the body and mind. After reaching this state, Su Su feels that she has entered a strange world, a completely closed but vast and quiet world.

Then she saw that there were densely flowing water lines all around, and those water lines occasionally carried a little bit of silver light. What Su Su had to do was to collect these silver lights and stack them in a fixed place.

In the beginning, those silver lights were difficult to catch. Su Su wanted to catch them and they ran fast. If they didn’t catch them, their speed stopped again. They were even more naughty than Xiao Ai, but no matter how they mischievous, Su Su Du maintained a calm state of mind, neither anxious nor irritable, neither happy nor angry, as if she was playing hide-and-seek with Xiaoai, and slowly, she caught a silver light.

With the first one, naturally there will be a second one, a third one, and a fourth one… The silver light piled up in the place of Su Su gradually grows bigger, but after a while, I will grab it at Su Su. When the next silver light came, the silver light that had been piled up in the same place rushed away again, running away without a trace.

Okay, this is a very common phenomenon. Su Su didn’t feel discouraged at all, just continued to grab the silver light, pile them together, watch them spread out, and she continued.

Just as she sank into this strange world, she saw Su Su sitting on the sofa with her eyes closed in the villa, surrounded by a faint mist, and the mist quickly penetrated into Su Su’s body. , Jol all ran out again. Every time he went in, he could run farther, and finally, when it was dark, the white mist was about to run out of the living room.

For the last time, Su Su opened his eyes exhaustedly and looked around. There were white clouds around, as if a humidifier had been turned on, and the empty bowl in front of her was now full of water, Su Su She felt quite satisfied. Before the end of the world, she had already awakened the water system’s abilities, and she continued to persevere every day.

Regarding the classification of the supernatural powers that appear after the end of the world, it is not related to the coolness of the phenomenon that a person can show, but it is divided by the energy intensity that a person can dispatch, whether it is a basic element supernatural power or a second time. Mutated abilities are all divided by the same level, and these levels represent the intensity of the energy used.

I was awakened like Su Su before, but I didn’t notice it at all. I just felt that my fingers were a little bit moist, as if sweating. They weren’t even a power person. Later I was able to release water, but still from time to time. She will wake up covered with water. That is the first sign of the power awakening. Now she is trying to control her own powers. Only when she has completely controlled the powers in her body, she has reached Tier 1. It was truly a fully awakened ability.

Therefore, the awakening of powers is a long process. Many water powers are still in the stage where they can only release water for people to drink long after the end of the world. They have no experience and no one can give them experience. They can only continue to release water. In the process, I slowly explored a cultivation path suitable for my promotion.

The way Su Su used to advance in the previous life was to act as a reservoir in the team. Because of her little love in her belly, she was unwilling to go out to fight monsters and upgrade, so her ability was very slow to advance, and everyone else had already reached 2. Rank, can create a variety of attack and defense moves, she still gives people water in the team.

Later, for some reason, her ability mutated and she became an ice ability player. She instantly jumped from Tier 1 to Tier 3. Fighting monsters and defending became a good player in the team.

Inviting people to be jealous is absolute. In that world, if you are jealous, you will be plunged into a crisis-ridden situation. Many people come to her to listen to the news openly and secretly. How can you make your own abilities mutate? How can she mutate quickly like her? ? ?

She knows a ghost? ? ! It can only be said to be the secondary mutation caused by excessive water release.

In the beginning, people with abilities will only stimulate the five-element abilities, namely the five series of “gold, wood, water, fire, and earth” abilities, and then some people will have related mutations in these five series of abilities. For example, a single water system ability person will mutate into an ice ability person, a fog ability person, a lightning ability person, a healing ability person… There are quite a variety of types, and the ten fingers that Su Su has seen It’s too much to count, let alone those who haven’t seen it yet.

This is called the second mutation. The ability of the second mutation can only be regarded as a very small number. There may be only 10 people with 5 major element abilities out of 100 ordinary people, but out of these 10 abilities, there are two. There may be only one secondary mutation, or none at all.

But this does not represent the abilities of the 5 basic elements. It is not as good as the ability of the second mutation. Can a 4th-order water ability be inferior to a 3rd-order ice ability? The power dispatch of the two people was originally that Tier 4 was relatively strong, although Tier 3 was again iced, a flood rushed over, and the ice was also rushed away.

So it doesn’t matter what the ability is, the important thing is to upgrade!

After condensing the spirit of the whole day, Su Su was really tired. She got up and took a bath, made some meals, and then went to the supermarket again. This time she visited the supermarket, she tried to buy as many down jackets as possible. Thick thermal underwear, and some comfortable sportswear suitable for sports running and jumping.

There are down jackets for adults and children, and there are many models of thermal underwear for men and women of all ages. She bought her own sportswear. After the end of the world, she neither needs her parents to go out to fight monsters, nor does she want her parents to flee in a hurry. It’s a waste of money to buy them sportswear.

Finally, there are some baby products. The little bed that loves to sleep is the most expensive one, 8888 yuan! This price made Su Su a bit staggering at first, but when I heard the salesman’s clever tongue, what is fully functional, anti-vibration system, hand-polished wood imported from a certain country, and does not contain any harmful substances… .Su Su bought it!

Every mother wants the best for her baby, and Su Su is no exception.

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