Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 1454

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1455

Hearing the cold-blooded cold words, the other few people immediately smiled, and also admired one of them.

It is also their duty to worship the perverted strong.

Seeing that the two black dragons also wanted to go, Jue immediately gestured at the group of people, and soon the finished product attacked the two dragons again.

“I’m going to pass, here you solve it yourself!” Leng Xuehan knew that Feng Chaoge was going to Wen Ruyu, how dare they let them face each other.

Yaya’s expression was a little unhappy immediately, but there was no way to deal with cold blood, because his voice hadn’t fallen, and the person had already left.

Feng Chaoge, who could not see the shadow in the air, seemed to find something, and suddenly he paused.

Just below him, there are a lot of dense trees, and under the tree there is a little guy who has not reached the thighs.

This person is no other than the small meat ball. The small meat ball is very panic, and he is holding a bloody black dragon with tentacles and whiskers.

The dragon was obviously not born very long, and his strength was still weak. He pressed his head tightly to the neck of the little guy with his mouth closed one by one, panting.

And around this person a dragon is full of senior zombies, the highest is in the 80s, which is a few steps higher than this little guy.

Under their feet, you can also see some unexplained dead bodies.

At this time he was stepping on a corpse, staring at the group of zombies that could divide him at any time.

“Let’s go, you’re not a bad guy!” The injured little dragon’s voice is also very immature, which is somewhat similar to the voice of the small meat ball at this time.

“No, if I were to chase you, you wouldn’t be hurt!” Little Meatball said very loyally.

The fact is, the little meat ball actually chased the frightened little dragon into the group of zombies, which was originally very weak. The key to this group of zombies is to capture the dragon.

When I saw the little dragon coming, the zombie had been catching it. The struggling little dragon was hit hard when he escaped. When the life and death were at stake, the little meat ball was chased and rescued, but at the same time, the little meat ball was caught by the zombie. Among.

Hearing the meatball’s very loyal voice, Xiaolong blinked specially, and soon a huge body flew towards them, and the meatball threw a huge thunderbolt again.

The thunderbolt itself is the killer of the zombie. When you strike it, the body of the zombie has a scorched smell, and it is soon cut off by the knife held by the small meat ball.

Of course, don’t expect the zombies to meet one-on-one. Seeing that the zombies attacked, the other zombies naturally swarmed up, and surrounded the small meat ball and the zombies in a blink of an eye.

Zizizi accompanied the huge current from the pile of zombies to spread out. At this time, a small figure jumped out of the pile of zombies, and during the period, a lot of zombies were cut off their heads, and then fleeed.

The direction of escape is still unclear because of the small person, and he still runs towards Xiaolong’s lair.

I don’t know why, Feng Chaoge actually followed this little guy all the way, watching him jump on the zombies that had been attacked on the face, without shaking, it seemed to want to retain his strength and escape here.

Suddenly Feng Chaoge seemed to find something. His eyes looked towards the little guy in front of him. It was a little girl in a white skirt, and she jumped up and down among the trees.

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