Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 1445

Question 1446

“No need!” Bai Ling said busy, and at the same time opened and closed.

Wen Ruyu seemed to think of something, and immediately pulled out a thing wrapped in iron from his backpack.

Bai Ling was stunned when he looked at that thing. Isn’t this a love faction?

Wen Ruyu smiled slightly at Bai Ling and took a picture of the dragon in front of it after opening it. Although it was still some distance away, he only barely photographed its head.

“check it out!”

Bai Long stared at himself in that little thing inconceivably, although there was only one head, but it was often seen through the calm water, how could it be?Is there water in it?

But it’s wrong. If there is water, he should move, and its shadow should not be seen.

“What is this?” Bai Long involuntarily moved closer.

Obviously because of Bai Ling and Wen Ruyu, Bai Long’s curiosity was completely inspired.

“This is high-tech!”

“high tech?”

Wen Ruyu slowly began to disguise the usage of this love school in its huge eyes, and even had a small game on it, which was introduced after opening.

This is not the illusion of Bai Ling and Wen Ruyu. This dragon must have no adulthood. As an adult, it will never hold such a strong curiosity about anything.

Who would have thought that with Wen Ruyu’s movements, Bai Ling looked at the mighty dragon like a small hill in front of him, and in the blink of an eye, it shrank into a slap-sized white dragon, and his grim head changed. It’s very mini and it’s the size of a thumb, but because it’s alive, it looks very delicate, and it has two white dragon whiskers.

In a blink of an eye, this thing lay on the top of the love school, because the paw stepped on it, and you can hear it. It can be seen that as it gets smaller, its strength seems to be very small, but Bai Ling and Wen Ruyu is still suspended in mid-air, and has no feeling of falling.

“It’s fun, this high-tech will talk!” Bailong only felt that these two weak creatures opened the door to re-recognize the world.

Wen Ruyu just demonstrated it once, and it was able to fully operate, and although his body became entrenched, it was only the size of a slap, but the love faction also because it likes to leave Wen Ruyu’s hand at this time, floating in the air, becoming a small white dragon At this time, the game that Wen Ruyu was covering was still playing.

“It can not only talk, but also be used for communication. Even if it is thousands of miles away, I can dial the other party’s number and the other party can receive it!” Wen Ruyu continued to introduce.

“Quick, show me!” Xiao Bailong seems to come to nature, the game is no longer playing, said to Wen Ruyu.

Bai Ling frowned, but looking at Wen Ruyu’s confident look, he let him do it.

Seeing that the white little dragon leapt to Wen Ruyu, and finally saw Wen Ruyu facing him with the light of Ai Pai, he simply fell on Wen Ruyu’s shoulder very familiarly, holding a very delicate small dragon head, greatly Staring at the screen without blinking.

Is the dialing screen.

But after a while, the other party really took it, and the first sentence was, “Commander, you finally came to instruct!”

This voice Bai Ling is still somewhat familiar, isn’t it the voice of the man on the bat before?

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