Ant King In MHA

Chapter 28: Professionals Have Standards

__________ POV Beru__________

Ok, so the first thing a true bank robber needs to do is to make sure they know the layout of the place they're supposed to steal from.

I took my time, scouting out the place from a distance and from above the clouds.

Checking the guard's shifts and patrol patterns. Sure, they might not be 100% accurate at all times, but they should still give me a basic understanding of everyone's position.

Currently, there is no security posted on the roof, but the cameras seem to have that place covered properly.

Actually, the cameras seem to cover every angle of this building.

Thankfully, this bank has a security room somewhere in it, I managed to draw out a layout of the rooms and employees in my mind.

Now, I need to make an entry plan and, you know what? I'll just... Cut down the wall of the security room from the outside, take out the cameraman, and continue from there.

This wasn't exactly a proper choice when I was a regular human, but nothing's stopping me now. Then again, I want to do this without even being seen...

Oh yeah, good thing I can turn invisible!

I mean, at first, I just ate a chameleon and could match the colour of my surroundings. But I'm pretty sure a few of the quirks I have enhanced all of my abilities.

So... I guess I don't need to break a wall to get into the security room. But the safe itself might be an issue.

I don't have enough knowledge about security systems to know what exactly triggers an alarm. So, I need to get rid of the power supply for that room.

Causing a power outage might work, but I'll only have like 5-10 seconds before the backup energy source for the security systems automatically turns itself on.

Now, that was usually the case, I don't know if it's the same here, but I should still be able to loot half of the deposit boxes clean in 5 seconds.

It will take longer to throw everything in my bag than to rip open the boxes themselves... I need a way to quickly store everything away.

Kurogiri's quirk would be a godsend here, but I can't really eat mist, and trying to munch at his real body would be a bit suspicious.

But I will take his quirk as soon as I start breaking apart All for One's life.

Now, I have yet to figure out how to take everything away quickly. But I have another solution, the reserve power supply seems to be located in the basement.

It's a generator that is unconnected to anything else. And Jesus It's great to have X-ray vision. Quirks are really good, imagine all of the 'possibilities with this one...

So, final plan.

I take away the power to the entire district. I turned myself invisible and weaken one of the cables with my claws. A bit of electricity passes through me, but that's not that big of a hassle.

Then I rushed into the bank, still invisible, and entered the basement.

I didn't obviously break the emergency generator, I simply extended my claw and used it to sever the wires connecting it to the safe room. Again, X-Ray vision is my most useful tool in this situation.

After that, I strolled in front of the safe door... Well, I didn't think about this part, did I? Fuck me.

Well then, I will do what a true professional does, I will wing it from here. I need to break this huge door without making any sound.

And I know just the way... The huge steel door is locked with a few steel cylinders that go into proper places.

I just need to cut those cylinders properly for the door to swing itself open.

Aaand Done! Thankfully, my claws can easily cut through steel. There wasn't any resistance, so there is no sound to be made. It's kinda like cutting bread.

I quietly entered the safe whilst everyone was still panicking about the electricity outage.

Inside, I quickly got to work and gently ripped open the locks of all the deposit boxes, placing everything that resembled what Shigaraki said he wanted.

I don't really want to take more than needed... Well, a few rings missing won't hurt anybody... Oh, and that necklace will look awesome in my collection...

Alright! It's decided, I will just take everything! I can decide what I want to keep later. The rest I can just fly by and drop back at their front door.

I obviously didn't bother taking any family heirlooms and whatnot. I don't feel like looking through photo albums.

In the end, I think I managed to find at least 3 million yen. Which should be around... 30000 dollars? Maybe? It's not a lot, but I also found a gold ingot! So Shigaraki can shut his mouth.

I left the bank the same way I entered, invisible and through the front door. The employees are bound to realise that the Safe door can't really be locked anymore.

So they will call the police soon.

Now, time to go on a random rooftop and look through the loot.

In the end, I decided to keep a few valuables. I will place them in a stash in the woods that only I will know about.

As for the rest... I just threw the sack of goods through the roof window. I am a generous person.

That all took like 4 minutes. The robbery itself took me around 30 seconds, the rest was me picking the loot.

After that, I quickly flew off into the mountain range. I just picked one at random. And left the package in the trunk of a tree. Ha, loot secured.

That's a successful robbery if I've ever seen one. Now, to go and give Shigaraki his cut.

I flew to the bar and entered Shigaraki's room, letting the bag down on the floor. He quickly took it and started rifling through it.

"THAT'S ALL?!" Great, I bet he will somehow blame me for his shitty planning.

"Why is it so little?!" He looked at me, I don't really know what he's expecting from me. I am not capable of speech in their eyes.

"UGH! I'll have to tell Teacher that the tool he lent me is defective..." Great, you go and do that.

I'll just go back to the bar to sit down on my favourite stool.

And just like that, I am back to my never-ending quest of avoiding sobriety.


Hope you liked the chapter!

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