Ant King In MHA

Chapter 25: Wasting Time

__________ POV Beru__________

Well, that was an eventful day. Too bad I now have no choice but to waste my time lazing around and scratching walls.

It's been two years already since I was given a mission. I'm already 15, and I managed to annoy the doctor by turning the walls into an unrecognizable mess.

I am also around 1.9 meters tall. Which is quite the escalation from my previous average height. Well, it's not really entering inhuman levels, but it's still unusual...

I no longer getting assigned any missions, mainly because a lot of them end with me causing a scene.

I haven't really gotten any new quirks either, but I can't really do much because All for One is watching me closely lately.

My previous encounter with that hero made me realise that people in this world can get crazy strong.

I don't really know how that All Might guy would fare against All for One, but I'm pretty sure I need to prepare a bit more to take down the arrogant twat.

I mean, there's not much I can do besides gather quirks like they're pokemon and allow them to strengthen each other in my body till I believe I am strong enough to ruin that cunt's life...

I've been doing a lot of quirk training in the past two years, getting to know some of the stuff in me.

It wasn't suspicious, as I avoided using what I found to be too strong, and just practised a bit of the basic stuff.

I am also 'sentient' enough to try and start getting used to my strength now. So that didn't arouse any suspicion...

I wonder how else I should pass the time...

Well, seems I need wonder no more, as a black portal just opened up in front of me. I remember All for One having this quirk, or at least a similar one.

Out of it came none other than that brat Shigaraki. "Nomu! Teacher said you should stand by me from now on!" Great. Fucking great.

Can I kill myself now? I already got reincarnated once, maybe I'll get a better shot next life...

Well, I'll deal with it, this isn't the first time I've had to deal with annoying people... Yeah...

"Follow me!" I still don't really like this kids tone, but attacking him would kinda ruin my cover. By 'kinda' I mean completely.

I followed the kid through the gate and into a nice looking bar. I might actually like this more than I thought at first...

Another Nomu was present here, All for One called him Kurogiri. He's the one with the portal quirk.

Shigaraki didn't stick around for long, going upstairs and playing stupid computer games. Meanwhile, I did what I do best. (get shitfaced)

I don't really need to be intelligent to drink myself into an alcohol-induced coma right? Well, my only obstacle is this misty asshole. "You can't drink! You're underage."

Hah, jokes on you, I shouldn't even have a concept of the legal drinking age! I can just indulge myself.

I walked by the portal guy and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. I used my claw to cut the top clean off and chugged it like it was water from the holy grail.

Then it came to me. I cannot even get drunk properly because of my constitution. As that realisation washed over me I just stared blankly at the empty bottle...

It seems I truly have no escape... Kurogiri finally reacted to me drinking, teleporting the bottle out of my hand, I just let go of it dejectedly.

Then he said. "What a mess... Shouldn't you be near Shigaraki or something?" Great, now he wants to get rid of me too. And I can't even cope with my existential dread! (get drunk)

It seems that I must accept my fate. I walked upstairs to watch that brat play this worlds equivalent of Final Fantasy. Jesus, he is bad.

I think even Jhonny, the lobotomized carrier boy from my old gang has more tactical thinking when it comes to games. (we needed something to do in between important stuff)

Oh well, I can't really complain. I'm not exactly an expert myself... I remember losing just about every game of Golf I ever attended.

It's a tragic thing really...

Being bad at games is at least something I can use to relate to this pipsqueak.

"HAHA! SO EASY" What the fuck is he talking about? He just fought a mini-boss, lost all of his party and most of his consumables...

Well, being delusional is a great coping mechanism. At least I have something to critique while staying around this kid...

"HA! Look at the way these scrubs are playing! Total noobs!" Oh lord, he's changed to playing online games...

Oh, it's actually this world's equivalent of Csgo! A game I am actually accustomed to. I remember playing it a bit with Jhonny(the Lobotomite).

But he's playing with bots... Who's he talking about?

"HAHA! Take that headshot Albert!" I guess I should stop making fun of the disabled (Shigaraki) and go back to trying to drink myself into a coma...

"Nomu! Go and get me a soda! OH, and some popcorn!" Good, I can just ignore his orders because  Popcorn and soda aren't really things I'm accustomed to.

I left the room, trying to spare my eyes the sight of his excruciating gameplay. I'm pretty sure those bots were on easy mode too...

I reached the first floor, Kurogiri was moping around wiping some glasses, even though no one is even coming to this place. Maybe he's just programmed to not be idle?

Well, not like he's a robot, but still. I don't really see a reason to wash these already clean shot glasses.

I grabbed a bottle of beer and whiskey. Maybe mixing them up will be able to numb my mind a bit...

Spoilers, it didn't work. It seems my body is quite resistant to ethanol poisoning...

Kurogiri just stared at me oddly but didn't think much of it. It's not like I carefully open the bottles and drink with class.

I cut the bottles open and shove the liquid down my greasy throat with the grace of a hairy Viking. The only complaint Kurogiri had was that I am making a mess of the place.

But I think differently. I was just feeling bad that he didn't have enough work, wiping the same, already shiny, shot glasses. So I decided to help him out by giving him some stuff to clean.

He should be thankful...


Hope you liked the chapter.

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