Ant King In MHA

Chapter 19: Massacre And Sinkhole

__________ POV Beru__________

I descended into the well-lit basement. It was an underground bunker with 4 different floors. I am quite sure there are around 40 people in total.

But that doesn't dissuade me. I want to see what's so important about this hideout that All for One would send his most powerful creation.

Even as a test, he wouldn't really give me something too easy to do. He's not that kind.

I ran into a few more people on the stairs, they were likely checking on the loud noises from earlier.

I decapitated them rather quickly. The 5 people didn't even have the time to gasp or be scared.

I feel a bit bad, but they are criminals too, they know the dangers of their lifestyle. A swift death is merciful for some of them.

I've tortured people before, and some would argue that the surgeries inside Kyudai's laboratory are also torture, so I've been on both ends.

The people in the lower level were alarmed, probably because everyone that went up didn't come back down and weren't responding on their radios.

After slaughtering everything on the first two floors I started getting bored.

I decided that it would be a bit annoying to kill every one of them personally. So I decided to make a bold move.

I stomped on the ground with great force, making it tremble as it started to cave in. I broke through it and crushed the people underneath me.

Surprisingly, the fourth floor was still intact, although everyone in it was alerted by the noises. I think the entire district heard that last one.

Oh well, I'll just wrap things up quickly before the cops show up. I don't feel like having even more guns pointed at me today.

The last floor was filled with traps. Ineffective on me because I was somewhat immune to their projectiles, but they seemed quite useful. I will likely 'borrow' this quirk too.

As for how I know they are quirk made traps? The walls show no signs of any construction.

Using my many vision ehancing quirks I can discern that these traps appeared after the wall was built.

Well, all of this fast thinking would be difficult without any mind-enhancing quirk.

Some might find my sudden knowledge of walls to be quite strange, but most of the fun activities I've done in the last 5 years consisted of starting at walls... So... Yeah...

They probably realised that I activated all of their traps since they were waiting with their guns drawn and quirks flared up, ready for combat.

One of them turned his arms into large thorny vines and tried to hold me in place. But I wasn't going to just let him do that.

Using fire would be effective, but the vines aren't exactly dry, so they won't burn all that well.

I just cut his vines as soon as they reached me. The surprising thing was that the vines actually bled, and the man screamed out in pain. Now I suddenly don't feel like taking his quirk with me.

The rest of the people there attempted to shoot me down, some were holding handguns whilst others had SMGs.

This is quite strange, I was pretty sure Japan gun laws are a bit restrictive. I guess that just makes the black market more profitable.

I mean, people always want to get their hands on illegal stuff. And something being forbidden is usually taken as a challenge by some of the more daring folk.

The bullets all stopped on my exoskeleton, I just stared at them as they kept unloading their lead (naughty) in my general direction.

Eventually, I got bored and decided to end their struggle. My right arm seemed to inflate itself with air, I pointed my palm towards them as they kept desperately shooting me.

A massive wave of pressurized air was released as my arm started slowly shrinking.

This quirk, Air cannon, is All for One's favourite power. And I can see why.

The wave crushed all of the people in front of me into the wall and shook the entire basement once again.

This time, the walls gave in, the ceiling started falling on top of all of us.

And I don't like the thought of being buried early, so I took off like a bullet.

I pierced through the falling debris threatening to crush everyone there and left the warehouse through the roof.

Bit of a shame that I couldn't get the trap making quirk, but actually finding it would be quite hard. Overall, it's not worth the hassle.

As soon as I left, the entire building started sliding into the ground, forming a manmade sinkhole.

I hovered right underneath the clouds for a few seconds, using my infrared vision to make sure there were no survivors.

Instead, I manage to catch sight of a car getting caught up in the sinkhole's expansion. Now, I'm not the 'Good Samaritan' sort.

But I don't like the idea of implicating random people in my issues.

So I decided to do my good deed for the day (or the decade in my case) and swooped down, hovering above their tilting car.

I sunk my fingers into the top of their car, the metal bending and twisting as I gripped the car with one hand.

After getting a good grip I flapped my wings with great strength, taking the car with me as the roof was bent in an upwards motion.

I heard womanly screams coming from the car, which is quite weird since there is a man and a woman inside it.

I guess he has a high pitched voice? Oh, whatever.

A pure mind would wonder what exactly is this couple doing being parked near a secluded warehouse in the middle of the night.

But a person with a more developed frontal lobe  (a degenerate like me) would instantly be capable of telling you what these two were planning to do inside that car.

I gently placed their car outside of the danger zone (just dropped it off). The screaming stopped eventually and I left after making sure they were people and not banshees.

Who screams that much? And why does it sound so ghastly?

Anyway, my gangsta senses are ticking off, that must mean that law enforcement is quickly approaching, so it's about time I fucked off...


Hope you liked the chapter.

From now on, the official backstory of the mc will be that he was bit by a radioactive gangster as a teen(ur welcome)

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