Ant King In MHA

Chapter 178: Struggle and Backup

__________ POV Narration __________

Just before Bakugo's shouting match with Beru, the insectoid was just laying down and enjoying the scenery.

"Damn~ Things are getting heated down there~" He said with a joyful tone. He was rather glad to see how his pupils had become stronger.

It was rather surreal to Beru, he could still remember his students being barely able to put a scratch on his exoskeleton.

Now they were all powerful fighters, people that even he wouldn't underestimate if he was fighting them head-on.

Well, that didn't exactly mean that they had any chance to win against Beru, just that the insectoid was cautious regardless of his excessive strength.

"Seems like it... By the way, do you think the villains noticed me being fine by now?" Toga asked with a bored tone while munching on some popcorn.

"Meh~ It's already far too late for them to retreat~ Who cares?~" Beru said while stretching his legs a bit and then getting up.

"What's up? Did you get bored already?" Beru didn't quite appreciate the sass in Toga's tone.

Just as Beru was about to respond, Bakugo also started shouting at him. Meanwhile, the villains just kind of stood around.

Much to the confusion of the people watching at home.

The reporters on-site also didn't really know what to make of it, they kind of assumed that the villains were preparing themselves to face the heroes in one last desperate stand.

But their faces weren't exactly screaming of desperation. They seemed rather relaxed actually.

Beru wasn't quite as interested in the public's reaction though if that wasn't apparent already.

"I worked hard to get front row seats in this, I'm not bored of it yet!~ But I also have some other things to do~ I've got to make sure no villain actually gets away~"

Beru's instantly thought of none other than his old 'friend' Wolfram. A person that he had somewhat promised himself to kill.

"Then can I also join in on the fun down there? These five seem a bit more dangerous than the rest..." Toga also got up from her seat, stretching her limbs a bit with a toothy smile.

The five remaining villains were all strong, they were people that could prove difficult to the tired Shoto and Bakugo.

"Why ask me?~ Keeping you captive stopped mattering a few minutes ago~ I'm sure they'd appreciate the help too~" Beru waved her off as he started flying in a certain direction.

"Great! Watching them fight is nice and all, but I'm going to have a lot more fun joining in!" Toga quickly jumped towards the two tried heroes as she waved Beru goodbye.

"Hey guys! Mind if I snoop in and get some hits in?" She said as the two heroes were both preparing to fight the five villains.

"Sure..." Shoto said in a calm tone, while Bakugo just grumbled and complained under his breath.

The five villains were also no longer waiting around. Now that everyone was paying attention, they were all waiting for the one to make the first move.

Eventually, one of the villains broke the stalemate.

The toothless one extended both of his arms towards the group of heroes, who now noticed that both of his palms had holes in them.

Out of said holes, two small black spheres quickly shot towards the heroes.

Bakugo quickly sent an explosion their way, Shoto slid to the side using his ice and Toga jumped up as she took the form of Beru, she quickly started flying towards the villains.

The spheres both didn't seem to be stopped by the explosion, which forced Bakugo to also dodge, as he felt a strange gravitational force coming from both of them.

Shoto quickly shot a wave of flames towards the group of villains, which had somewhat scattered their formation.

The hipster quickly spit out some seeds from his mouth, which burst into large trees in the middle of the road that completely blocked both Shoto's flames and Toga's assault.

"Seems like we're starting strong!" Said the tailed villain as he used his tail to launch himself forwards, his small body manoeuvring around and in between the burning trees.

"Where's Dynamight?" Asked the horned villain as he looked at the high villain.

"Twenty degrees south, around two meters height~" Said the high one as he rubbed his temple and wiped his eyes.

The horned villain just nodded, he put his right fist on the ground as he aimed his horns in that direction.

Electricity sparked in between them, quickly forming a revolving sphere of energy, the villain roared as he released a powerful beam in the direction of Dynamight.

Bakugo was somewhere in between the trees, as he exploded his way through the strangely thick vegetation that had spurred from the hipster's quirk.

Then, his instincts flared as he forced himself to fly into the sky. His hands pointed at the ground as he blasted himself upwards.

Not even a second passed before his previous position was swallowed up by a large beam of light. It somewhat flashed the young hero, but he gritted his teeth and decided to continue with his assault, this time, going at the villains from above.

Toga was quite confident in her abilities, she was momentarily blocked by the trees, she was even more confused as she was cleaving the trees constantly, only for them to regrow and for the vegetation to expand.

She used her claws to swipe a few times, clearing another wave of trees that seemed to be trying to swallow her.

'Having Beru's strength is pretty convenient... But I'm still at a disadvantage here...' Toga knew that she wasn't going to get far if she kept going the way she was now.

Things became a lot worse soon after, as a figure twirled around in the air, a long and large tail attached to small stature, the tail came down on her as she was swiped into the ground almost instantly.

"Shit!~" She shouted as she almost instantly got up. She had only managed to put her hand up in time, but the tail still stunned her momentarily.

"Oh! To think I'd get to fight someone that looks like Beru! This is great!" The short villain also landed somewhere near her, which made Toga act instantly.

'Big mistake pal!' She thought as she basically dashed towards the man using a variety of speed quirks that Beru had explained and demonstrated to her.

To outsiders, it looked almost instant, Toga appeared before the villain with her claws extended and ready to halve him.

But what happened next was rather perplexing, as the tailed villain didn't move at all, his tail seemed to react by itself, it smashed into Toga at a speed much greater than her own.

It sent her flying through a few buildings, the shockwave created also broke some of the trees, which made the hipster villain complain a bit.

"Damned bastard... Here I am trying to help mother nature and he just up and breaks down trees..." He said with a sneer.

"Weren't you a lumberjack before this?" Said the toothless one, giving his comrade an odd glance.

"Shut u-" The hipster didn't get to finish his sentence though, the two of them were quickly frozen over.

Shoto appeared to the side, he had managed to bypass the forest while the hipster villain was distracted with the tailed one's fight.

'Things aren't looking good...' The freezing hot hero's expression didn't look quite victorious though, as he was once again forced to roll to the side in order to dodge a blast of energy from the horned villain.

Bakugo had initially managed to blast his way towards the horned villain and the high one, only to be stopped by the high villain, who seemed to gain some unnatural burst of strength and jumped in the air to meet him.

Bakugo responded to the attack in kind, his palm turned orange as he prepared an explosion big enough to take the high villain out.

He hadn't expected the villain to instantly turn into a flock of birds the second he released it.

The villain reformed himself right behind Bakugo, his leg already preparing to axe kick the hero into the ground.

Bakugo quickly stopped his explosion, as he tried to redirect it above his head. Then he noticed something, the man's leg seemed to transform into something else, Bakugo could somewhat describe it as an elephant's foot.

The villain managed to stomp Bakugo into the ground just as the hero released a powerful explosion.

The villain was blown into the sky, and Bakugo was sent hurtling into the ground, both from his own explosion and the villain's attack.

'We're getting overwhelmed...' Shoto thought to himself as he prepared to freeze the tailed villain too.

But he was forced to stop as he heard the ice behind him cracking rapidly. The toothless villain had called back his spheres, they seemed to be swallowing up his ice and breaking it apart.

'It's just like Thirteen's quirk...' Shoto noticed the similarities now, the spheres had a strong gravitational pull and seemed to be extremely dangerous.

They were also relatively fast, not paying attention to them would be quite dangerous.

Shoto's vision was then taken over by light, as he noticed yet another electricity beam being shot towards him. This time, there was no dodging it, it was directly aimed to cut off his retreat.

Shoto quickly raised a wall of ice as he closed his eyes and braced for impact... Only for it to never come?

"Don't worry monsieur! I am here to save the day in a flashy style!~" Shoto heard a flamboyant voice from right in front of his ice wall.

It was his former classmate, Yuga Aoyama, his navel laser was directly clashing with the horned man's electric beam.

"I don't know how much longer I'll hold though!" Yuga's voice still was starting to hold some panic now though. His Navel Laser wasn't the type of quirk that could be sustained for long, as it made his stomach hurt a lot.

Shoto quickly brought down his wall and froze the horned man to the ground, which unfortunately didn't stop his attack.

The next thing certainly did though... "SMASH!" A simple punch from a certain green-haired young man was enough to send the villain flying.

Many people, young men and women arrived on the scene, many jumping down from helicopters, arriving from cars, or just running on rooftops.

Looking around, both the heroes and the villain were able to tell... 'Backup has arrived!'


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