Ant King In MHA

Chapter 150: Untimely Arrival

__________ POV Beru__________

Damn, I really hope that Yori is right about this.

Who would've thought that a bunch of old fucks are controlling most of the modern world? I mean, I guess they control specific parts of it. But still.

From what Yori explained, they are basically the kings of the underworld, and their influence extends to real politics due to the corruption of certain individuals... Like all the people I put in jail back in Japan.

It's kinda odd, I've never really been to Russia before. Feels quite odd to walk the streets of this snowy city at night. But it's all with good reason.

The leaders, all of them, are conveniently gathered in one place for some shitty meeting. I don't really get how Yori was able to get that piece of intel, he said that it was a bit too good to be true as well.

We obviously expect it to be some kind of trap, so I'll inspect it before jumping in. You know, like any being with sentience, being aware of your surroundings and all that.

My disguise isn't really all that great in this place, I am basically a random Asian man in the middle of a snowy blizzard. The good part about that is the fact that there aren't really any people around to judge my odd choice in costume.

Even when covering my fake face, it still looks suspicious as all hell. But apparently, that's not the case for your regular Russian, pretty sure I passed by quite a few tracksuits wearing individuals. They seemed to just be minding their own business and drinking.

This is rather inconvenient since the meeting is right underneath the city. A fancy room hidden underground. Actually, even the tunnels leading to it are fancy looking. The one that requested this shit really has a stick up his ass or something.

Must be one of them perfection obsessed goobers that don't really like reality.

Regardless, I'll have to prepare to evacuate everyone above if a fight breaks out. I did so rather easily when a nuke went off in my office, but that was still rather stressful.

Even with High Spec, I only had time to double-check the surroundings before the explosion expanded everywhere. Maybe because the panic also made me lose quite a bit of focus...

Well, I wasn't focusing on using High Spec to the maximum anyway. Was kinda busy trying to save as many people as possible. Which kinda worked out, I guess.

Now, I'm not exactly accustomed to these types of meetings, but I'm pretty sure the ones in the chairs are the important ones...

Why do they all look like they are in pain... Or maybe it's just a mass case of violent constipation. The people threatening their lives can't really be explained by constipation though.

Neither can the guy speaking to them while standing up.

Guess the best way to figure things out is to go in and find out more... I really doubt this is a trap at this point. The people in the chairs are the ones Yori told me to look out for, and they are currently spazzing about in pain.

I'll make my entrance a bit more impactful though...

__________ POV Narration__________

Beru didn't really know how to make an entrance. But he still knew how to teleport, so he decided to do that, but slower.

He gave up on his disguise and slowly opened up a portal in front of him. Leading right behind Vladislav, who was still contemplating how much torture to put each of the members present before killing them.

Beru walked in with a little shake, making his antennas twirl a bit as he walked in. His entrance was nothing great, but his appearance was menacing, even more so to those that knew his reputation, which meant everyone at this point.

Vladislav already noticed him when the portal was opened, the personal guards were startled by the portal too, but even more so by what came out of it...

"B-Beru..." One of them muttered as he gulped. Most of them had similar reactions, they knew that winning wasn't really possible against Beru, it didn't matter how strong they were, he was likely able to rip them apart before they could even blink.

"Damn~ So glad I'm famous~ I don't even need to introduce myself~" Beru spoke in his usual tone, already forgetting that he was trying to make an entrance previously and just proceeding normally.

Vladislav could feel the sweat gather on his brow, from that point on, he knew that any mistake he made could mean his doom. Beru wasn't exactly renowned for being forgiving.

Vladimir however, saw Beru's arrival as an opportunity.

"Beru! How delightful! My grandson here has quite literally gone mad... He even nuked your-" The old man was silenced when Beru spit towards him.

The blob of spit hit him in the face and threw him backwards, making him roll on the ground. The guards parted behind him and both looked shocked at the strange way Beru had attacked their former boss.

"Damn~ Old people sure love to insert themselves in situations~ Don't remember asking anything, yet here he is, giving me his whole life's story~" Beru said while picking his teeth with his claws.

"..." Vladislav almost burst out laughing when he saw his grandfather get humiliated to that degree. Beru was the only person that could humiliate the head of the Grigorev family to that degree.

Vladislav could make him despair, and could certainly kill him. But this sort of humiliation being given at first sight was not what anyone at the table was expecting from the tall insectoid.

Vladimir himself was looking at the ceiling, his face turning red in anger as he felt the sticky saliva slide down his face.

"Oh~ He's blushing~ Guess he liked that a bit more than he should've~" Vladimir loudly cursed when hearing Beru's words.

The young Vladislav also lost it. Throwing away the cold facade and just laughing out loud.

"Daammn~ Don't worry old dude~ Wasn't judging~ We all have our kinks~" Beru waved his hand. Only a few of the people in the room could find the humour in Beru's antics.

The old people at the table only saw it as blatant disrespect, and also a bad sign for their odds of survival.

"Hahaha... I must say, I was taken by surprise to see you here so quickly..." The young Vlad said as he calmed himself down.

"I guess you're the dude that gave Yori this location~ Or at least it was at your order~ Can't say I'm mad at you~ Doubt we would've found it anytime this year otherwise~" Beru also stopped joking at the expense of Vladimir and started speaking in a more serious tone.

"That's... Probably accurate... Regardless, I was planning on you arriving here a bit later, preferably after I killed all these old sods. But I guess this works too." Vladislav spoke while walking closer to the table and leaning on it.

Vladimir slowly got up from the ground and looked at Beru with hatred. It was the same look he had given his grandson previously. But Beru decided not to take it wordlessly.

"What you looking at you old bitch?~ I spit in your general direction~ You think I can't beat you up cuz you look more wrinkly?~" Beru's words only served to further enrage the already fuming old man.

It was to the point where everyone in the room thought Vladimir would die of a heart attack before Beru did anything to him.

"Enough about that though~ You...~" Beru looked at Vladislav this time, looking the blonde young man deep in his eyes.

"I don't like you~ At all~ I guess it's a good time to mention everyone in this room is going to die~" Beru said while slowly flaring up blue flames all around his body.

"W-Wait..." Vladislav put his hand forward, hoping to stop the insectoid.

'The next moments are crucial... Appeasing Beru was going to come much later... I need to hurry!' And so, the young Vlad was forced to start his dance, hoping to calm down the slightly irritated Beru.


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