Ant King In MHA

Chapter 109: All Thoughts(get it?!!) and Flank

__________ POV All Might__________

I've been trying to watch Beru closely this entire fight, he keeps slipping away from time to the, but he's consistently been assisting and supporting the heroes that are fighting.

He's been reduced to a supporting role exactly because they didn't know if Beru could be trusted not to kill all of the villains that he fought.

I at least hold back my punches and never directly touch any of the villains, I'm still injuring them, but the chances of them actually dying are extremely low.

But Beru doesn't quite seem to have the same reservations as the rest of the heroes. It's as concerning as can be, honestly.

I'd really wish he wasn't like this. I wish he was more like the young man he's supposed to be. But I guess innocence was never something that he got to learn about...

I don't even blame him for his mindset, he's never had a figure to guide him in life. He was always by himself, moulding his own ideas and creating his own set of morals.

It's already far too late to get him to learn about other methods. The best thing I can do right now is to make sure that he doesn't do anything too drastic. That he doesn't end up in a huge controversy, and that the government doesn't decide that he's no longer worth the risk...

"The other team will soon be joining us." I could hear a clear voice from the small receiver in my left ear. It was obviously The Rabbit Hero's voice.

Quite a lot of strange things have been happening, I mean, there is even a villain assisting the heroes and saving their lives.

I don't really know what prompted his change in allegiance, but I doubt he would've gone this far just to gain our trust. He's already taken out well over 400 villains just with the sheer number of clones he's produced.

His quirk is truly remarkable, I find it regretful that he ended up in a life of crime. But I guess that him helping out us heroes is already a good sign.

I turned my body, twirling it along with the punch that I'm currently directing at the ground to my side.

The shockwave of my fists seems to be enough to keep most of the people present at bay. But I can't get too careless, I need to constantly watch out for any hidden attacks.

There are plenty of attempts, but I can thankfully brush off most of them as quickly as they come up.

Suddenly, I could hear a shout from the sides, our group of 300 has already gotten surrounded.

It's to be expected when you think about it. It doesn't matter how much training one has, fighting against 30000 people isn't exactly a great plan.

Most of the heroes are already showing signs of tiredness. I can't afford to do the same, unfortunately. As the Symbol of Peace, I must stand tall.

I would also usually need to make sure that there are no casualties on our side, but Beru and the cloning villain seem to have that on lockdown.

"Oi! Big guy! We're breaking out! Punch a hole into their group!" I suddenly heard a voice to my side, It was the villain that's been helping us. Or, at least a clone of his.

I did as he told me for now, there should still be some minutes before Endeavor and his team arrive at this site, staying encircled will just tire us out more.

Twirling around, I unleashed a smash to the scores of villains in front of me. The duplicating villain acted almost instantly. I was honestly not expecting this type of teamwork from him.

He started duplicating himself instantly, he filled the gap that my punch had created and continued pushing further into the crowd.

It wasn't enough to breakthrough, but it was enough to give the heroes a bit more room for breathing.

"Shit! I was hoping that would work..." From my side, the villain spoke with a bit of frustration.

"Well, there are quite a lot of people in this Liberation Army, I doubt you'd have enough stamina to outnumber them by yourself..." I said while swinging my fists to keep the villains in check.

"Well, it was worth a shot... Name's Twice by the way!" He shouted while kicking a villain away. It's a bit strange to see a villain act like this near a hero.

Or at least it would be. If only Beru wasn't actually a villain originally too. I am somewhat accustomed to unnatural things because of him...

"NOW!" I heard an angry voice to the side, I could see another group of heroes, half of our numbers, attacking one side of the villains. Many were perked up on rooftops shooting down with either nets or their quirks.

Endeavor himself was unleashing some fires, but he was keeping his temperature at a somewhat minimum, only trying to cover as much terrain as possible.

Now... This is where the plan actually starts.

__________ POV Beru__________

Here I am, sitting down on the edge of a random building, overlooking the entire situation from a bird's point of view.

I gotta say, Endeavor is really going hard on these poor fellas. I feel so bad that I almost want to warp them away or something... Almost.

He's not actually harming anyone, at least not that badly. Second-degree burns aren't fatal(usually), so they'll be fine.

I wonder where I should be going now... I guess I could talk with the leader of this army. He's been a pretty annoying thorn in my side for a while.

But actually acting on my own like that would likely not be appreciated by Kenji and the people that planned this raid.

Really, everything would've been over if they just let me spray a bit of fire around. A few thousand people burn to death in seconds, then the rest would likely just give up or something.

Unless they are completely brainwashed that is... I guess I can now understand why that wouldn't be a viable option.

A group of villains this large is usually impossible, villains are a rowdy bunch and an extremely unstable factor. One day they are with you, the next they move to another country and rat you out.

Can't trust them. So, I guess it's only reasonable to assume that some type of mental manipulation is in place to prevent anything too bad from happening.

And if that's truly the case, then outright killing them all would be an inhumane act. It would be like carpet bombing a cult... Some people in there might deserve the carpet bombing, but not all of them.

Why do I always find odd analogies to explain things? I guess that's just who I am huh?

I can see that the hero parties are currently meeting up and preparing to break through the villain barricade. The flanking team chose to break in from a less defended spot, now they are both surrounded.

Well, they won't be for long. The combination of heroes will be enough to break through the tides of villains directed towards the inner city.

They also have the help of that cloning villain that I still didn't really get the name of. Breaking through the barricade will be much easier with him on our side.

Well, it would be much easier if I just released an air cannon and crushed all of the bones in their bodies. But that would be quite... Drastic? Whatever, I'll just make sure that there aren't any casualties for now...

"What a strange coincidence... To think I'd meet you here." I heard a voice to my side. Looking in that direction, I could clearly see a man that's half bald, with a long nose and wearing a suit.

He's obviously Re-Destro, the leader of this Meta Liberation Army.

"Yeah, what a coincidence~ Almost like I'm part of the raid team or something~," I said with a bit of sarcasm(nothing new).

"Indeed... Would you have some time to speak perhaps?" Now, what does this Pinnochio rip-off want from me?


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