Another Me

Chapter 26 – Hero saves the Beauty *

My day had started out so good. After two days of sexual bliss, I was on cloud nine. I woke up early to make breakfast for my daughter before rushing to catch the train. But that is where it started going wrong. I normally didn’t go in this early and wasn’t expecting the train to be so packed. Still, I managed to get in, it was just that after a few stops, a man had pushed in behind me and as the train stopped at the next stop “fell” forward and felt me up. I was squished-in tight as people moved to get off and on and failed to move away. But as his hands roamed over my body. It felt good, and my body seemed to lean into his touches as if it craved them.

His hands felt rough, like a worker that did manual labor, as he moved his one hand down my dress and onto my bare leg while the other one squeezed my right breast through the thin fabric. Then the crowd shifted, and I moved away as quickly as I could. My mind was a mess, because part of me didn’t want to move; to see what he’d do, while another part was disgusted at the thought. BY the time I got to work, I was fantasizing about the man behind men being Roy and what I’d have let him do to me.

I was so worked up that my mind wasn’t on my work. Instead, I sat there daydreaming and hoping Roy would turn on my toy. My body began to ache with need after a few hours without release. My pussy leaked with desire, and I almost yelled out “YES” in the quiet office when my Vibe finally turned on. Happy, I quickly started catching up, my mind humming away, like the device between my legs.

But… I looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was almost noon, by the time I finally got started, and my early morning start, I had to change my plans and work late. It wasn’t until several hours later that I could pick up my phone and texted Roy [Have to work late. I can’t make it to dinner.] and then my daughter [going to be home late. Make sure you do your homework.]


I noticed my mom’s text as I was getting into Bethany’s boyfriend’s Car. He had picked us up in an old beat-up Chevy Nova. Their apartment wasn’t that far from where I lived, and I realized I could have walked here in about ten minutes and gone back with Victoria. Still, I got to talk with Trevor, Bethany’s boyfriend, who seemed sweet if you ignored the dyed hair and dozens of piercings. From the way Bethany talks and the way he looked, I was expecting a sleazy, pervert that was going to stare at us as we practiced. Instead, he left us alone to get changed. Even after he came back with healthy snacks, and he saw us in our tight skimpy outfits, his eyes were always on his girlfriend like she was the only girl in the room. I liked him, or at least the way he acted.

From four to eight we worked out a dance routine. They both had more experience doing it, so while I gave opinions, theirs were better. Thankfully, they didn’t seem to mind and with practice I was sure I could incorporate the dance and gymnastic moves they wanted to combine. Happy with the progress, I decided to simply walk home and let Bethany’s boyfriend drive Hanna home since she lived in the opposite direction.

It was close to eight-thirty by the time I finally left, and the people of the night were just starting to come out to make a living. Ladies had plastered on more makeup in a vague hope of trying to hide the haggardness that seemed bone deep as they made their way to the local bars. While the men had come out to look for opportunities to make a few dollars, whether from theft, gambling, or selling some goods that were illegal to own. The hookers were fine. In fact, I actually wanted to strike up a conversation with them. I had an idea of buying some used condoms from them. The cum inside could increase my spell choices.

But it wasn’t long before I was noticed several men had started walking behind me. They weren’t subtle.  Four people had jumped off an abandoned build’s porch and as I walked, I could see a men walking parallel to me in the alleys to the left and right. Those guys I almost missed because I could ony see them between the houses. There weren’t that many people, but I felt like an animal being hunted. I thought of rushing forward but three more men started coming at me from the other direction. They wore the same cheap clothes and style, and I didn’t want to take the chance of getting encircled. I turned the corner, I began to run with all my might while casting, ‘Generate Air’. The spell would help me to run longer without getting winded.

I dodged around the guy that popped out of the alley and kept running as fast as my little legs would go. But even so, I could hear them chasing after. I didn’t look back. From what I saw, before jetting away, I knew they were ruffians and judging from their looks, fought a lot. My half-baked fighting skills were ok for one on one but with an experienced group, I wouldn’t hold up long. So, I turned one way, then another trying to shake them, but their group must have been larger than I expected because no matter where I ran they always seemed to be in my way. They were boxing me in, cutting off my escape.

Now, I was looking for a place to hide, or duck into. And there it was, ‘Get Lucky’s Bar and Grill’. It was a cheap dive, but it was open and more importantly nobody was at the side door that had been left open.

I ran inside. Stopped to get my bearings and then, ignoring the cook that looked me over as I hurried by, went through a door and into the main bar area. It was dark, smokey and reeked of cheap liquor. It was also fairly crowded for such an early hour. Of course, that might be just my impression because it was a small bar with too many tables. I didn’t have time to wonder because there was a shout from the kitchen, and I knew they were behind me. My plan to run out the front door seemed to be foolishly naive because I saw one of the men outside the front window. I couldn’t tell if there were more, but one was enough to slow me down.

Desperate, I glanced around and seeing a booth that wasn’t full, I slid in while giving the two boys and girl a pleading look. It wasn’t until I took in what I was looking at, that I noticed whose booth I joined. “What are you doing here,” we both said at the same time.

The girl was older than I thought, just dressed young, but that’s not the person I knew. No, I looked at Jeff’s startled face as he stared at mine. I didn’t know who the other two were, but they looked at us in amusement as we questioned each other. I didn’t have a chance to ask anything else when I saw the bigger of the men coming out of the back. His eyes traveled around the bar until they landed on me.

“Is he looking for you?” Jeff asked as the man’s eyes met mine.

I didn’t look at Jeff, but said, “Yeah, his crew is chasing me but should give up, now that he sees I’m with somebody.

The lady chuckled and said, “Chase is a pimp in this area. Now that he saw you and you’re still on his turf, he’s unlikely to give up easily. I knew a few girls he trained. You better come up with a plan because in a week he’ll have you so strung out that all you’ll care about is your next fix, and not who he is throwing in your room to earn it.”

“I see. I’ll borrow this then,” and reached out to grab the steak knife off the table. It was beside the plate with a half-eaten steaks sandwich. It looked dull and dirty but at least it was a weapon. Jeff placed his hand over mine.

“Let me help, ok?” He didn’t wait for my reply but got up. As he did, he beckoned to a man in the far corner. He didn’t look like much and kind of blended in, and I was curious what Jeff had in mind calling him over. He did look any more impressive when came over and Jeff whispered into his ear.

He looked a little confused and asked, “You sure boss?”

“Deal with it.”

“You’re the boss.” With that he started walking toward the pimp. As he did, his clothes began to rip, and his form began to change. He grew taller, broader, and by the time he was squaring off with the pimp, he was covered in fur. His clawed hand moved as fast as lightning, snatching the pimp up as if he weighed nothing. Then the furred man dashed out the door still holding the screaming man. As he did, I saw his face had grown a snout full of razor-sharp teeth. He was a werewolf! As he ran out, I could see his claws had sunk into the guy’s flesh, up to his knuckles to hold him firmly as the pimp wiggled and squirmed, trying to break free.

His men ran after him, and an all-out brawl soon started outside the bar. It was one-sided and over a dozen men were laying there bleeding out before I could ask if we should help. Nobody cared about the laying there bleeding, and once the “fun” was over they went back to drinking as if nothing ever happened.

Jeff reached down and took my hand before saying, “Let me walk you home. I won’t feel comfortable until I know your safe.”

My heart fluttered a little as he held my hand firm and I woodenly nodded. As I stood up, he glanced at the two he was with and I saw the guy about to speak but he only got out, “Want us to…” before the lady next to him elbowed him in the side.

Her voice replaced his, “Go, take your girlfriend home. We’ll talk again another time.”

“I’m not his…”

Jeff talked over me, “Thanks, I’ll call you another day.”

He held my hand as we walked out and stepped over the bodies. The sound of sirens was wailing in the distance but if they came as slowly as they did in my world, I’d be home before they ever showed. I took back my hand as he walked beside me making small talk. He was such a different man in this world. I wasn’t used to it, but I couldn’t treat him like the low life I knew. Rich and dignified, he seemed like a girl’s dream man. I looked at his slightly chubby body, an almost perfect man. It was a shame he wasn’t my type, or I might have even considered him as a potential boyfriend.

I made ah-huh and yup noises as I thought about things he wasn’t talking about. The relief of being saved was still fresh in my mind and I could see why women fell for the men who came charging to the rescue. Even with a body I wasn’t attracted to, I felt a little. Luckily, he didn’t like me that way and I didn’t have to reject him.

We didn’t take the elevator but instead he took the stairs and walked with me up to my apartment. I turned to thank him and felt his lips press against mine, briefly. They were warm, full, and I felt my head go blank as he broke the kiss.

He looked me in the eyes and said, “Thank you for letting me walk you home. I stole a kiss as payment for saving you. I hope you don’t mind. It’s just that you’re to enticing and I couldn’t help myself.”

“No. I mean yea, I mean wh…” He smiled, winked, and headed to the stairs as I rambled incoherence. Did that mean he liked me or was I just a convenient pretty girl? Wait... Why did I care? I fumbled with my keys and finally managed to walk into an empty house. My mom still wasn’t home?

I pulled out my phone and checked my messages and saw a message from my mom that came in a half hour ago. [Because I had to work late Roy picked me up and I am going to spend tonight and maybe the next couple of nights at his place. Victoria can keep you company. Be good.]

I texted Victoria to let her know I was home and five minutes later she was happily knocking on my door. She was dressed in a traditional nightie that covered her from neck to ankle. She was holding a pillow and a duffle bag. Happy that she was here, I let her in and closed the door. It was a little after nine by now but having the house alone and knowing my mom wasn’t coming back, thrilled I pulled her to my room to tell her what happened today.

We were on my bed as she gasped… and booed at different parts of my story. I filled her in on my fight in the hall before, demoing the dance moves I was going to do, before finishing up by getting chased and then saved by Jeff. Her face was easy to read, and I watched as she got angry, happy, worried, and finally relieved. I sat across from her wondering if I should bring up the kiss. I knew she liked me and I kind of liked her a little. I still couldn’t hold back and decided to walk back and how he snuck a kiss that left me confused. “I don’t know what he meant. Was that a hint that he wants me to repay him my body?” Inside I kind of knew he wanted to at least sleep with me. As for liking me? I didn’t think so. How could he like me if he didn’t know me?

“Do you like him?” Her voice held a hint of reluctance, like she didn’t want to ask.

“I like more muscles on men, so I don’t find him attractive. But he also isn’t like I thought he was. He’s kinder and less of a slacker. But sexually, no, not really.”

She didn’t ask anything more but said, “I think he’s interested in you and might want to date you.”

I got up to get on one of my longer shirts to sleep in. It was getting late and so much happened. I was beat. So, when the shirt I wrapped fell to the floor with a plop. I froze and with a blush bent down to pick it up. Victoria saw my blush but not what was in it. Curious she asked, “What’s that?” I didn’t think she meant to pry or embarrass so with a wicked grin; I tossed it over.

She caught it, the shirt unfurled, and the penis fell on her lap, I explained, “It came in a magic envelope this morning. I’m not sure who sent it but didn’t want my mom to see it.”

It was her turn to blush. Her skin flushed in the blink of an eye because her hand had grabbed at the object to keep it from falling to the floor. So, when I was explaining she was holding a shaft that was slowly growing harder. Her hand wrapped around it as she looked down to see a pair of balls and the mat.

“You… you… how.. why…” She spluttered as I let out a laugh I desperately needed.

“Not sure, but I’m too tired to figure it out.” I pulled off the dress I wore today followed by my bra. I felt the relief of finally taking it off. Naked, except for my underwear, I pulled on a faded yellow shirt and noticed that Victoria was still holding the swelling member in her hand. She seemed to have forgotten it was there and was looking at me as I changed, her eyes gleaming with desire. I tried to act like I didn’t see it, because the thought of staying up late playing wasn’t as appealing as sleep. I was that tired.

I figured I would give her some time to calm down and excused myself by saying, “I’ll be right back. I’m going to brush my teeth and get ready for bed.”

I took my time, hoping she didn’t want to “play” tonight. Normally I wouldn’t mind but… I was mid-spit when I heard a scream coming from my room. I ran back in with a little bit of toothpaste in my mouth. I saw Victoria trying to pull on the penis that now grew between her legs. She had a look of horror but after the first hard pull, it changed to one of pain.

I ran up to her and grabbed her hands before she could hurt herself. “Calm down, tell me what happened, and I will help.” Her hands were still wrapped around it, and I could feel the tightness in them, as I did my best to hold her still.

Her breathing heavy was slowing down and as if it was a gauge, her skin became redder the calmer she got. Beet red, she finally said, “I just wanted to pretend and it... grew.” Her voice was low but held a pleading tone. I could tell she was close to crying. Immediately, I could picture what happened and tried not to laugh.

“Hold on, let me see if I can remove it.” I let go of her hands and she quickly removed hers, causing the eight-inch rod to bob up and down playfully. We were both standing so I kneeled to get a better angle. Taking hold of the tip, I moved it upward. I was looking for some type of release, although the thought that it was a prank gift and didn’t have one did cross my mind. I kept that thought to myself as I moved my hands around, lifting, stroking, and prodding from time to time. It took me over five minutes to see the slight lines caused by the seams.

I looked up to tell her about them and saw her with her hand over her mouth, her eyes closed. When she noticed I had stopped, she slowly opened them and saw me looking. “I… umm can feel what you’re doing. It’s like it’s real.”

“Oh?” My voice playful and I stroked it the way I had mine. I stopped after a few strokes, but she dropped her hand and had her mouth open in shock and pleasure. “Sorry.” I said, not really meaning it. “I think I see how to remove it. Hold on.” I let go and reached for the seams, hoping I was right. But it bobbed in front of my nose, and I couldn’t help but gently take the tip into my mouth and lick the tip just to see her reaction. I liked to see her trying to not react as I played with her, but my hands weren’t idle and soon managed to find a place on the upper left corner of the seams that pulled away like a tab. I swallowed another inch or two and sucked it hard as I pulled my mouth way. As the tip popped free, I gave the "tab" part a pull… 

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