Anime Heroine Who Travels Through the Blackened Way

Chapter 30

Ino, who was sitting on the other side, wasted no time cutting his beard, and both girls felt the dawn of victory: Sasuke-kun, who was always ruthless, this time not only answered his thoughts on cooking, but also took the initiative to say Eat your favorite food! This is victory beckoning!

“Really~ Ino, Sakura, ask us how we feel about the food~”

Dissatisfied, Dingji, who had been chopping firewood for a long time, was very dissatisfied with the contempt of the two female team members, while chewing the rice ball lazily, Shikamaru shook his head, not surprised: ” Give it up, Dingji~ I’m thankful they can still remember to prepare our meals.”

“Really! Damn Sasuke~ I’ll beat you to the ground next time!”

Angrily filling his bowl of miso soup, Naruto was quite annoyed at the high treatment Sasuke received because of his appearance, while Shino on the side spoke calmly: “Naruto, I personally think that now your The strength is not enough to challenge Sasuke. The grades in school show that Sasuke’s strengths lie in ninja tools and ninjutsu, which means that the battle just now was very unfair to Sasuke.”

“Damn~ Shino, what are you saying, you weird guy? Hinata? Do you think so too?”

Being ruthlessly shattered by reality, Naruto raised his head to seek Hinata’s opinion, and swallowed the food in his mouth without raising his head. Hinata said coldly, “It’s true~ But it’s not true.”

These ambiguous words made Sasuke and Naruto both look at Hinata. After cultivating with this white-eyed girl for so long, at least they can tell the meaning of each other’s words.

“Strictly speaking, the holy fist we are cultivating now is only a mental technique, and the moves and the like have not been handed over to you. However, judging from your battle today, I personally think that we can already start cultivating the corresponding moves.”

Looking up, Hinata packed the tableware and chopsticks in front of him, and then stood up: “I’m going back to copy the moves in the boxing manual, you are free to move around. By the way, there should be a washing shop owner coming to the door later. , Shino, Shikamaru, you are responsible for negotiating with the other party. After negotiating the price, you don’t need to tell me, just pay them the deposit directly. Oh, don’t forget to hand over the episodes we’ve filmed to the bookstore that we acquired, The connector is Squirrel, the owner of the Konoha Bookstore.”

Listening to Hinata’s orderly instructions, Ino and Sakura, who were tired of Sasuke’s side, sat up involuntarily. In all fairness, this feeling of being assigned a task by a boss was too strong.

“Huh? Why does it all sound like some troublesome things…”

Shikamaru said weakly with a headache, while Shino next to him pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose with a serious expression, and his tone was even more solemn: “Hey! I really understand, it will be done before this afternoon.”

“Then please, after I get the money, I’ll pay each person’s 100,000 reward first, and I’ll talk about the rest when I get back.”

Nodding with satisfaction, Hinata pushed open the door and left the Uchiha mansion. Although her actions seem a little irresponsible, she believes that both Shikamaru and Shino belong to the kind of calm and rigorous intelligent characters, even if adults want to fool them, it will not be easy.

As for myself, I should hurry up and look up some relevant information on Taijutsu to see if I can come up with some useful moves.

And watching Hinata leave, Sakura and Ino, who had been tensing their bodies, both breathed a sigh of relief, and then subconsciously patted their chests and muttered to themselves, “Really~ Hinata’s aura is really scary~ Could it be that this is the ability of the eldest daughter of the big family? But I have never seen her like this before~”

“Everyone can change. Considering Hinata’s identity and growth environment, I personally don’t think it’s surprising that she will become like this.”

Shino was still calmly acting as the commentator, while Shikamaru next to him pressed his forehead with a headache: “Okay~ It’s troublesome to listen to what she ordered~ Do you have any plans, Shino?”

“Ah~ Judging from the tone of her command, the visiting shop owner should be here soon. Therefore, negotiating with these people is the first priority, but it is also important to deliver new works to the bookstore for profit. , so ~ I personally suggest that the troops should be divided into two groups. Some people stay here and wait to negotiate with the visiting people, and some people go to the bookstore to hand in the collection of paintings to get paid.”

Such a conversation is easy for Shikamaru to understand. He tilted his head to think about it, and the pineapple-headed boy nodded his chin: “Okay~ I’m too lazy to move, so I’ll just stay here and negotiate with people. Shino, I can trouble you. Go to the bookstore?”

“No problem, but since it’s a matter of money. So, I hope Naruto and Dingji can be my accompanying bodyguards.”

“Ah~ on my side, I will trouble Sakura and Ino to prepare some snacks and tea as a treat, and then I will be accompanied by Sasuke.”

After quickly dividing the manpower and tasks, Shikamaru couldn’t help but tilt his head slightly with a little interest: “Hey~ Shino, I didn’t expect it to be difficult to talk to you.”

“I feel the same, maybe our ideas are closer.”

Seeing that Shikamaru and Shino are showing each other’s IQ limit here, Dingji and Naruto on the side are completely ignorant like ducks listening to thunder. After looking at each other, the two people who can’t keep up with their IQs are also tacitly agreed. Nodding: Forget it~ Since I don’t understand it, just follow it~

On the other hand, Hinata, who went out alone, came to Konoha’s library again. Since last time she bought a bunch of valuable medical scrolls here without asking the price, the librarian at the door has been very concerned about her The attitude can be described as respectful.

“Books about Taishu are all here, mainly about Gangquan moves. Although there are some soft fists, they are not very precious~ If you have any scrolls you want to consult, please call us at any time.”

Nodding and bowing, he led Hinata to the Taiju area, and the obese librarian withdrew. And looking at the tall bookshelves around him, Hinata’s brows could not help but wrinkle.

In terms of moves, to explain it in layman’s terms, it is an act of drawing out power from the body and acting on the outside world.

In terms of physical skills, it is how to maximize the strength of the body.

Therefore, in order to fully understand the “movements”, we must understand the key points and secrets of each part of the human body to exert force.

Taking a copy of “On the Mystery of Fist and Foot Power” from the bookshelf, Hinata quickly came up with an idea: Since Nandou Shengquan is something she came out of her mouth, then there is no need to copy the corresponding moves, just need to It is enough to be able to correspond to various boxing attributes.

In other words, as long as it can draw out the hidden power of various holy fists, this move is fine.

Opening the book in his hand, Hinata found the theory he wanted: the so-called force of fists and feet is actually a step to maximize the ‘afterburner’ of the limbs. For example, when punching, if you want to maximize the power of the fist, you must give the fist the best afterburning process. Corresponding to each part of the body, this afterburning process is not the same.

For example, for a simple straight punch, the afterburning phenomenon on the arm is reflected in the maximum pull back of the arm, and then the explosive force of the muscles is used to push the arm forward, so as to achieve the maximum output of the arm.

The human body is centered on the spine, that is to say, when punching, you can also pull the body on the side that punched back, and then step forward when punching, to increase the punch in disguised form. force process.

A seemingly simple straight punch actually involves wrists, arms, shoulders, pectoral muscles, waist, thighs, calves, ankles, soles of feet, etc. How to coordinate the strength of these parts and add to it In the fist, this is the meaning of the existence of the move.

The same goes for other body movements. To put it in the simplest terms, the moves of the human body are actually: how to make more body parts afterburning in one attack.

In this case, the combination of moves can actually become extremely simple, because this is just an addition, for example: preparation = pull back right arm + pull back right shoulder + twist right waist + pull back right leg, The release action = right arm forward swing + right shoulder forward + right waist forward + right leg forward. In this way, it is a straight punch that adds up the strength of the four parts of the body.

The more body parts that can be added to the equation that can be boosted, the more power a blow like this can contain, but again, it’s definitely not an option to mobilize so many body parts at the same time. easy thing.

“However~ If this is the case, I should be able to complete the boxing moves before it gets dark~”

Opening a blank scroll for recording, Hinata showed a strange smile at the corner of his mouth.

“I really want to thank you, I remember the childhood memories I spent in arcade arcades~”

A day in the life of Shikamaru and Shino

“Then, please take a seat. Hinata has already handed over the negotiation with you, then ~ I’m Shikamaru Nara~”

Sitting in a room and room of the Uchiha mansion, Shikamaru looked down at the bearded man opposite him with drooping eyelids. Although he still felt troublesome, it was hard to refuse what he promised.

The current situation is that in the room and room cleaned by Sakura and Ino, Shikamaru and Sasuke are sitting in the position of the host as the negotiating parties, while Asma and Kakashi are sitting in the position of the guests as the second party. , the atmosphere of formal business negotiations is quite strong.

“Ah~ oh, I’m the owner of the Fujimura wash shop, just call me Fujimura.”

Touching his head, Asma couldn’t help but feel a little ashamed. The boy from the Nara family, who was about the same age as Hinata, was obviously just a child still in school, but what he was doing now should be 30 years old. A business negotiation that only adults can do. Looking at it like this, when I was eleven years old, I was really ashamed of myself.

“Then, I’ll keep the gossip short. We need a professional filming and development team, and good negotiation such as salary, are you interested?”

Holding his chin, Shikamaru pushed over a contract he wrote: “Although it is a bit abrupt, the necessary contracts are still indispensable. Let’s see if you agree to these payments.”

“Oh~ okay.”

Asma and Kakashi next to him looked at each other, then tried to put away the frustration in his heart, picked up the contract in front of him and read it. At this time, Ino’s sweet voice also came from outside the door: “Excuse me~ Can tea and snacks be brought in?”

“Well~ bring it in.”

Shikamaru yawned, he wasted a lot of brain cells in order to consult these commercial terms and contracts.

As the sliding door opened, Ino and Sakura, who were holding a tea tray and a snack tray respectively, walked in from the door. The two girls also put away their savage characters in the school, and they were quite virtuous and graceful. The desserts were placed in front of each person, and at the end, both bowed: “Then~ If you have anything, please say it out loud.”

“Ah~ Thank you, this snack looks delicious.”

Both Asma and Kakashi felt a little flattered. Originally, they thought that the negotiation with Hinata was at most a verbal agreement, but it seemed that the other party did treat them as real partners.

Moreover, these children are almost all family members with very special positioning in Konoha Village. To be able to organize and mobilize the descendants of these families with different bloodlines in such a rigorous way is indeed quite an ability to control.

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