Ancient Vampire in a Modern World

Chapter 96

[ It might take a while and they might even choose not to pursue it any further. As you know Professional rank is already in the mid-level realm ]

"Yes sir, I understood," Stan said with seriousness.

[ Ok…] 

Beep! The sound that indicates the end call rang out. Stan continued running in Mia and Keiji's direction. He followed after them so that he would be able to give report more accurately. 

His speed was stable and was able to at least chase after Keiji and Mia. His combat abilities were not commendable and so his strength but if it talks about hiding, running, and judgement he was one of the best. Although he runs really fast it was not enough if someone with a much higher rank appeared. His speed was only top-notch in his level. 

He followed and chase after them but he maintained a distance from them so that they would not be able to notice him. As he kept running and jumping through the trees and the forest he didn't forget to leave a clue for the reinforcements to follow. Although they didn't really need it as they were able to find Keiji and Mia's location through their senses he just wanted to make sure.

Soon countless shadows flash through from trees to trees one of those shadows then emerged out of the blue and stop where the remaining groups in the camp gathered. 

"Sir," the leader shouted as he saw that their reinforcement had already arrived.

"Report!" the man didn't daly any further. 

"Two enemies, one male and one female, they run towards ten o'clock North. We have secured one enemy, currently lost consciousness. One dead ally. The estimated strength of the two is 550-600. The female one is much stronger. Their innate ability still unknown." The leader stated all things he knew about what happened.

"Make sure to secure the captured enemy. As for your dead ally bring his body back to the base. Wait for us in half an hour if we're still not here. You can all go and report that we failed." After saying so the man followed the shadows that keep running and jumping from trees to trees even though he stopped. Those shadows didn't even bother to stop and listen to the report. 

"Understood sir," the leader said even though the man was already gone. The man was the only one who stops in his tracks to hear the report. He was the fastest in the group which was why he was the one who will gauge the problem first. His group didn't stop after he stopped and keep going to where they were going. Then after hearing the report he chased and spread the information to the group. 

The group was so professional that they didn't even need to stop just to listen to the information. They soon saw Stan who was running and jumping from trees to trees. He then went towards him they only nod towards each other and instantly understood each other. 

The man's speed decrease and soon 25 shadows were piled up running beside Stan. They were following Mia and Keiji as the two continue to run. 

Meanwhile, Mia ran through the forest after knocking out the group. Then after running a certain distance she realized something. She looked at Keiji and saw that Keiji was being dragged by her. So she pulled Keiji and asked.

"Keiji, are you alright," he said.

"Do you want to run with your own feet or I'll carry you?" She asked but she didn't stop running. 

Keiji was going to reply but then Mia spoke again " But they are chasing us so make sure you can run fast before I'll let you run. The enemy that was chasing us was stronger than what we just faced their rank looks like they are in super high-level rank. They are the same rank as my rank but they have more members than us. "

"It's alright I can run," Keiji said, he didn't to be dragged anymore so he chose to show a little bit of his strength. 

"Oh okay. " Mia said then stopped using both of her feet. Then catch Keiji who almost flung out. The trees and the ground near them were tattered. An open curve was etched on the ground and the leaves on the tree nearby flew away and only a handful of ones stayed at its branch while the trees have slanted. This was all due to the shockwaves that Mia have caused with her sudden break from running at the speed that have the same speed as a bullet or over 2500 kilometre per hour. 

And because she couldn't control her strength her simple movements have already caused that much damage to the surroundings even though her speed is not enough to make shockwaves but her every step fills up the gap in it. And when she suddenly stopped her movements using his feet alone it caused an explosion that caused shockwaves.

Keiji wasn't affected due to his powers but for Mia, she almost lost herself as she couldn't control her strength anymore. She thought that if Keiji was only as strong as she thought he would have died long ago.

Keiji didn't want to reveal his strength to anyone and right now Mia may have an idea about it. He wanted to remove her memory but decided not to do so. Removing someone's memory have side effects if used more than ten times. They might even die especially if someone was not able to endure Keiji's power. 

Although Keiji can control billions and trillions of cells at once he still hasn't been able to fully uncover the mysteries of the human brain. He had tried to experiment on it in the past and the result was the same over and over again. 

Even if he examined the whole brain structure he didn't even been able to form how can a group of cell release such a decision. He even wondered himself if he could alter their brain and stuff. This was also the reason as to why Keiji was good at anything that involves the thinking process of a being. 

He had been specialized in researching and experimenting brains of different organisms some of them didn't have brains and only nerve net that controls them. And there are also a handful of organisms that don't have both which made him reject his own idea and different theories.

Mia didn't think anything ill about Keiji. And she wasn't able to think about logical things as she was currently unable to control herself and didn't have enough time to be able to notice the odd things. 

"Alright let's go fast just tell me if you can't keep up with my speed," she said as she gestured at Keiji and started to run.

Mia couldn't control her strength which is why her speed is incredibly fast. She looked back and saw that Keiji was already near her so she increased her pace. She looked back from time to time so that she wouldn't leave Keiji by accident.

After running through the forest there's only 10 km more and they would reach the place where Han Shin told them to. But as they were running the group have already started to chase them and increase their pace. 

Stan maintained his pace and didn't further speed up as his speed have already reached the limit. He was even using special medicine to rejuvenate himself with energy.

Twenty-five shadows spread throughout the forest and moving high speed. They are jumping from trees to trees and sometimes run on the ground as they keep chasing Mia and Keiji. 

Mia's emotions eas getting more and more uncontrollable because of the nervousness she felt as he sensed the group of shadows. Her strength soars up once again but her control gradually decrease.

Stan watched the scene unfold in the distance as he kept looking at his binoculars. Unlike before he now increased the distance between the enemy and himself because the enemy this time was not a mere high-level player.

Stan was born in the mountains and from a young age, he was able to kill a wolf not because of his physical strength but in traps instead. And he had been able to survive alone in the wild at the age of 7 not because he was physically fit but he was able to escape danger every time. 

This was not possible if he was just smart or intelligent. Even if he was smarter and can be considered as a genius it was expected that he would never be able to survive in a wild with just that alone. And the reason why he survived is because of his natural instincts. He can sense if there is a certain danger in something which was why he was able to escape in time. His instinct was also the reason why he was appointed as the secret commander of the group. 

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