Ancient Vampire in a Modern World

Chapter 64

"Ok, class so I am your subject teacher for practical research. In this subject I will all leave you and let you use your time freely. But at the end of the month I need you to prepare a research that deals with a topic that you will pick up in this," The fat middle aged woman then brought out a jar with rolled papers inside.

"There are 100 topics in this jar and your group will have a chance to draw four times and your group can pick two out of the four and that will be your main topic in your research papers."

"Now if you have any questions you may ask and you already know that your research papers must be original." The fat middle aged woman looked around if anyone had a question.

"ok, looks like there were no questions, so because there are 60 people in this class you can form a group of five. I will let you choose your group so now talk about it and after you formed a group the leader will come up here and please write your members name right here," she said as she pointed at the papers on the top of the desk.

After he said that the student started talking to each other and grouping themselves. Mia and Klyzer get invited by Ron and many other groups but they reject it and go towards Keiji. 

"Reign let's group up," they both said at the same time. 

"Ok," Keiji replied.

"Ryle group with us too," Mia said as she looked at Ryle who was hesitating whether to take the initiative to join their group.

"Ok," Ryle replied as his cheeks blushed a little.

"Come her then let's talk about our group," Mia said to him. Ryle then got up from his seat and walked towards them. 

"So we still need one member though," Mia said as she looked around the room trying to find anyone who still doesn't have a group. 

Ron cursed in his heart as he was jealous of how Ryle became so close to Mia and especially Klyzer. 

', I really want to kill you if not for my father's warning I would have already killed you even though there is Keiji.' Ron thought as he remembered his father's words "I will kill you myself if you do anything that will harm Reign Scott or his friend." Ron shuddered and got chills when he remembered how his father said it to him and the expression he was making. 

The bloodshot eyes of his father and the words of his father talking about killing his own son made him think what or who Keiji was, and especially his father who never harmed or raise hands suddenly said that with killing intent. That was Ron's first time seeing his father act like that but he couldn't help but curse in his mind as he looked at Ryle who was the loser getting closer to the top beauties in the academy. 

Keiji just looked at them and let them decide what to do. He was uninterested about it. 

Mia and Klyzer looked around to find any one who could be their group mates. Their eyes then stop at the spot at the back where a girl with glasses was sitting at the back looking around worriedly as she was worried who her group would be. Mia and Klyzer looked at each other and nodded.

"Let's ask her," Mia and Klyzer both said as Mia pointed at the back where a purple haired girl wearing glasses had a purplish pupil. The girl's eyes were so bewitching and her eyebrows and when someone looked at her one sided she would be the most perfect girl but unfortunately half of her face was ruined by her burned skin and only the area around her eyes were not damaged while the other side were perfect and delicate.

The girl's arm was full of bandages and was like a mummy while she was wearing a long skirt and high stockings. Mia and Klyzer went towards her which made her heart beat raised. She was nervous when she saw that the top two beauties in her school which was known for their cold attitude and they were also included in the top 10 geniuses in the whole academy.

She didn't know what to do as she was also shy about her appearance. There are many peculiar things in this world and at first she thought that her appearance could be changed and reverted back to the original. She was once a top beauty in the academy but unlike the other her attitude was different and she was innocent and kind and because of that she was easily tricked. One day when she was invited by her fellow classmates they went to a place and tried to take advantage of her and do something hideous. 

They tried to gang rape her but she fighted back and accidentally killed one of her classmates. The family of her classmate resented her so much and was so angry. Not long after the incident her life took a turn and she got unlucky and many unfortunate things happened to her. Then one incident that made her almost fall was that when she got caught up with the fire and half of her body was burned. 

Her wounds was beyond cure by ordinary means but there are still hopes as humanity have gained some peculiar abilities. She tried to consult and paid a hefty sum for a human with a healing ability to heal her but no one seems capable of curing her. Her appearance was beyond fixable and was already permanent. Some theory said that it was not just a simple injury but a strong curse or something like that. 

She continued living like that and suffered by being an outcast and being bullied. Until now she was enduring all of those as miserable things continue to arise and occured on her life and now she was also nervous because of her bad luck that Mia and Klyzer was going after her. 

"Hey, I am Mia and this is Klyzer," Mia said cheerfully as she extended her hand towards Seraph.

"Uhm- I- Seraph," Seraph said as she reached Mia's hand. They performed a handshake and Klyzer also did the same. 

"Do you by any chance have a group?" Klyzer started speaking this time. 

"Me? Ah- no, I-I don't have one yet," she said as she was quite nervous talking to Klyzer and Mia. 

"Hey, don't be nervous, we're classmates after all," Mia said as she observed Seraph. 

"Uhm- O-ok," she said as she thought 'how could I not be nervous with you two around who was so cold at anyone.' 

"Then do you want to join our group?" Kkyzer spoke this time. 

"Really!? me?" Seraph ask and was quite nervous and countless thoughts resurfaced in her mind 'What if I did something wrong? What if I didn't meet their expectation? What if they failed because of my misfortune? What if they bullied me…'

"Yes, you, but if you don't want it's alright, and don't be nervous we are not some delinquents," Mia was also aware why Seraph would act like that and couldn't help but shake her head in his imagination.

"No no no no, I-I'll join," Seraph hastily said as she was afraid that they would misunderstood her words.

"Hmm, then welcome to our group," Mia said with a smile.

"Thanks," Seraph said and bowed to Mia. 

"Then let's go," Klyzer said while smiling.


They went towards Keiji and Ryle and sat beside each other. 

"Seraph this is Reign and Ryle the last two members of our group." Mia spoke to break the awkward silence of the group.

"Seraph I'm glad you're here," Ryle and Seraph know each other and they have already talked to each other because they were classmates. Unlike Mia and Klyzer who only talk with each other and sometimes with annoying boys. And it was their first time taking initiative talking with someone. 

"Oh Ryle, Thanks," Seraph was still nervous in front of three cold people in front of him but was a little relieved when she saw Ryle who she has known for quite a time.

Keiji didn't know what to say and only smiled at Seraph and nodded. Seraph also replied with a nod but was still nervous and she couldn't help but feel joy when Keiji smiled at her.

"Then let's talk about who will be the leader, what do you think of Ryle," Mia added.

"Ok, I suggest Keiji to be our leader," Ryle said. 

Mia then looked at Keiji before looking at Seraph before saying " Seraph what do you think? do you want to be the leader?"

"Me? leader, no no," Seraph waved her hand as she said those words.

"Ok then who wants to be a leader?" Mia then asked.

"I don't want to," Klyzer said.

"I also don't," Keiji answered. 

[A/N: Hey guys, I am going to stop writing for a month because of my school works, and I hope you all understand. ]

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