An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 The beginning of the decisive battle

“It’s an unprecedented force, Kujo.”

“After all, it’s the time when human beings live and die physically…”

“And I didn’t expect to see a day when human beings can eliminate disputes and work together…”

“Don’t make trouble…” Ian who floated into the Federal Space Force Central Command Room located in the center of the Federal Force Mobile Fortress “Heaven and Man” casually complained. “After this battle is over, it is estimated that you will start the security war again.”

Having heard Sergei mention Ian’s complaint about the content, Manegin suddenly revealed a constipation-like expression.

“I have already cooperated once, but will they turn back…this time they are in what name?”

“It’s still the old fashioned, opposing the colonization of the universe, the fusion of els, the cosmic people roll out of the earth, national independence, national opposition, tofu brain is sweet or salty, when the federal government loses a lot of combat power and is unable to suppress the overall situation, it wants to fight. They can think of any reason. This is human…”

Ian, this bb party looks at the piles of warships outside and it’s so cool…

“Although it is irresponsible to say that as a soldier, the current situation is that the life and death of human beings are pinned on Momentum. Everyone is fighting to delay time, waiting for Momentum that is most suitable for dialogue to wake up, and then engage in dialogue. If Setsuna does not wake up in time, Then everything will stop. With the EFF losing 60% as the limit, beyond this limit, I will go to talk.

Don’t look at me with this look, I am not suitable for dialogue, there is really only one moment that is really suitable for dialogue. That child is the only true and true highest-level changer who can be called the pure species. People like us are too mixed, and a trace of maliciousness will make the dialogue slide into the abyss of mutual destruction. ”

“I know, but I don’t know how long the fleet can last…”

“This is not something you should be thinking about, Lieutenant General Manegin, now this is all we can prepare. The rest, we can perform our duties. The battle is about to begin, let’s go back to Ptolemy. Up.”

“Okay, come back alive, Admiral Ian, Lieutenant General Kujo.”

“According to you, Lieutenant General Manegin. When did I get promoted again?”

“On the day you handed in the jump technique. By the way, I arranged two civilian drivers near Ptolemy. I remember you can know each other.”


“The Haruway couple.”

“…I know.”

5 minutes before the start of the battle, driving the newly designed support ma, the support aircraft mk2 merged with the Haruwes, Louis was driving a pink jadi Razak, and Shazi was driving a blue jadi Razak. .

“Ian Sang let’s help ”

“The two of you… There are not too many of you on this battlefield, not too much of you…”

“After all, we are talented people. In this case, we don’t want to watch Els rush down in despair on the earth. Moreover, Miss Marina is also here, and now the medical room is with me.”

“Hmph, do it with you, you are responsible for protecting Ptolemy, Mr. Sherman will use the bit to protect Ptolemy, be careful not to beat the bit down.”

“I know ”

Ian pushed the throttle valve and merged with up to 8 machines.

“Ladies, wait for this sleeping beauty to wake up now…”

“The time is up, the whole army, against the flash defense, the warships of the fleet, according to the predetermined plan, start the fusion bomb artillery operation.”

“Understand, the preparations for the launch of ultra-long-range missiles in each fleet are complete, and the loading of naval gun fusion bombs is complete.”

“Very well, the first wave of nuclear missile attacks on the ship has begun.”

“Missile, launch.”

“The nuclear missile reaches the detonation position, and the bomb detonates!”

A large flash of light was exposed from the opposite els cluster, and thousands of huge fireballs were left behind. After the fireballs dissipated, countless els were evaporated.

“The attack is effective!”

“Continue, the naval guns will start as scheduled!”

“Each ship, the fire control system is linked, and the shooting begins!”

Thousands of large-caliber turrets of the EFF burst into flames, and the shelling began.

Fusion cannonball explodes for another round. The huge fireball evaporated countless els. After 10 rounds of firing by the fleet, all the fusion bombs accumulated in recent years have been exhausted.

“Lieutenant General, fusion bombs, anti-matter bombs, and large missiles are exhausted.”

“I see, it’s still scheduled, each fortress, preparations for the launch of large particle cannons.”

“The particle cannon, the charge is complete.”

“The burst fire begins.”

“Understood, the shooting begins.”

2 of the 12 large fortresses, 4 on the “Heaven and Human” fortress, one on the “Heaven and Human”, 3 on the base of the “Wall of Sighs” and one on Ptolemy, a total of 33 huge fortresses The beams fired in the direction of the els mothership simultaneously. While destroying a large number of els, 33 holes were drilled in the els mothership.

“The attack is effective!”

“Large particle cannons step up to recharge! While the fleet is using particle cannons to attack, the ms team’s ma team is attacking at the same time, and the sweeping operation begins!


The fleets began to pour firepower on els. Faced with the els transformed into ms, ma, and battleships, the current EFF can exert its strength better than the soldiers of the investigation fleet.

“If it’s in that form, I still have a headache. If it’s ms…it can’t trouble me at all!” Patrick, who led the elite team, drove a fully armed up to mk7 into the enemy line, fully demonstrating his skills as an ace pilot .

On the other side, Ian led 7 Gundams to fight the fire everywhere. Wherever it was to be broken, Ian and others rushed over to annihilate the els group. In addition, several ace troops are also serving as firefighters. They are the ms teaching group composed of ace test pilots from various institutes led by General Makarov, the super troops led by General Sergey, and Brigadier General Graham. The courageous force led by Li Fengzi and the elite changer force led by Li Fengzi.

“The number is too much!” The two planes of Areluia and Mary shot past the enemy planes back to back. A total of 40 scissor bits released by the two planes guarded the two planes, cutting off nearby enemy planes, and rescuing the eroded ones. EFF ms.

“Don’t give up lightly!” Two 00 Gundam variants and enhanced wisdom angels of Neil Lair Ai Niu followed Alleluja closely, covering each other and sweeping els, and there were hundreds of them flying with them. Model bit.

“Why don’t I bring long-range weapons!” Michelle took a big sword and rushed up to cut off the ms of several els. The rotating turret on his shoulder automatically attacked the nearby els, and the gn fangs shot down the other ms.

“…” The dual-wielding Gatling fired small els, the knee-back cannon fired els large bodies and cruisers, and the shoulder turrets attacked the ms of the els, and took time to cover Michele and evade the enemy’s firing Tielia and John didn’t want to talk.

“…” Since the length of the new support aircraft mk2 has reached an astonishing 50 meters and the impact area is large, Ian has given up manual operation and used brain quantum waves to directly control the support aircraft. Therefore, the new support aircraft has 32 rifle bits. , Up 4 down 4 left 2 right 2 a total of 12 twin-mounted gn short rifles, 6 inducible gn particle cannons and 4 gn cannons cannons can be fully fired. Therefore, Ian, who has squeezed his abilities to the limit, has no time to speak up.

“The Shaybal is going to cover the Missouri.”

“The Torture class battleship formation shrinks, and your firepower density has dropped.”

Emperor and Manegin sit in the Celestial Fortress and command the fleet to fight.

“The tactics are meaningless…” Manegin couldn’t ignore the feeling of powerlessness in his heart. “Quantity determines all of this…”

“Don’t give up lightly.” The emperor sensed Ji You’s heart shake. “We were suppressed by your numbers in the last war, but we didn’t survive too.”

“Lieutenant General, 50% of the Vanguard Fleet ships are lost.”

“It’s only been 15 minutes since the start of the war…” Manegin gritted his teeth unwillingly. “The avant-garde fleet retreats while fighting the enemy, and rebuilds its formation with the Torment class and the Republic class as the core. What is the charging time of the large particle cannon?

“The Wall of Sighs and the Celestial Space have been charged, and Ptolemy is charged 25% and the other 55%.”

“Cut…The enemy strikes first, and the four charged stations fire at the following coordinates to inform the friendly forces to avoid the ray axis.”

“Understand, the ray axis is transmitted, and the blast begins!”

Four beams of light passed through the battlefield and hit the els mothership. The surface of the els mothership cracked 4 cracks, leaking some kind of light-emitting layer below, and refracted the four beams.


“They are also learning…”

“Fuck Nima, you can block the half-charged one, and 4 fully-charged ones are okay?!” Ian, who saw this scene, scolded his mother on the spot.

failed to hit the enemy, but hit his own morale.

With the end of these four beams, els changed into more cruisers and more ms, and the casualties of the EFF suddenly increased.

“Kujo, is there a reserve team?”

“In this case, there is no reserve team… Even Mirena and the 14-year-old super soldiers who played with her were sent out. No, there is a barely count. Ptolemy’s surrounding fleet shrinks. Toller Mi left the current front and entered the mobile combat mode. Ian, do you remember the “great Wednesday” battle you said, it’s time.”

“Understand, up to the whole machine, return to Ptolemy, combat missions to cover Ptolemy, combat methods, and adapt to changes. Risty, Lasse, Sherman, let’s get started.”

Ptolemy’s internal riser system is activated, and the ship’s inertial control system has the largest output. The 340-meter Ptolemy has demonstrated the maneuverability close to ma. Quickly broke into the enemy’s formation, cooperated with a support aircraft, 8 Gundams, 2 Jiadi Lassa, and hundreds of various types of bits around it quickly cleared the els.

“Ptolemy has this kind of performance?” Manegin looked at Ptolemy who was running around, only feeling the pain of the posterior molar.

“It won’t last long, and Risty’s physical strength can’t keep up for up to 20 minutes.”

“Lieutenant General, the Fourth Fleet has been breached!”

“The Seventh Fleet stepped forward to close the gap, and the Fourth Fleet retreated and reorganized its formation.”

“The battle loss reached 45% in 30 minutes of the war… Even if Ptolemy can buy a little time, Ian will have to talk to himself in 15 minutes at most… Instant…” The emperor looked at the instant that suddenly began to scream, his face showed. Worried expression.

Unlike the emperor, seeing Ian, who started screaming, showed a frenzied smile on his face, and the phobia sign on his forehead gleamed, “Neil, the command is over to you! Ptolemy slowed down and entered the torture class. The formation, I will wake up in an instant!” Then the support aircraft driven by Ian left the formation and began to burst into the enemy group in a fairly wild stance and fire. That stance changed from Halleluja to Hallelujah.

“Ian Sang? Piris!” The first sentence was still Arelujah, and the latter sentence became Hallelujah.

“Understand!” The two Geminis changed into ma form and caught up with the support aircraft, supporting Ian’s battle as a wingman. The sweep efficiency of the support aircraft has once again nearly doubled.

“Hey, these three people just left… I’m going to wake up in an instant? How did Ian Sang see it!”

“The Absolute Defense Line has been breached!” The screams of the correspondent rang in Manegin’s ears.

“Send the ms team to pursue” Manegin subconsciously gave the order.

“How can I let you pass!” Andrei Sminov led his team to chase after him. It was followed by the ms team led by Heli Sminov.

“Andre, Hurley!” Sergey, who had never made a mistake, left the front and opened Trans-Am and rushed towards his wife and children.

“Admiral Sminov! The whole team re-forms with me as the center to close the gap!” The officer of the super troops reacted instantly and took over the command. “Admiral Sminov…”

“I want to protect the citizens of the Federation, because I am a soldier of the Federation!” Andre’s team 3 gn Jesta blew up on the large els. Blew up large els.

“Andre!” The screams of Sergey and Hurley reached Ian.

“Huh? Sergey? Andre’s kid… Don’t scream.” Ian avoided the two beams and continued the sweeping operation, feeling the erratic consciousness of the moment. “The moment is yo, the original is dead. Neil, they will show you the way. Who will show you the way this time…”

“Father…mother, I’m not dead yet…” Andrei’s embarrassed voice reached Sergey and Hurley’s ears. It seems that the core cockpit compulsory ejection device of gn Jesta is working well… Although the three gn Jesta cockpits that have not been corroded have exploded, all have been ejected. UU reading

“It’s good if you don’t die…” Sergey turned the body and returned to the front. “It’s good if you don’t die…”

“Our team will **** you back to the Celestial Fortress.” Hurley led the team to **** his son’s cockpit to the fortress.

“Sorry for keeping everyone waiting.” 000q Gundam stood on Ptolemy’s catapult, and on the other side, is the 00 Gundam of Azadistan Royal Guard?

Ian returned to the sky over Ptolemy, “Is the driver Marina?”

“Well, when I was young, I was the MS driver of Azadistan, and then I became a princess after the country was reformed.”

“You’re handsome.” Lyle whistled, and was rewarded by Ai Niu’s body.

“Suna·F·Unvoiced, 000quantum high, leaving the ship.”

“Marina Ismail, 00 Gundam, leaving the ship.”

After taking off, I shot and exploded a fully armed els with a height of mk7. Ian looked at the 2000 men who were thrown out of the hole.

“He drove the first and last human MS that exploded. In an instant, you are really particular about it…”


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